Blood and Decay

Save's worst nightmare.

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Herein lies the realm of dreams, where dreamers who are scattered all over the world in the physical can come together in the mysterious world of dreams. Remember, unless one is a Dreamwalker, there is no control over dreams. Ever. Anything can happen, and by threading a dream, you are subject to whomever can walk dreams and the whims of Storytellers.

Blood and Decay

Postby Erosynielissave on February 8th, 2014, 12:13 am


1st of Winter 513AV

It was a beautiful crisp winter day in Nyka. Snow had danced its way to the ground the entire day. Save stood in the middle of the street smiling brightly as her gorgeous lover gracefully walked over to her, meeting her halfway. Save wasn't cold. In fact her body was flushed with heat like a normal human. Today was going to be perfect. Everything felt so right. Save ran into her Assilsa's arms and kissed her passionately. No venom. No worries. Just bliss. They began to walk down the street filled with busy patrons.

There was something that kept tugging at her attention. A little snake slithered around her ankle and hissed at her. Save hissed back before returning her full attention to the beautiful symenestra she had fallen in love with. But things quickly changed. The street had inexplicably become empty. The expression of love became an expression of fear and pain. Assilsa opened her mouth as if to warn her about some unseen danger but no words came out. No sound was made. A warm sticky like substance covered Save's hands as she watched Assilsa collapse onto the ground bleeding profusely. The sound of her own scream echoed throughout the streets shattering the icy silence. Silsa's body shriveled up and faded into nothingness.

"Silsa!" Hot tears of rage stung her cold cheeks as laughter followed her scream. Save tensed her muscles ready to attack, frantically searching for its source.
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Ero's thoughts.

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Last edited by Erosynielissave on February 8th, 2014, 2:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Blood and Decay

Postby Annalisa Marin on February 8th, 2014, 12:46 am

Anna was on her knees, her eyes down cast as she knew she was unworthy to look upon the presence before her. His eyes held not judgment, she knew that, but still he was far more than she would ever be and could every hope to become. His presence filled the alley, power radiating from the nameless shadow as flickering eyes gazed down upon her. She knew him, yet she did not know him, his name both engrained in her being and escaping her mind at the same time. Nonetheless, he was still better than her and was worthy of her respect even if she couldn't look at him or know him. She felt this instinctually.

"Go now, give her sorrow and twist her. Make her yours." The specter said, fading from sight.

Annalisa Marin stood to her full six foot height, black robes wrapped around her body and her visage the very picture of immaculate. He had wanted this of her, to take happiness and make it sorrow and though she did not know him she obeyed. She watched from the alley as the two lovers entwined with each other, amusement tugging at her lips and also some emptiness filling her stomach. She was envious of that passion, that love and wanted to see it destroyed. She wanted to be the target of one's affection, to fill her needs and wants.

Her grey eyes glared out from the shadows, res rising from her eyes to grant her rage born of emptiness a mystical edge. She wanted every movement and as she did her own pain deepened but she didn't know why she was feeling this. Why did this sight so irk her? Why did rage bubble up within her at this affectionate display?

Her anger reached unreal levels, she wanted the serpent like girl for herself and to herself. She wanted to actually feel something, anything besides just this petching emptiness. She needed to feel something besides this feeling eating away at her from this inside out. First things first, the spare had to be disposed of. She didn't quite register creating a shard of ice or sending it to the other woman, but she did view the results. The other woman shriveled away to nothingness and the other let out a cry of loss and pain.

An amused chuckle escaped Anna's pale lips as she strode out from the shadows of the alley. Her robe was made of the finest black silk and trimmed with purple, her long black hair was clean and smooth, bound back into a ponytail. Sandals made from fine leather adorned her feet, her finger and toenails manicured and clean. Grey eyes raked the surviving woman with a hint of something sinister behind them.

"Well now, isn't that sad? Poor little Sub-Human, stolen away from the arms of her lover. Such a pity to see really, don't worry though dear, you deserve someone not so easily stolen from you. You look so beautiful, I think I'll take you for my own." Anna said, her voice like smooth honey and purple res being drawn from her hands.

She held her arms open wide, looking rather like she was inviting the woman into them but the res certainly looked threatening. A cruelly sweet smile played at her lips, her grey eyes playing over her form with a sadistic light in her eyes. Anna wanted that feeling, even if she needed to steal it from this woman by force.
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Blood and Decay

Postby Erosynielissave on February 8th, 2014, 2:12 am


Save's eyes locked onto the source of laughter. An inhuman sound of pure rage escaped her as the hatred of this unknown being consumed her, clouding her already irrational judgement. Without her willing it, her nails became hardened claws and her human canines became full length fangs full of her venom. This wasn't possible, not in her human form, but Save didn't think about that. All she could see was this woman dressed in a black robe, and all she could think was that she needed to taste her blood after crushing her bones to dust.

