Flashback (The Courtyard in the Sky) Somersaults in the Snow(Drusilla)

Turrin meet a Symenestra in the Courtyard of the Sky

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

(The Courtyard in the Sky) Somersaults in the Snow(Drusilla)

Postby Turrin on November 10th, 2013, 5:09 am

Turrin laughed at Drusilla's comment and said with smile, “Well, I am kind of baby when it comes to small injuries.” Suddenly Kaya snorted out loud and said off offhandedly, “That is the understatement of year, Turrin. Dru listen to this one.” Kaya turned to the Symenestra and sat cross legged on the cushion chair, “One day my brother and I decided to go swimming lake near the city of Taloba, and my genius brother over here decided to try catch fish with his hands by one of the creeks.” Shaking his head, Turrin leaned his head back against the wall and listened to his sister tell a embarrassing story about him in silence.

Kaya stood up in the chair and started to act out the scene, “For fifteen chimes, I watched my brother jump, splash and dive into the muddy water to catch a fish. When he finally gave up trying to alert the entire jungle to our presence. I noticed that he was covered head to toe in baby leaches.” Turrin shuddered in horror at the thought of the tiny bloodsuckers. It was one of the only animals that he was afraid off. Kaya laughed out loud and continued, “My brother was so thick, he though they were just dark mud until I pulled on off his nose. When he realized what they were. He shrieked like a monkey and ran home to mother crying.” Turrin's twin gave her a look and said with a smile, “You should have seen the horrified look on my mother's face, but my father Marak must have laughed for five chimes straight. In the end, father and mother made him pick them off himself as a lesson to be careful where you play in the jungle.”

Turrin shuddered to himself and said with some red in his cheeks, “It took me a bell to pull all of them off me!" Turrin gave Drusilla a wink and said with a pout, "By the bosom of Myri, why did you have to tell her my greatest fear, Kaya?” His sister raised a eyebrow and scolded him, “Don't disrespect Myri bother!...Besides a female should always have advantage over a male.” Immediately, Turrin went wide eyed and look sheepishly at the floor, “Sorry sister.” Kaya gave him a look and said softly, “Don't apologize to me. Apologize to our goddess.” Turrin nodded to her, closed his eyes, and said a soft prayer to Myri. Kaya looked at Drusilla and said with a smile, “Sorry Drusilla.” After his prayer to his goddess, Turrin looked at his sister with respect since she still had the higher authority over him in their home. Wanting to know more about her homeland, Turrin looked at Drusilla and asked with a smile, “So do you have any interesting stories about your family or Kalinor?” Kaya smiled at her and said excitingly, “I could only imagine what it is like in your city. Can you climb walls without a rope?”
Last edited by Turrin on February 12th, 2014, 4:02 am, edited 3 times in total.
Myrian, Common, Nari , Aponivi, Turrin

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(The Courtyard in the Sky) Somersaults in the Snow(Drusilla)

Postby Drusilla on December 3rd, 2013, 5:15 pm

Drusilla sat and listened to the story quietly and somewhat confused, "This may sound dumb but what are leeches? Some kind of fish? Or a plant? And a jungle... How does it differ from a forest? Don't they both consist of trees?" These were things she had never heard of. Whatever these leeches were, they sounded dreadful. It was at this point her imagination began to run wild, conjuring up gruesome monsters that went by the name of leeches. They hid silently in the water and wrapped themselves around you. In her mind the leeches became more and more snake like, only gooier and slimier. Drusilla's already enlarged pupils became even larger at these thoughts.

"O-oh, Kalinor. Well, it's a cave. A really big cave." Duh! They know that.. "Our roadways are strands of silk woven into ropes, different colors mean different roadways. Red are common roads,Black cords are the route for people carrying goods. Houses made of clay hang like cocoons. Some buildings are made of these big rocks called....um..stalactite! That's it! Stalactite! Our houses have floors covered in bits of fabric, some I even made. We sleep in these niches in the walls, the only real furniture we have is a table and chairs. There not really much light there, I guess I always thought it was okay because I can see in the dark. But step out into the sunlight for the first time and you realize it's dark down there!" This came from personal experience learning what light really was."We have some lights, not many but some like torches and these pretty stones called opalgloams. They glow! I kinda miss the gloams... The city was premade with the thinking the population would be bigger so half the homes are empty and made fun hideouts!"

