Completed The Scholar and The Guard

[Clyde] Ricky pays one of the teachers a quick visit.

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The Scholar and The Guard

Postby Ricky Maze on February 8th, 2014, 9:34 am

As Clyde answered the question Ricky had asked the there came a feeling Ricky wasn’t sure he liked when the answer more so reflected on a personal question, not that it came off as rude or anything on Ricky’s behalf but it more so brought to attention an outlook of perspective the fisherman never really thought of before. Sure the logical questioning behind it all made the very concept of trying to learn magic bad for Ricky, almost rather inconsiderate on his behalf as he may have come off selfish and thoughtless for the family he clung tightly to when he was home. The truth behind it was that this magic wasn’t necessarily a gift on this behalf, but it wasn’t a curse for him either. It simply was what it was, an ability that granted Ricky the means to protect the ones he loved most.

As they walked Clyde seemed to reach a stop before Ricky and looked him dead on in the eyes, which intimidated Ricky to be the truth. They were both practically strangers and knew almost nothing about one another, yet the fact Clyde could see into Ricky right into the eyes put the fisherman in almost a mind numbing disposition. There was the worry, the anxiety that the mage could not only see into Ricky for he was… but the greatest risk of all would to be able to notice what vulnerability the fisherman had, what hope and passion still remained in the deep blue orbs that attempted to avoid eye contact. There was little to be done now though, Clyde had taken that step over the boundary and may have done so without notice. Or did he even mean to? Had he intended to find out what Ricky really was deep down? Did he want to figure out just what kind of person Ricky secretly was? The fisherman could only hope the answer still remained hidden somewhere inside.

The speech about magic hadn’t been a lie of course but for Ricky that wasn’t entirely true also, magic hadn’t affect his life as much as others… probably due with the fact he kept it a secret as best as he could. Still the situations the fisherman had been in, the life altering intense situations that threatened not just him but his friends? His family? No. Magic in his terms could help him instead, he just needed to learn how to gain control. How to master his given abilities, and use them as his shield when the next storm would hit him in his life. The question already held it’s answer, long before it was even asked. Along with this being known Ricky hardly needed the moment to think upon it as well, knowing that this answer already came straight from the heart. "Oi’m sorry Mr. Sullins…" There was sincerity in his voice as he spoke this, a deep sense of comprehending what possible pain and suffering at what Clyde might’ve went through in his life. No. There was no real understanding of what pain and suffering the mage endured, only the ability of imagination could spare what possibilities had occurred in one’s own lifetime. Yet for Ricky to see that this man still stood tall even after so many fires in his life, that truly brought a sense of hardship the fisherman could only comprehend.

"Oi dunno what magic may ‘ave done t’ ya, but f’r me it’s not even done a t’ing. Trouble’s always found a way wit’ me even wit’out magic mate, an’ what’s worse is de fact I can’t even ‘elp de ones I love in dangerous times." He tried not to go into exaggeration with the detail, but he couldn’t hold himself back from sharing the truth. "Oi got people, lot’s o’ people dat depend on me. T’ey look t’ me f’r support when t’ey get in trouble, but when trouble looks f’r me and gits dem involved? Dat’s why Oi decided t’ look f’r answers wit’ magic." He could feel the inside of his heart grow a little heavy with the speech, the workings of tears strongly held back as he continued to speak with courage.

"When Oi first became a magic user, Oi only knew I wanted to protect those ‘round me. It wasn’t until Oi learned Oi was gonna be a fat’er, that Oi decided to put the care of those Oi loved before me. Me only intent ‘as been f’r the sake dat I avoid de possibility o’ ‘urtin’ dem mate. Oi may not ‘ave much choice in wantin’ t’ be a mage now, but Oi choose t’ learn what Oi can t’ safely protect me and me family. In terms o’ me goal… Oi wanted t’ provide me wife and son wit’ an ordinary life, and if t’ese abilities can ‘elp wit’ dat? Den so be it," He assured Clyde with a nod, "Oi’ll give it me best t’ control t’ese abilities and give dem the kind o’ life t’ey deserve." It was the answer he felt honest and true about, there was no denying that he’d give anything for the sake of his wife and son. They were his reason to live now, only they mattered most to him. If learning such magic with such risk was bad on his part then sure, he’d made plenty of decisions in life that were just as bad down the line. All of it was a matter of perspective really, for Ricky he only sought to further his abilities to save his family and friends when trouble arrived another time. He wanted to prevent if, if at all possible, but the next time… trouble would surely find him prepared. Of that he would definitely be sure of.
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The Scholar and The Guard

Postby Clyde Sullins on February 9th, 2014, 12:06 am

"Oi’m sorry Mr. Sullins…"

Clyde glanced at the fisherman once more, and could tell by his face more so than the tone what he meant by his prior statement. He felt sorry for Clyde, for him, due to his own words which were honestly spoken. That had not been Clyde's intent, and as he looked back forward to the ground before him, he could not help but frown...

