Location Welcome Center and Employment Office

Looking for a steady income job? Apply here!

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Serynia on February 10th, 2014, 7:55 am

72nd day of Winter, 513 A.V.

Serynia woke up from her dreamless slumber in her room at the Traveler's Row feeling refreshed. Now that she had a place to stay, the next step would be finding a job. If she was to make her way to Sahova in the spring to avenge her mother's death by killing the Nuit that had slain her, she would need gold mizas to buy a horse and supplies.

When she made her way inside the employment office, she could see that there was already a line starting to form. She took one of the papers by the entrance and a quill and filled it out.

Name: Serynia
Race: Konti
Age: 25
Relevant Skills: Healing Gnosis mark, Competent Proficiency in Medicine, Novice in Herbalism and Philtering
Preferred Employment: Healer or Herbalist
Expected Stay In Syliras: Until the end of this season or possibly longer

Serynia then patiently waited in line until her turn came. She presented her filled out paper to the secretary and said, "I'm hoping you have an open position for a healer or herbalist."
Last edited by Serynia on February 15th, 2014, 8:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Ronan Dugal on February 11th, 2014, 12:59 am

Winter, 2nd, Year 513
Early morning

Ronan had always been a morning person, having learned from experience that other people are sometimes as keen in the morning as he was and it made for good, early trading. Usually, the prices only went up to above average once the general populace started waking up. The employment office was rather empty on this cold morning and Ronan was glad to get out of the chill winds outside. Even with his Avanthal snow experiences Ronan found the Syliran snow just a touch too low temperature for his liking.

Dressed in a long, thick winter cloak and rather plain looking clothes underneath, the young man looked around the room. His long black hair was tied neatly in a ponytail high on the back of his head and a strand or two fell down from his forehead, cutting through the rather handsome features the young man had been naturally gifted with. He rubbed his hands together in the relative warmth of the room and tested his earlobes and nose to make sure they were still there. Then he walked further in the room.

Unlike 99 percent of the people who came in the office, Ronan ignored the parchments of paper that were to be filled in in order to get a job and walked straight for the counter, where he addressed the person sitting behind it. "Good morning." He spoke with a clear voice and perhaps a little touch of early morning happiness in his words. "I'm looking to post up a job offer for the good people of Syliras who have the required skills. Who can I give this to in order to reach all those job hunters out there?" Ronan smiled and pulled out a carefully folded parchment, unfolding it before turning it towards the person behind the counter.

Dear Sylirans

Is the hunt going well this season? Are you sitting on pounds of hunting trophies and resources? Are you having trouble selling all your goods? Don't fret. Ronan Dugal is looking for every pound of fur, antler, meat, wolf's tooth or bear paw you can get for him.

Ask for Ronan Dugal in the Rearing Stallion in the early evenings for more information.

Thank you for your time and good luck with your hunt.
Ronan Dugal

He gently placed the note on the counter in front of the person and smiled. "It is my understanding that the employment office works both ways, correct?" He let go of the parchment and waited for the person to finish reading it and grace him with a, hopefully, positive answer.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Win on February 11th, 2014, 7:15 pm


73rd of Winter, 513 AV

Win had taken his time after entering the Main Gates, exploring the sprawling city. It was like nothing he had ever seen. It would take a long time to discover everything the city had to offer, and time was something he had a lot of.

Making his way back to the Welcome Center the kind knights had pointed him to, the tiny man of clay began to wonder how in the world he was going to open the enormous doors. However, he was shocked when he saw a small, Pycon-sized door within the base of the main door. Flattered, Win clutched the thumbtack sized handle and entered the building.

The secretary, being quite perceptive, noticed Win the moment he entered, something he was unaccustomed to from the large-folk.

"Ah, good day, sir! How can I help you?"

"Well, I could use a job, and I suppose, a place to live," Win said, closing the tiny door behind him.

The chipper woman pointed him to the stack of papers on the table to his left. Before she could ask if he needed assistance, the young Pycon took out his Py-pole, and with a graceful motion, vaulted up to the base of the nearby chair, then climbed the rest of the way up to the tabletop. Clutching the pen with both hands, Win filled out his paperwork and took it cheerfully to the smiling secretary.

Name: Win
Race: Pycon
Age: 1
Relevant Skills: Agile, Stealthy, Loves Adventure
Preferred Employment: Acrobat
Expected Stay In Syliras: At least a year, maybe more!
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Accolade on February 16th, 2014, 2:37 am


Trega was at the start of another day of work and helping the people of Syliras in finding jobs. It was a rewarding task, and it was rare that she couldn't place a person with a job. This day, so far, had been a good one and she was making quick work and moving the line along. "Serynia?"