"But the real thing Kalinor is known for is the art of weaving! Our school The weft and Warp is the best there is. Fabric is very important in everyday life our homes are full of it instead of furniture and it is common practice to wrap ones body in fabric, it counters out us having such fragile frames."

"You wouldn't like our food no non-Symenestra really do. Most is liquid or a pulpy mixture mostly plant based. Most common is Bruka a blood based porridge type food. I can cook it but you wouldn't like it much... We blend fruits into desserts. We don't get much dairy... Maybe that's why our bones are so frail?"

"That's about it for Kalinor..." Drusilla had left out some grisly details but they didn't need to know all that. "As for family, there's my Papa Dovinid, My Step-mother Sadannas, my younger brother Druvindri, the twins Senella and Devaddel, and my late-momma Sernillia. Most Symenestra families only have three children but because of the twins mine had four. All my siblings have black hair like my Papa, they have his eyes too. Gold. I look just like my Momma though.." She gave a somewhat embarrassed smile.

At Kaya's question Drusilla looked a bit surprised, "Do you want a demonstration? Just promise you Mother won't get mad if she comes home and finds a Symenestra on the ceiling, kay?" Drusilla removed her coat and then her black dress, just as she had earlier described her body was wrapped in strands of fabric. "Okay I just need my hands and feet uncovered." She told them turn to the wall. sShe placed her hands high above her head on the wall, then a foot, then the other foot. Drusilla was soon climbing the wall on all fours, the onto the ceiling where she stood up or was it down? Her head at the same level as Kaya's who was sitting in her chair, her hair touching the floor.


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(The Courtyard in the Sky) Somersaults in the Snow(Drusilla)

Postby Turrin on December 28th, 2013, 7:17 am

Turrin gave Drusilla a last shudder when he thought about leeches, but he gave her a sympathetic look about not knowing what a leech was because he still didn't know the name of the long eared rodent. He killed and ate one before, but he never learned the name of the beast since he came to Kalea. Turrin gave the white haired girl a smile and said softly, “Well, leeches look like worms, but they don't live in the dirt. They tend to live in the water. The most horrifying thing about them is these worms dine of the blood of any living creature that they come across. Most leeches are small around three inches long, but Father had claimed in the deep jungle that he saw a giant leech about the size of a arm.”

Kaya shook her head, picked up a pillow, threw it at her brother, and said plainly, “Your about as thick headed as a Tskannas' arse, brother. Father was just making those stories up just to scare his “brave” warrior over here..”

Turrin quickly moved his head out of the way of the pillow, and when it fell to the ground, he placed it in his lap and said quickly, “Mother's going to be mad if you keep throwing things at me, Kaya!”

Turrin looked at the white haired girl and said simply, “My father never lied to us. Regardless of what Kaya thinks. I have seen strange things in the jungles of Falyndar, so a giant leech isn't, so far fetch as my sister thinks.”

Kaya snorted loudly at Drusilla and said simply, “Regardless of my brother's tall tale. Leeches are only a nuisance in the water, so if you avoid murky water, you should be fine from these bloodsuckers.”

Putting his arms around his legs, Turrin listened to Drusilla tell them about her birth city. The half-breed wasn't startled that the Symenestra lived in a cavern because the Inarta also live underground in Wind Reach. It something that the Myrian still haven't gotten used to even after a couple seasons. Turrin was kind of confused on how the Symenestra made their homes in stalactites. Did they hallow them out or were they made by her people? It was questions that he decided to wait to ask as she started to explain the interior of their homes. The Myrian wasn't quite sure how to react when she said that they slept in the walls of their homes. Turrin would find it claustrophobic, and he most certainly would hit his head on the ceiling of the niche. Kaya listened intently to the part about the fabric on the floor, and when Drusilla told them that she weaved some of the fabric for the floors. Kaya quickly asked, “Are you a seamstress, Drusilla?” Turrin was quite intrigued at the thoughts of half abandon city, but when she told him that it was almost completely dark in the cave. The Myrian's interest in the heading to Kalinor started to wane.