To often when Clyde spoke of magic, he found himself unintentionally divulging things about himself. For what he said was true, Clyde had been through quite a lot due to his magic, more so for the fact of being a mage than anything his magic actually did. Clearly this man had not had the same experiences as Clyde. But then, he had not been a mage as long as Clyde, had not delved deep enough into it to see anything but its good side.

"Oi dunno what magic may ‘ave done t’ ya, but f’r me it’s not even done a t’ing. Trouble’s always found a way wit’ me even wit’out magic mate, an’ what’s worse is de fact I can’t even ‘elp de ones I love in dangerous times."

"Oi got people, lot’s o’ people dat depend on me. T’ey look t’ me f’r support when t’ey get in trouble, but when trouble looks f’r me and gits dem involved? Dat’s why Oi decided t’ look f’r answers wit’ magic."

"When Oi first became a magic user, Oi only knew I wanted to protect those ‘round me. It wasn’t until Oi learned Oi was gonna be a fat’er, that Oi decided to put the care of those Oi loved before me. Me only intent ‘as been f’r the sake dat I avoid de possibility o’ ‘urtin’ dem mate. Oi may not ‘ave much choice in wantin’ t’ be a mage now, but Oi choose t’ learn what Oi can t’ safely protect me and me family. In terms o’ me goal… Oi wanted t’ provide me wife and son wit’ an ordinary life, and if t’ese abilities can ‘elp wit’ dat? Den so be it."

"Oi’ll give it me best t’ control t’ese abilities and give dem the kind o’ life t’ey deserve.

Clyde paused for a bit after hearing the mans words, mulling them over once again, trying to decide how to respond. This conversation was not going the way that he had hoped, which aggravated him somewhat.

"That's... Commendable... Your goals, what you want to do with your magic. Use it to protect those you care for. Clearly you see your magic in a different light than I do, but that is because I have seen the deeper depth of what it can do, of what it creates, of what it is. You have not. If you truly loved your family, cared for them, wanted to protect them, then you would forget about magic, and never ponder it again..."

"But I can tell you won't do that, that you have been seduced by its beauty, by its promise, by its power. And for that I pity you... Why a person would choose to be a mage is beyond my ken."

Letting out a sigh, Clyde looked at Ricky once more, and then continued speaking without looking him in the face. Many people found this habit of Clyde's a bit disconcerting, of not looking at a person when he spoke to them, but then he did not care to look upon another person who chose to travel the same path he was upon... It was far to depressing a sight. And so instead, he looked forward and spoke to the air.

As Clyde began to speak again, he felt within himself, felt a small throb from the scar on his ribs where he had been stabbed, and where he had been marked by Rhysol. As he spoke he delved into the chaos he had experienced on that day, and infused his words with the power of a Chaon, planting a seed of chaos and corruption in Ricky which might sprout into anything.

"You have only seen the goodness of magic, of what it can do for you, of what its power holds. You have not seen it on its darkest day, nor on yours. You believe magic to be a dog, a guard dog. If you care for it, train it, then you control it and it does your bidding. You believe you are in control, and you are its master. You believe it will do what you wish, that it can be used to protect, to keep safe."

"But what you don't know, is that the dog is not a dog, but a wolf, wild and free. You feed it, so it does as you wish, it follows your commands, because it is easy. But you are not truly its master, it only lets you think so. And then one day when you have nothing to feed it, no more scraps of meat, when you have run out and you need it to do just a little more, then it will turn on you. On that day it will take a bite out of you, take a piece of you, a piece that you can never get back."

"Or perhaps instead in its hunger it will lash out, and harm those you so wished to protect, your family perhaps. It won't be you who harmed them, not directly, it will be the wolf that has aided you for so long, that has been your ally and protector, your trusted friend. But they will be harmed all the same, as if you had done it by your own hand."

Clyde paused as he finished, and felt the chaos wane, felt the connection to it break as his gnosis faded into the background.

"Tell me Ricky... What do you know of overgiving?"
Clydes Stuff

I am actually in RL a super intelligent hamster from Rhode Island, with a 7 year plan to take over the world.