She called to the next woman to step up. "These are very good skills girl, I think you should find work easily at the Soothing Waters or the Stormhold Salves. Which would you prefer?"

Ronan Dugal

It was more often than people realized when merchants and others entered the employment office and left listings for people to contact them. When Ronan arrived, he was met with a kind smile and a nod. Trega looked over the parchment and agreed. "I will place this up here and advise any and all hunters to seek you out."


Trega watched the tiny pycon, as he tried to handle the parchment and write on it. If she had known that he was coming, she could have made him up a smaller sheet, but she didn't know and the office was too busy to do it now. Once he returned, she looked over the sheet and back to him. "As far as getting a home, you'll need to consult the housing authority, but for a job I can help. Going by your ..skill? I think you might try work as busker."
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Serynia on February 16th, 2014, 8:07 am

When Serynia heard her name called by Trega, she quickly stepped forward. In answer to the secretary's question she replied, "I would prefer to be a healer at the Soothing Waters. Thank you very much ma'am!"

A feeling of relief and excitement flooded her. She would be able to use her healing gifts from Rak'keli in a meaningful way to help others as well as earn enough mizas to support herself. She couldn't wait until the first the day of work.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Accolade on February 20th, 2014, 10:09 pm


Trega smiled and took the parchment to file it away with the others behind her desk. "Good, you can head on over when you're ready, the staff there know me very well and will be receiving a notice."
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Sterling Theron on March 2nd, 2014, 1:31 am

Spring 10 514

Sterling hesitantly walked from his observation corner just inside the city gates to the large stone building housing the offices of employment. He had made it so long on his own in this city he could hardly believe he was actually coming here to look for work. After a moment of hesitation and embarrassment Sterling opened the large thick-wooded door and entered the musty interior.
He noticed the secretary sitting behind the desk and overenthusiastically strode up to her to check in.

"Good morning" she said in a pleasent tone.

"Good morning... I uh was hoping I could apply for some work in the city."

The receptionist nodded knowingly and indicated a large stack of papers on the desk. Sterling nodded and handed the woman his own resume listing the skills he felt would allow him the best job prospects. His heart sank a little when she placed it at the bottom of the large stack she was currently working on. Sighing to himself he found a secluded place near the back wall of the waiting room where he sat till he was called to the front.
Left to his own thoughts Sterling began asking himself again why he needed to be there. He felt like he knew all of the shopkeepers and craftsman in the city, but since he was so aloof from socializing until recently he doubted anyone would actually know who he was. Hence his need of the employment office. He stood and paced the floor for a moment, wishing he was outside rather than stuck in here, then found a place to sit down again and calm himself.
Its just for a season or two he reminded himself. Just until I have enough to make a long trip.

Name: Sterling Theron
Race: Human
Age: 21
Relevant Skills: Medicine novice, Longbow novice, Wilderness survival novice, Herbalist novice, Lore knowledge of Human Anatomy/Physiology, Lore knowledge of Sylira Geography.
Preferred Employment: Wilderness guide, Medicine
Expected Stay In Syliras: Until the end of this season or possibly longer
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Accolade on March 4th, 2014, 3:44 am


Trega was busy as always setting up jobs for the people, as well as keeping the office cleanish and mostly neat. The next man to step up was polite as some were, but it was a manner that never grew old with her. When it was his turn, she looked over his sheet and read his skills set.

"For what you have written down, you could take a job as either and do well here. Which would you prefer?"
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Radiant on March 10th, 2014, 8:44 pm

Sterling, you can go ahead and respond to Acco's last post, I will respond to your next reply.
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Nayato on March 16th, 2014, 4:47 am


1st Day of Spring , 514AV
(9th Bell- Morning)

It didn't take much for him to brush aside the fact that he needed income; even if he found heading to the temple to to pray higher on his priority list. However, since the office of Employment was so close he felt the need to enter the building. Once inside, the obsidian eyed man who's face was covered in elaborate black paint running horizontally across his eyes spotted a stack of papers other people were picking up and picked one up himself.

    Name: Nayato

    Race: Chaktawe

    Age: 32 Summers

    Relevant Skills: I am competently skilled in the use of a Short Bow and utilizing Wilderness Survival.

    Preferred Occupation:
    To offer help and protection to those who need to venture out into the wilds as a Wilderness Guide.

    Expected Stay In Syliras: Spring and possibly summer

He filled the paper out slowly before taking it to the secretary. He had the look of a man who had seen far too many desert summers as his clothing consisted of sand worn beige goatskin pants, only wearing a long wool coat which covered his shoulders. His feet only clad in simple shoes made of soft leather deerskin. Lifting his hands to button up his coat to seem less scantly clad.
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