Turrin listened to Drusilla talk about the man industry in Kalinor, weaving. The Myrian wondered the reason for it. As he looked at the Symenestra, he could noticed that he elongated arms, teeth, and claws kind of made her look like spider. He didn't want to say anything because he didn't want to insult a new friend. When she started talk about her native food, Turrin listened to her description of it, and he pictured a bowl of porridge or soup. It didn't sound very appetizing, but he wasn't going to judge her eating habits. When Drusilla finished talking about Kalinor, the white haired little girl seemed quite eager entertain them with a demonstration of her climbing ability without a rope. Turrin leaned forward as he watched her take off her boots, but the Myrian boy turned bright red as she started to take off her dress. Turrin quickly looked at the ground because he didn't want to be disrespectful and watch the girl undress in front of him. Kaya gave her brother a amused look and said quietly to Drusilla, “I think you made my brother bashful. Look at him, he is turning red! Turrin you silly male. Drusilla is all wrapped up in fabric, so it is safe to look at her.”

Turrin looked up and saw Drusilla's body was wrapped up in a fabric, and he could feel the heat fade from his cheeks. He watched the Symenestra girl walk up to the wall and put all four limps on the smooth surface. The Myrian eyes bugged out when he watched her crawl up the wall to the ceiling. Suddenly, she got to the ceiling and walked above his sister who was staring up at her in equal shock as Turrin. When she stood up on the ceiling, Drusilla head was at the same eye level as his sister, but the girl was upside down! Turrin stood up and said out loud, “That is truly amazing, Drusilla. I wish I could do that so I can scare my sister when she sleeping!” Turrin walked over to her and playfully poked the ashen girl in the forward with his finger. He stuck out his tongue at her and said innocently, “Sorry, Drusilla. I couldn't resist.”
Myrian, Common, Nari , Aponivi, Turrin

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(The Courtyard in the Sky) Somersaults in the Snow(Drusilla)

Postby Drusilla on January 2nd, 2014, 7:11 pm

She gave Turrin a fake pout then smiled, "Because you poked me, you get to help me down." Drusilla grinned a toothy smile, "Bring over that chair. Okay hold it steady. I'm going to use the back of the chair to get down." She annouced.

Her hands carefully took hold of the top of the chair's backrest. After taking a moment to take a steadying breath and compose herself, she let got of the ceiling with one foot and then the other. Drusilla than proceded to bend herself into an unnatural shape.



After Drusilla was satisfied with the looks on her two new friends' faces, she sat down in the chair, "Thanks for holding the chair for me, Turrin." She said it so casually to him, as if he had simply pulled out the chair for her to sit on. "You said you wanted to work on handstands, right? Still up for that or do you want to try something different?" She asked politely.

While the two Myrians tried to figure out what the Symenestra had just done and how. Drusilla sat quietly, she had thoroughly enjoyed her preformance and was quite pleased with herself. Although in her mind she hadn't really done anything that amazing. These had been simple parlor tricks to her. "Oh, and to answer your earlier question Kaya. Yes, I'm a seamstress. I find sewing very relaxing. You wouldn't happen to sew, Kaya? We could start a sewing circle or something of the like."

Drusilla found it hard to make female friends. But Kaya seemed nice and Drusilla was hoping this wouldn't be a failed attempt at friendship.


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(The Courtyard in the Sky) Somersaults in the Snow(Drusilla)

Postby Turrin on January 26th, 2014, 12:36 am

Turrin laughed to himself when she gave him a pout. The Myrian was glad that Drusilla had a sense of humor. When she told him to get a chair, Turrin waved his sister off her chair and pushed the cushioned chair under the strange white a haired girl. The young hunter looked up at her and said, “Alright, I will hold the chair steady for you Dru.” Turrin walked the side of the chair and tightly gripped the arm and back of the chair. When she descended from the ceiling, he was in awe that she was able to hang from the smooth stone with the bottom of her bare feet without falling. At first, he thought it was some kind of magic, but the thought of magic in this instance was just absurd. However, the way the white hair girl moved was very similar to a spider crawling down a web. Turrin guessed her movements must be a trait of her race, so he just watched in quiet awe at the Symenestra girl.

