Solo Moving Supplies

A look into a sled dog's work day

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

Moving Supplies

Postby Minosayaa on February 16th, 2014, 2:10 am

70th of Winter 513

It was an average working day and today Minosayaa was moving supplies and other good from hold to hold or just to a new storage spot. Already hitched to a sled being loaded up with goods, Mino took a chance to stretch a little bit before having to take off again.

"Okay girl, now you remember this is going to the Skyglow hold alright?"

Mino gave a bark back in reply. Skyglow! Got it! The man gave her a pat near her tail and she was off. Transporting goods was different than leading a hunt. She had to move at a slower pace, she still ran just not as fast. It was more like a brisk jog to her. The bells on the harness jingled as she trotted along. It was a pleasant job. It always was. Mino liked to watch what was going on in the city and who was where. She found it fun, and it rarely felt like work. Approaching her stop a group of Vantha children ran up to her greet her. Heyo, human pups! It's nice to see you guys too. I can stay for a teensy bit, okay?

She enjoyed their cheerful company as the sled was unpacked and repacked with new goods that needed to be moved. These would be taken back to the Frostfawn hold and from there she'd get a new shipment to run. The Frostfawns found her the easiest way to get things moved. It took less manpower. It took no musher as Mino was simply told where to go and would return when finished. A strong runner dog that understood human instructions. She was a great help, and also a bit of a miracle too.

"Aye girl, you're ready to head back out."

The children whined in responds to this. Don't worry little pups! I'll be back soon, I promise! She gave a young girl one last lick on the cheek before heading back to the Frostfawn hold to drop off the traded goods. Trotting along happily Mino happily listened to the bells of the harness she wore. Jingle, jingle, jingle~ Jingle, jingle, jingle~ Mino hummed to herself. She considered herself lucky to have this job, happily bounding from hold to hold picking things up here and dropping it off there.
If there is rain tomorrow
I wonder where you will take me.
Surely if I'm with you
That alone will make me happy.


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Lead Sled Dog
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Moving Supplies

Postby Minosayaa on February 17th, 2014, 5:50 am

Mino returned to her hold with a happy yip as if to announce her return.

"Finally back eh? Got caught up playin' with the kids over there, did ya?"

The handler gave her a hearty laugh before ruffling her fur. It was a well known fact that Minosayaa was a major distraction to children and they were just as much a distraction to the Kelvic herself. She laid down in the snow waiting as cargo was unloaded and new supplies were load. Mino knew this would take awhile so while she waited she munched on the surrounding snow. No,, it wasn't particularly tasty. But it was something to do to pass the time.

A thought crossed her mind if she got a good payday come this spring, she'd splurge at Tasty Flakes. Or maybe buy some of those cute little knit toys at the Nimble Thimble. Sure the toys were meant for pups, but they were just so darn cute! Mino continued to contemplate what she'd buy if she had the Miza.

"Okay Mino, you're all set! Now head of to Whitevine. Don't dally, they need the antlers pronto."

They grind the antlers up for medicine, right? Running out would be a bad thing. I won't dally, you have my word.
If there is rain tomorrow
I wonder where you will take me.
Surely if I'm with you
That alone will make me happy.


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Lead Sled Dog
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Joined roleplay: October 4th, 2010, 5:54 am
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