The Quick Thanks Thread!

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The Quick Thanks Thread!

Postby Vizayas on January 27th, 2014, 2:23 am

Huge thanks to Twister and the Gradelings of Sunberth! I'd like to thank them for all of their hard work and dedication, in face of the staggering odds Mizahar happens to be throwing at them in 2014!

Twister has his work cut out for him as Sunberth grows in popularity, and i'd like to give a shout-out to anyone applying for ST soon- Sunberth needs more hands! Sunberth had nearly as many threads as Syliras this week, with only a few graders to mop up on the grading process.
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The Quick Thanks Thread!

Postby Wanda Endust on February 1st, 2014, 5:44 am

I'd like to give a big thanks to everyone in the Aesthetics & Design forum. I love collaborating with you guys, stalking your artsy-fartsy threads, and just generally being inspired by all of your awesome work. :)

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The Quick Thanks Thread!

Postby Faelith Skyglow on February 19th, 2014, 7:41 pm

Thank you to all of the Storytellers across Miz for volunteering to keep the wheel turning, and especially thank you to Goss, Traverse, and Radiant for helping me with my constant questions. Y'all are amazing!
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The Quick Thanks Thread!

Postby Traverse on March 16th, 2014, 1:32 am

I just wanted to thank all those writing wiki articles and those that are reviewing and editing them. Sometimes the WD forum is a graveyard of abandoned articles and mostly grey name and its awesome to see 6 or 7 in progress articles with everyone going around to everyone elses pieces and weighing in no matter how extensive.

You guys rock!
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The Quick Thanks Thread!

Postby Gossamer on April 11th, 2014, 2:58 am

I'd like to give a profound thanks to the Grading Spree that has been ongoing throughout the site tonight. I'm sure both the STs and the Players who wrote the threads appreciate this effort equally.
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The Quick Thanks Thread!

Postby Russell Wood on April 13th, 2014, 2:45 am

Just wanna shout out a quick thanks for everyone on the chat for helping me out when I was making a character. And a huge thanks to Abstract, for answering all my questions and in general helping me out with the whole character process and some of the planning I had for my character!
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The Quick Thanks Thread!

Postby Ball on April 18th, 2014, 9:22 pm

I want to give an uber awesome thank you to Radi and all the Graders that helped clear out the Syliras Grading Request monster!
Avatar CreditsMy lovely Avatar was drawn and created by the most awesome Nivel

Graders Please Note :
As Ball is getting closer and closer to maxing out Pyken as a skill, I would like to request that in places where Ball is not doing enough to constitute Pyken XP if Pyken technique lores could be issued instead.

Examples of proper XP level for Pyken would be: Ball developing or refining his technique by adding new thing against an actual moving target, not a dummy.

The use of basic skills alone are not enough to accomplish XP at Ball's current level of Pyken.

Thank you.

I will be handling all Ball related posts on Mondays @ 1800 my time *
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The Quick Thanks Thread!

Postby Radiant on April 19th, 2014, 2:41 am

I want to give my heartfelt thanks to ALL of you awesome Syliran players! :D

We now have more active Squires and Knights than... ever! As how it should be for Syliras. 8)
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The Quick Thanks Thread!

Postby Gossamer on May 17th, 2014, 2:09 am

I've had a seriously busy last three weeks. It's so insanely busy I don't think I can go into all of it now. But during that time of absence, a great many of you reached out to me in PMs and on FB and AIM. All of you encouraged me and told me how much I was missed and needed. Thank you for that. Sometimes Mizahar gets to be an endless progression of repetitive tasks that SOMEONE needs to do. Originally we had six someone's doing it and now we are down to just about one. It's really too much for one person, but I'm making it work by taking big breaks and stepping back when RL gets hectic. It really has helped to hear your encouragement and the fact that not everyone on this site takes the staff and admins for granted.

Thank you. I haven't responded to all of you because I just have had ZERO time. But I really really appreciate your encouragement and acknowledgement. This is not "MY" site however. This is everyone' s site. Please remember that. We can only keep it going through positive vibes, encouragement, and people being active both as staffers and volunteers.

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The Quick Thanks Thread!

Postby Noven on May 22nd, 2014, 1:22 am

A quick but immense thanks to Zandelia for mowing down those Sunberthian grade requests. Truly insane and amazing work, since that thread is 7 pages long but has been reduced to pretty much 2. I can't even imagine how it was done, considering all the activity between Z's RPing and grading.

In short, thank you Zand for virtually single-handedly keeping that beast tamed. You rock more than words can describe! :thumbsup:
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