When she got stood on top of the chair, Drusilla asked him if he wanted to practiced acrobatics. He knew the acrobatic skill Dru was displaying was far beyond his ability. He could barely keep his balance let alone display the flexibly that Drusilla was demonstrating. Turrin was about to say something, but Kaya clamped her hands together and said with a wide smile, “I never saw anything that amazing in my life, Drusilla.” Turrin looked at Kaya's face when she asked her about sewing. He knew Kaya's passion was glassblowing and sculpting, so his sister's tan skin flushed slightly and said with a shake of her head, “Sorry, I know nothing about sewing, but I do know how to braid hair.” Turrin rolled his eyes as his mind shut down when Kaya started to talk about braiding hair. He remembered in Taloba that he was practice dummy for her experiments in braiding. The Myrian boy looked at his sister and said with a smile, “Unfortunately for me, I was my sister's test subject. Lets practice hand stands for now.” Kaya shot a glance at her brother and said with a laugh, “I tried to make you pretty, Dummy! Unfortunately, I my efforts were wasted because you still ugly!”

Turrin looked at Drusilla and asked with a smile, “You don't think I am ugly do you?” The Myrian youth knew it was loaded question, but he figured that he needed to defend himself against two females. Turrin decided to ignore his sister and started to squat down and placed his hands shoulder length on the floor in front of him. Turrin moved his head down in front of his hands till his forehead barely touched the stone surface. Looking like a tripod, the Myrian tucked his legs close to his body and slowly started to raise them into the air. As he moved his legs, he could tell his shoulder muscles were burning from the excess weight, but he needed to mentally ignore the protests of this body. When Turrin's feet were completely in the air, he slowly straighten out his legs till feet were vertical with his head. The burning sensation increased in his shoulder and triceps muscles with every second that he held the position. He was able to hold his hand stand for ten ticks, but the aching muscles gave out and lost his balance and fell back on the ground. As Turrin fell backwards, tried his best to control his fall, but he still landed hard on the ground. Laying the ground, Turrin rolled over and rubbed his now throbbing hip. He smiled at Kaya and Drusilla and said with a laugh, “Did you see it. I was able to hold the hand stand for ten ticks!”
Myrian, Common, Nari , Aponivi, Turrin

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(The Courtyard in the Sky) Somersaults in the Snow(Drusilla)

Postby Drusilla on January 26th, 2014, 2:53 pm

Drusilla smirked playfully, "No Turrin you're not ugly. You're very pretty." She stroked his hair. "Pretty, pretty, pretty~" It came out in a semi-creepy sing-songy voice, then she gave a wholehearted laugh at Turrin's confused face. "That hand stand lasted for more like ten and a half ticks, silly." She stood up giving Kaya her chair back and then putting her hand on her hip and wagging her finger at Turrin. "Remember half ticks count too!"

Taking a deep breath and giving herself ample room (and restraining her hair with a comb by putting it into a messy bun) Drusilla began her hand stand. "Perhaps by now you've noticed a certain similarity to a certain creature with me? Symenestra are often referred to as 'Widows' in some places. As we are spider people. Our hollow bones and the small hairs on our body allow us to defy gravity and twist our bodies so. There is another art in Kalinor, Aerial Dancing. But sadly I'm not skilled enough nor do I have the proper place and items to show you."

Drusilla leaned forward placing her hands on the floor and in a swift motion moved her legs up into the air. She stayed like that for a few ticks before she began to walk around on her hands. "You see these tiny almost sticky hairs on my body help evenly distribute my weight throughout my entire body. So where as your body feels heavier and heavier, mine never changes and that is my unfair advantage." Drusilla lifted a hand to scratch her head for a moment then replaced it on the ground.

Bending her body backwards until her feet touched the floor she in another fluid motion stood up. "Now Turrin, this time try to distribute your weight evenly throughout your body. Not just in your arms. You also stop a lot while preforming, it's natural that you want to do that as you're unsure. But try and make it seem like one full movement, you're more likely to awe your audience that way." She smiled at him, "If you get good enough we could preform together and come up with some snazzy name for ourselves! Kaya could be our manager, booking our shows and handling our miza."


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(The Courtyard in the Sky) Somersaults in the Snow(Drusilla)

Postby Turrin on February 7th, 2014, 5:43 am

Kaya started to laugh out at Turrin when Drusilla started to sing her little song. The Myrian blushed slightly, shot his sister a look, and said with a smirk, “Your just jealous that I get a song Sister.” The young hunter frowned slightly when Drusilla waged her fingers at Turrin. Turrin did count ten seconds, but the Symenestra seemed to think that he quicken his count to make it sound like he sped up his count on purpose. The myrian teenager knew that he wasn't going to win a argument with the female, so he said with a nod, “I will add the HALF tick to the count, but if I break my neck than we can just blame, Kaya!” Kaya pushed the chair back in the place, whirled around on her brother, pointed her finger at him, and snapped loudly, “Bah...it would be your stupid fault for breaking your neck! Besides, I doubt you will since your head is as hard as a rock.”