"You bitch!" She spat out curses in her native tongue as she lunged towards this woman, still covered in the blood of her now dead lover. Why! Why in Caiyha's name did that beautiful creature have to die?

The world around her blurred. All she saw was red. All she wanted to see was this human dead. Assilsa was more than just a sub-human. This woman was going to regret everything. Once again she had that nagging feeling that something was off, but the rage had consumed her and nothing was going to stop her.

Rip. Shred. Destroy. Kill. Destroy. Rip. Kill. Shred. Save had become a savage animal on an uncontrollable rampage, charging at the woman that killed her mate. It wasn't a long distance to cover, especially since she was a little faster than humans. She lunged fangs bared and claws ready, aiming for her neck or chest. Aiming for an almost instant kill. Save wanted this bitch to suffer for as long as possible. Nothing would get in her way. At least that's what she thought.

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Ero's thoughts.

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Blood and Decay

Postby Annalisa Marin on February 8th, 2014, 3:27 am

Anna watched as she let out an inhuman howl of rage and anger, her amused smirk still firmly on her face as the woman changed and grew fangs and claws right before the Sorceress' very eyes. The tall woman gazed down pityingly at the young Viper Dhani, who snarled in rage and loss. The Sorceress loved this reaction, this hatred and loathing directed towards her and the Chaos this creature could certainly bring. She just needed to be tamed properly, a beast she was for the moment and an undisciplined one. First things first through, she needed to slow the woman down.

Res generation was completely effortless, as easy and quick as breathing to Annalisa even in the real of the waking. Purple liquid seeped from her feet and bled into the ground subtly as the woman lunged for her. Anna stomped upon the ground, willing a combination of transmutation and attraction to occur. Hands and arms of earth reached up from the ground like the dead reaching from the grave and moved to restrain the crazed woman she approached their mistress. They proved to be slightly too slow as the Dhani would find her claws rake into Anna's right arm, a wicked gash forming there.

The Sorceress cried out in pain and regarded the Dhani with enraged cold grey eyes, clutching the wound where her own crimson blood dripped through her fingers. The precious lifeblood dripped to the ground at her feet, reminders that this woman was not to be underestimated. The wound appeared shallow at first glance but Anna figured it might be best to wrap it as soon as she could properly restrain her prize. She allowed her smirk to return to her face as she regard the Dhani Viper.

"You should really be thanking me girl, she was weak. A nothing, a speck beneath my notice or yours. A little toy that broke far too easily. You though... you are strong. Or rather you will be once I have finished with you." Anna said, her tone still bearing that sickly sweet lilt to it.

The Sorceress would will the arms and hands to push the Dhani woman against the wall if they had indeed succeeded in capturing her fully in their grasp, chuckling haughtily all the while as she herself was wrapped in a protective cloud of purple res. Her own Djed was warped and twisted with little care to the loss to her own spirit or life. She was a Master of the Elements, they answered her call at her will.

The tall woman would regard her wound again and laugh slightly, clutching it again to stem the flow of blood to some degree. It was merely physical pain, she had lasted longer against scars placed on her mind. Besides, her flesh could heal given enough time, she was here to ensure that this Dhani's mind did not recover. No she had further reason to make this creature suffer for daring to lay her claws upon the person of Annalisa Marin.

If she had been successful in restraining the Viper she would will the earth to constrict painfully around her. Grey eyes filled with vindictive mirth, her tongue peeking out from her lips to lick at her wound. Metallic flavor bit at her taste buds as her vital fluids dripped down her throat smoothly. She imagined she looked quite the intimidating sight, mad perhaps.

"You hurt me. I can't say I take to kindly to that, m'dear, especially when I'm only trying to help you. Weakness is like a tumor, it needs to be cut off before it can weaken the rest of the body. That Sub-Human was one such tumor, and I severed her for you. Now look at you, enraged and ready to kill. You are much, much stronger now. Quite the monster that weakling would think you no doubt. I imagine villages taking up torches and pitchforks at the sight of you." Anna said, her words designed to twist at the Dhani's heart and take some of the fight from her.

She was still smirking that same arrogant smirk though it all, the emptiness still growing steadily inside her and telling her she needed this woman. She needed her far more than that other woman had, that if she didn't have her then the void inside would just continue to grow and grow. She was afraid of that, of what would happen when it got too big.
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Blood and Decay

Postby Erosynielissave on February 8th, 2014, 4:07 am


She was fast but not fast enough to escape the clutches of the earthen arms that seized her, not before she managed to claw the womans arm. The smell of warm blood only fueled her frenzy but she had been restrained against a wall. She struggled futilely as the woman insulted Assilsa. Save couldn't find the words in the common tongue to retaliate. It was useless.