Update 6/2/18- 1:10AM EST: His 7 year plan a success, and several weeks ahead of schedule, Clyde leaves to oversee the world he has taken over.

No new threads after end of Spring 518-Will still be checking for PM's occasionally, but focusing on a new character.

Graders note: :
Please be aware Clyde is a master Magecrafter. He therefore should not be gaining full xp(or possibly shouldn't gain any at all) for simple tasks related to this magic, such as low level MC items, particularly for repetitions of creations he has done before. Feel free to contact me if unsure of a instance of his magic use compared to his skill level.
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The Scholar and The Guard

Postby Ricky Maze on February 11th, 2014, 10:26 pm

Ricky mulled over the words Clyde had spoken and tried to comprehend the meaning behind him, the attitude and idea behind his reason for practice was commendable it seems… yet apparently what years of practice Clyde had proved that the fisherman had yet to truly experience whatever troubles any magic user had to face. There was hardly much understanding there between them yet Ricky felt himself comprehensive at the message given, his choosing in learning magic wasn’t the best when it came to the terms of family safety. That being said brought a scrunch brow as Ricky thought to his Shielding discipline he still struggled to learn, if it were used to protect or ward against such things like magic… then could that truly be such a bad thing?

Either way; Clyde believed it too late for Ricky now and he was probably right, magic although dangerous was useful by its own seductive nature. The mage then spoke once more with a look directed more or less away from Ricky’s line of sight, which hardly changed the fact Ricky still felt honest with the man all the same. Once Clyde had first looked into Ricky’s own eyes there was that state of vulnerability the fisherman evaded at all costs, but when he was put in that position where he had no choice but to look… well that alone made it difficult for Ricky to avoid revealing such a thing. However the words Clyde said next were cryptic yet held a metaphorical sense of poetry that Ricky could easily understand. There was truth in those spoken words, truth that forewarned of an omen Ricky could likely face in the future. That said the very meaning behind those words were infused with his mind and spirit just like the vex that remained tied to it, thus the curse placed with Clyde’s chaotic sense became a seed that planted somewhere deep within the mind of the fisherman; unaware that the consequences of future outcomes should he find himself in different state of mind.

That same state being the next topic of their discussion: Overgiving. Still at a loss at how to grasp at the concept of the metaphor, other than a warning to his delving too far into magic, Ricky finally came to answer Clyde with the best of his knowledge. "Oi know dat when ya reach yer limit, ya start feelin’ de shakes, taste copper or some ot’er metal in ya mout’, an’ apparently want t’ cast more magic." He repeated what little he was told from Ignotus the night he was initiated into Reimancy, the horrid traumatic experience one he couldn’t ever forget even if he wanted to try. "Wit’ Sheildin’ ‘owever, Oi learned t’rough practice dat ye canny weave any more Djed, ya just stop an’ feel certain t’ings like a headache along wit’ hunger an’ t’irst." He noted as he thought it might help Clyde better understand that principle… if he knew anything of Shielding of course. "Why? T’ere somethin’ Oi should be more worried ‘bout?" He raised an eyebrow in speculation that there was more, apart from the other more serious details (involving the death part) Ignotus might’ve mentioned at the time.
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The Scholar and The Guard

Postby Clyde Sullins on February 13th, 2014, 1:38 am

"Oi know dat when ya reach yer limit, ya start feelin’ de shakes, taste copper or some ot’er metal in ya mout’, an’ apparently want t’ cast more magic."

"Wit’ Sheildin’ ‘owever, Oi learned t’rough practice dat ye canny weave any more Djed, ya just stop an’ feel certain t’ings like a headache along wit’ hunger an’ t’irst."

"Why? T’ere somethin’ Oi should be more worried ‘bout?"

Clyde shook his head at Ricky's simplistic understanding of overgiving. It was not false, but... Neither did he totally grasp it.

"That may be true of Shielding, but I believe it may be unique in that respect... But then, Shielding by its nature is, I believe from my little understanding of it, a passive magic. You will not find yourself so lucky when dealing with other more hostile ones, such as the Reimancy you wish for knowledge of. Nor I imagine the flux, though I admittedly know next to nothing of that particular magic."

This of course would mean that the earlier mentioned magic he knew little to nothing of, which his apprentice had died using, was the flux.