When Drusilla started to mention that she resembled a spider, Turrin started to notice the similarities between her and arachnids. The white haired teenager had long legs and arms similar to spiders that he seen in Falyndar. To the young hunter, Drusilla's bone structure and frame seemed much smaller than the average Inarta. Turrin was curious on her actual weight since she must not weigh much being as petite as she appeared. Drusilla mentioned that she had hollow bones and small hairs on her body, so she could twist in ways many other mortals couldn't naturally. When she mentioned aerial dancing, the Myrians interested peeked, but Drusilla told him that she had no ability in the art, so his interest quickly waned in the foreigner art. When she gave him advice about his hand stands. Turrin just nodded that he understood. However, the Myrian boy inwardly groaned when Drusilla gave Kaya a idea of being his manager. Turrin knew that Drusilla didn't know that Kaya had all the power between the two of siblings since she was a female Myrian. The Myrian just gave Kaya a sidewards glance who stared at him with a mischievous grin. Turrin knew Kaya would take every opportunity to torment her twin brother. Kaya said to Drusilla, “If you make my brother as nimble as you than I will consider managing your act.”

Turrin rolled his eyes at his sister and decided to put Drusilla's advice to the test. The Myrian bent over and put his hands on the ground and his head between his arms. Turrin started to slowly raise bow feet into the air. It might be because he was just a beginner at acrobatics. The Myrian noticed it was difficult to distribute his weight all over his body since he wasn't quite sure how to do it. Turrin held his legs in the air, he started to count to ten in half counts. When he realized that he was able to hold his hand stand. Turrin tried walking on his hands, so he placed right hand in front of him. The hunter wobbled a little bit, but he didn't fall over. When he put the left hand in front of right hand, the weight started to shift to the right side. He did his best the control the weight when he tightened the muscles his legs, but he realized it was futile because he was already falling. Turrin crumbled to the ground holding his side in pain. The teenager looked at Drusilla and said weakly, “Maybe we should take a break from acrobatics? I don't think my body can take it.”
Myrian, Common, Nari , Aponivi, Turrin

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(The Courtyard in the Sky) Somersaults in the Snow(Drusilla)

Postby Drusilla on February 11th, 2014, 3:26 am

Drusilla could see Kaya was most certainly the one in charge. However she felt she needed to include Kaya in her little circus dream. She gave Turrin a pitied look.

She watched Turrin give the handstand another shot, nodding as he pulled it off he even managed to take a step."Doing good!" She started to notice Turrin's weight being thrown off. Not too long after he fell. Drusilla moved to check Turrin's side, "That's gonna leave a bruise."

After awhile of talking with her new friends. Drusilla's eyes drifted over to a clock. "Oh my,it's getting late and I should scurry. Thanks for the fun day Turrin and Kaya it was lovely to meet you as well." She gave a little curtsy and left heading back to her room.


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(The Courtyard in the Sky) Somersaults in the Snow(Drusilla)

Postby Skerry on February 23rd, 2014, 10:07 pm



Skill XP
Acrobatics 2
Body Building 1
Observation 3
Socialization 4

  • Body Building: How to stretch properly
  • Frostbite: A danger of cold
  • Drusilla: Symenestra
  • Dru: Nickname for Drusilla
  • Symenestra hooks: Allow easy climbing
  • Drusilla: Friend
  • Structure of Kalinor (basic)
  • Symenestra cuisine (basic)
  • Handstand: How to stay balanced


Skill XP
Acrobatics 2
Climbing 1
Observation 3
Socialization 4

  • Turrin: Myrian
  • Dru: A nickname from Turrin
  • Turrin’s family
  • Turrin: Friend
  • Kaya: Creative and Intelligent
  • Turrin: Fear of leeches
  • Creature: Leech

An interesting thread, you two. Not all that much acrobatics in here but a good social thread.
Just a note for future reference, Drusilla. If you want to use reference pictures would you mind placing them in a spoiler or an OOC at the top or bottom of your posts? Your post wouldn’t be broken up that way.

Remember if you have any questions or problems with your grade then feel free to PM me.

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