"You hurt me. I can't say I take to kindly to that, m'dear, especially when I'm only trying to help you. Weakness is like a tumor, it needs to be cut off before it can weaken the rest of the body. That Sub-Human was one such tumor, and I severed her for you. Now look at you, enraged and ready to kill. You are much, much stronger now. Quite the monster that weakling would think you no doubt. I imagine villages taking up torches and pitchforks at the sight of you." As she spoke those last words, villagers of all ages emerged from alleys and buildings with torches, pitchforks and any other weapon they could find.

" I'm not a monster! i'M NOT A MONSTER!" Her cold heart raced, pounding hard against her chest as if trying to beat its way out. Save tried to shift, but she couldn't. She was stuck in this half morphed form. Claws, fangs, and serpentine pupils. She hissed at the villagers struggling and thrashing about desperate for freedom.Save stared into those cold grey eyes, her own dark green filled with the purest hatred.

"What in the name of Caiyha could you, a heartless pathetic meat sack, want with me, a powerful child of Siku?" The jeers of the villagers growing louder as the crowd got closer and closer. Her hatred and rage slowly melting into fear and panic.

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Ero's thoughts.

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Blood and Decay

Postby Annalisa Marin on February 8th, 2014, 4:53 am

Anna glanced over her shoulder and noted with amusement a crowd gathering from the streets and alleyways, smirking cruelly at the bound Dhani that was now within her grasp. Excellent, it was all going so very well and her captive now saw the face of the masses, those who would condemn this powerful new face. It was time to start molding the woman, she had snatched power away from her and stolen her lover from her grasp. Now it was time to direct her rage, that madness that laid just under the surface of her mind waiting to be unleashed upon the world. All she needed to down was twist the blade home.

Anna boldly stalked up to the woman, tracing a finger up and down her thigh while leaning in close to the Dhani. Her tone sounded as smooth as ever, her little injury forgotten and pushed to the back of her mind as being a mere after thought. There was Rhysol's work to be done with this woman, a corruption and twisting of her life. It was always so very thrilling to carry out his will, but even that did not fill the void inside her. She needed this woman, needed her more than a starving man needed food. Anna needed to drown herself in that same pleasure her and her companion had been enveloped in.

"I merely want to open your eyes, to show you what is really out there and the truth of the world itself. You try to avenge your lover and look what happens. 'Monster' they jeer and cry, 'beast', 'animal'. They see your strength, my dear, and it frightens them. They, like your lover, see a creature worthy of only an animal's death. Not me though, no, I see you as being something so much more. You just need to open your eyes and see what I do." Anna whispered, her tone husky.

The tall woman drew back from Ero, turning to face the crowd and making certain that her wounded arm was fully displayed before her. She needed to give her something other than her to vent her rage and anger on, a group and these poor fools just so happened to be in the right place at the right time. Now to rile up their ignorant anger and turn it upon the glorious creature she held captive.

"This beast killed a poor young woman and attacked me! She's a monster, I say kill her now!" She cried out, gesturing to the bound Dhani.

Her declaration was met with cheers by the crowd, who waved about their weapons and torches to Anna's amusement. The tall Sorceress herself entered into the crowd, sparing a backward glance to Ero and an arrogant smirk being flashed her way. Anna vanished herself from the Dhani's sight, ducking into the shadows of an alleyway and leaning against a nearby wall. Her gaze flicked to the scene beyond.

The villagers were slowly advancing on Ero, holding their weapons out before them and screaming various curses and obscenities at her. She was helpless for all intents and purposes, still bound to the wall by Anna's constructs of earth. It looked like this might very well be where the Dhani would find her end, death by the rage of an angry mob of scared and ignorant villagers.

Suddenly however, she would find the earthen bonds release her and allow her to move again. She was still surrounded by the Villagers, who looked at her with widened fear filled eyes now. They would appear much less certain, smaller and weak and their resolve shaken by their feared monster not being quite so securely bound. Ero was free now, and it was obvious that fact was met by fear being reversed on the Villagers.

From the shadows of an alleyway a pair of cold grey eyes watched with hidden amusement, and a cruel smile crept over pale lips. The void in her still grew, but she was getting closer to filling it that much was certain in her mind.
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Blood and Decay

Postby Erosynielissave on February 8th, 2014, 6:29 am


This filthy wench dared to touch her. If she wasn't restrained she would kill her right here and now. Save hissed and spit in her face. That cruel smile was more than a taunt. It was an insult. The woman turned to the crowd making sure her injury was seen. Assilsa's body reappeared on the ground in front of them.

