Synntina listened to his words about her mother and she gave a small frown, straightening herself up a bit however. Her mother had always taught her to be calm, and composed. But at the same time, she always wanted to keep her in line, in check. She disapproved of her want to be a hunter rather than a full time dancer ever since her father gave her his first bow when he was her age. She remembered the look on her mothers face, full of disgust and disapproval. But her father talked her down and calmed her, at least while he was alive.
"My mother never approved of hunting as a profession for a woman.. I'd like to see her meet Saara."
The girl have a small chuckle of amusement. The woman she spoke of was well known by hunters as a woman who always had something to say. Be it about herself or not. Beautiful, but as unlady like as it got until a man was involved.
Avarys spoke again of her father, and suggesting ideas on what might have killed him. When he was finished she nodded, agreeing that it was surprising more people didn't try to hunt down the Symenestra people. Especially with how everyone seemed to think them all blood sucking monsters from the deep. The thought made Synntina smile,
"Maybe they're afraid they'll get caught in the web."
She said, smiling at Avarys before it faded again. He spoke of the cloak and she nodded to show she understood. He then told her of the price for the scarf. For a moment she forgot she had it in her hand. With yet another nod she draped the scarf over the back of her neck then reached her long, clawed fingers into the pouch at her side. She pulled the correct coinage from it and handed it over to him.