"This beast killed a poor young woman and attacked me! She's a monster, I say kill her now!" The woman cried out to the growing crowd of self righteous meat sacks.

Save roared in anger. The woman escaped her on top of humiliating her and allowing humans to come after her. Slowly her restraints loosened and vanished.

"Get back!" She took a step towards the humans, many of which stepped back in return. But there is always that one human....that one that tries to be a hero.

An overly confident human boy charged at her with a pathetic looking dagger. She blinked and she stood several feet above the now terrified humans. Her claws and fangs full length. Her skin thick and covered in tough scales. Her instincts took over and she lunged easily dodging his tiny blade. The force of her lunge with her massive body sent the young lad flying into another wall snapping his neck. The mob of terrified villagers took a stand and all started towards her. Save easily knocked them away with her powerful tail. Hissing loudly she struck again biting a woman a few feet away from her and crushing another with her bare hands. The scent of blood and fear was acting like an aphrodisiac. She needed more. Wanted more.

The humans started to scatter and run, dropping and tripping over their torches and weapons. With a chuckle, Save resumed her human form and started throwing torches into buildings catching them on fire. Throwing daggers and pitchforks impaling the humans. Everyone who dared hurt her, who dared to hurt Assilsa while she still lived, who mocked them, treated them like trash, everyone had to die. Save was a dangerous viper on a rampage fueled by hatred. Blood flowed like rivers staining walls and the streets. Mangled bodies lay limply all over the place. Groans from the dying served as an ominous warning to any who dare challenge her now. There was nothing left to lose. She was no longer Caiyha's dhani.

A moan of ecstasy escaped her as she snapped the neck of a dying child after ripping the throat of its mother out with her teeth. With blood soaking her blouse and staining her skin, she yelled as loud as her lungs would allow:
"Is this what you wanted? Is this what you wanted from me?" Save looked around for that horrible reimancer. She hoped she had killed the bitch but her luck was never that good. She closed her eyes and tried to find the scent of that evil woman but the scent of blood was too strong. Amazing. Erotic. Almost hypnotic.

Save had given in to the very person she had never wanted to be. To the very person she was hiding from everyone including herself.

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Ero's thoughts.

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"Ero's Speech!"
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Blood and Decay

Postby Dallen on February 8th, 2014, 10:32 am

In the smoky haze of an unknown forest, Dallen drifted, walking with no pattern or purpose. Orbs of golden light hovered around his shoulders, and the resulting light was enough to light up the dense fog. The trees were tall and black, with few branches until about twenty feet up. One of the lights, with a great cacophony of the sound of ringing bells, exploded into sparks, which flew through the fog of Dallen's dreamworld, forming a path. Curious about where this glittering trail of light might lead him, Dallen shrugged and started ambling down the path given to him. A broken, moss-covered wall of granite loomed above him, with a crack the size of a man at the base. Unnatural light shone into Dallen's forest, and striding forward, with a bright flash, Dallen found himself in an unknown city, being witness to a sight horrific.

Some twenty to thirty people were being goaded on by what seemed to be a magician, for the intent of killing a restrained Dhani. Grimace on his face, Dallen watched as an orb of golden light turned dark crimson, and the earthen arms restraining the snake-woman rumbled back into the ground. The dhani freed, the people were hesitant to approach, but a young man, only four years Dallen's junior it seemed, charged the dhani. Dodging his feeble strike, she whipped him into a wall, breaking his neck. Scattering, the mob was killed by various projectiles, thrown by the dhani. She threw a few torches into the open windows and doors of several buildings, setting them ablaze unnaturally quickly. As she soaked herself in blood, she looked up, presumably talking to the mage, and said, "Is this what you wanted? Is this what you wanted from me?" Stepping gingerly out of the Dhani's field of vision, the werelight's crimson tinge faded, now a deep obsidian. Cursing himself for a fool, Dallen thought, Idiot. The crimson wasn't for the dhani... The crimson was for the village. Backing into an alleyway, where he could observe the spectacle unharmed, he felt a presence that made him shiver, and looking behind him, saw the mage. The dark obsidian orb shivered, and with a burst of flame, grew until it was the size of Dallen's head. At the center of the black murkiness, there was a tiny pinpoint of light, which grew with every second. Returning its original light to itself, the light was soon again a bright orb, but the orb seemed more.... vibrant somehow.

Looking once again at the mage, Dallen asked, "Now, miss, I don't know why you're skulking in the shadows, after inciting a mob to kill that poor Dhani, but I don't think it's anything good. You may be a mage, but it's my duty as a human being to see this madness cease." Keeping the cold, detached look on his face, Dallen continued. "So, if I have to ask you or tell you, my one demand is this." Eyes flashing an even brighter blue, Dallen, filled with a cold conviction, said, "STOP."

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Blood and Decay

Postby Annalisa Marin on February 9th, 2014, 5:22 am

A savage grin curled up Anna's face as she watched her target carry out the brutal slaughter, grey eyes gleaming and the mark of crimson over her heart pulsing erotically. The chaos was intoxicating and it was amazing what just a few spoken words could do to awaken the spark inside of them. She had done this, she had enforced Rhysol's chaos upon this little city and tipped the woman over then edge with just a careless murder and a few words. She worshiped him on this holy sight that was filled with blood and carnage and regret, felt his name resound in her heart and his truth filling the void inside her.

Anna moved to step from the shadows when suddenly another individual appeared, this one possessing an orb of some kind nearby. He sounded so genuine as he told her to stop, telling her to stop this glorious chaos and stop corrupting this woman. She nearly laughed out loud at his declaration, amused beyond belief that someone could make so foolish a command of her. She bore the blessing of Rhysol upon her flesh, his heart swelled with his truth and his power. What could this insect have compared to that? Nothing.

She strode boldly from the darkness, her eyes falling upon the man first with a coldness lying within them. Her smirk was not a kind one by any stretch of the imagination. When she spoke her tone was as smooth as honey but bore an undercurrent o the coldest frost to it. She would sound mocking and amused in a certain cruel way.

"Stop? Who are you to command me to stop? I answer to a power far higher than your little insect head can possibly imagine and I do his work here tonight. Open your ears and perhaps you might learn the true power of the Defiler." Anna stated, turning her attention to her true target.

Her expression had softened, grey eyes losing their chill and her smirk becoming less arrogant and more sympathetic. She would slowly stride closer to the woman, unafraid and unmoved by the scene of carnage that surrounded her. She looked at ease and calm in any sense of the word, walking with no defense towards a creature that could very well kill her with so much ease.

"Such carnage, such bloodshed, all done so wantonly. I wonder what your pretty little lover would think if she could see you now, the blood of a mother on your lips with the death of a child in your hands. A precious bond severed so easily and with as much care from you as one might give to a pair of ants under your heel. As far as the rest of the world is concerned... you might as well be the monster you appear to be." Anna said, her words sweet in tone but biting in content.

"Could anyone accept someone like you? Could anyone open their arms to you when you have committed crimes so high to have no measure? You might be surprised to know the answer is yes, that some could accept what you are." Anna continued.

"I was much like you once, unenlightened and alone in a world so hostile to one like me. I was dead on the inside because when I showed strength others viewed me as being a monster. Someone came to me however, when everything was at its darkest. Someone came and showed me that what I had done was to elevate myself above those who were weak." Anna said.

Her words her impassioned but the content was sympathetic and was designed to draw the woman in when her heart was filled with sorrow. She had broken her down now she needed to give her a sliver to cling to, to climb out of the depths of despair and hopelessness. Anna felt so much more full with each word, but it still wasn't enough. She needed this woman, she needed her flesh, her scent, everything about her.

"Rhysol. He came to me, a god of mercy cloaked in night. He told me that I was strong, and I tell you the same thing here. You are strong, my dear, so very strong. You can be even stronger, you can become stronger than even I. Accept him into your heart, know him, love him, and he will grant you acceptance where others might scorn you." Anna said, reaching out her unmarred hand.

"I can show you the way, if you let me. I can show you salvation. All you need do, is take my hand." Anna offered.
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Blood and Decay

Postby Erosynielissave on February 9th, 2014, 6:00 am


Save let out a cry of rage that quickly became a cry of defeat. She slowly fell to her knees, tears flowing rapidly down her frozen face. Assilsa would could never love a monster such as her. She didn't belong with humans and she was a disgrace to the dhani race.

Save was spiraling downward into a never ending black hole of despair and self loathing. The world began to fade and shift into a hellish storm. Save was just about to give in to the darkness when the reimancer appeared before her. She spoke of understanding her pain and enlightenment. She was offering a way to help her. The very woman that exposed her own weaknesses that she struggled with all her life. A way out. A way to stop the growing abyss in her heart.

"I can show you the way, if you let me. I can show you salvation. All you need do, is take my hand." The woman offered her hand out to Save. Without realizing it, Save accepted the woman's hand, slowly returning to her feet.

"Save me. Show me the way and lead me to salvation." Save had nothing left to give.
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