"However with other magics... Yes, it will start with those things, a metallic taste, headaches, and you get a desire to cast more, and more, and more... Those are common things. But have you not heard of the asylum at the university? That is where mages go when they are driven mad by their magic, by the effects it can have on you. If you are lucky, then all you will feel is those first smaller effects... But... If you press beyond that, keep going, then in that case you will be lucky if all that you do is die, if something worse is not done instead."

"It's easy to say you will never press that hard, that should you feel the effects of overgiving you will do as you should, stop, rest, eat, regain your strength."

"But what if the choice is between stopping and doing no more, versus saving your own life, or that of those family members you said you were learning magic to protect? What would you not do, would you not press just a little further if you thought it would mean saving them? Surely just a bit more would not hurt, would not be the little bit that was to far... Just a little further?"

"That is the slippery slope of magic, where you keeping feeding the wolf a little more, a little more, until you have nothing left and it turns on you or those you wished to protect. That wolf is inside of you, waiting. That is the true dangers of magic, and of overgiving."
Clydes Stuff

I am actually in RL a super intelligent hamster from Rhode Island, with a 7 year plan to take over the world.

Update 6/2/18- 1:10AM EST: His 7 year plan a success, and several weeks ahead of schedule, Clyde leaves to oversee the world he has taken over.

No new threads after end of Spring 518-Will still be checking for PM's occasionally, but focusing on a new character.

Graders note: :
Please be aware Clyde is a master Magecrafter. He therefore should not be gaining full xp(or possibly shouldn't gain any at all) for simple tasks related to this magic, such as low level MC items, particularly for repetitions of creations he has done before. Feel free to contact me if unsure of a instance of his magic use compared to his skill level.
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The Scholar and The Guard

Postby Ricky Maze on February 13th, 2014, 7:58 am

Unique? Yeah that certainly was the way to put it, Ricky couldn’t agree more that Shielding in its own terms was unique. Yet with the topic to continue onward Clyde made it clear the other two weren’t so “giving” in the ways of gentler consequences, and it became apparent that the one he knew nothing of was clearly Flux since he’d stated it. Which also meant, when Ricky connected the dots, that his apprentice died from overgiving with Flux as well, which in turn means that Clyde was not only directly suffering from magic’s tragic clause. “Magic ain’t only affected ‘im but dose ‘round ‘im too. If dat be de case then surely he’s suffered a lot o’ shyke f’r bein’ what ‘e is, a man’s lifetime o’ shyke all brought on ‘im an’ ‘e ain’t even reached de older stages o’ life.” Could life really be so cruel as to torture one as bold and intellectual as Clyde? Could all the logic the mage put into thought really be backed by such experiences that the man actually knew more than most would?

There were questions that held no answers as they remained only mysteries, as the how’s and why’s would always remained unsolved. As most would say, it was all in Lhex’s hands after all. Yet the conversation still took for a deeper turn as Ricky grasped the concept Clyde was getting at, of course the asylum was old news Ricky already knew much about and rather avoided at all costs considering he was a magic user. To learn anything outside the University as well as inside could put him and anyone at risk, yet the metaphor with the wolf earlier still remained around. The idea of Clyde’s point vivid as the image of a black sick wolf bared its fangs and snarled towards Ricky, such an idea was one the fisherman would’ve found amusing had he not taken interest in magic a long time ago. Yet the power and the edge it gave him was enough to serve its purpose, although he deferred to avoid using it at all costs unless proven necessary. "Dis man’s got it roi, even if Oi remain careful I still risk me self and those ‘round me."

It was a situation that could be best described as double edged, were he actually faced with it in reality then he’d been in trouble from the start. "Aye, Oi ‘ave always feared t’ use magic. Still manage t’ somehow keep fr’m usin’ it less it’s a last resort. ‘onestly mate given de fact I’d put me self at such risk f’r me loved ones it makes sense, goin’ dat far can easily put both me and dem in danger." He sighed as he knew there was no absolute way of knowing whether he could follow through with words, it was practically pointless to even try to say that he wouldn’t allow it to happen. No. That’d make him look the fool, the naïve fool who thought he could conquer everything. However even the smart man knew when he could make bets, yet gambling the lives of those around you wasn’t something Ricky took to favor.

"Oi know what ya said before, dat it be best left f’rgotten. Yet…" He clenched his fists as he was well aware what he could say would very well have consequence. "Oi ‘onestly wanna learn t’ control Reimancy just so Oi can control me, de power ain’t what I want even if it allures me. Oi just wanna be strong enough t’ tell when Oi get put on de spot, me main focus ‘owever is purely Shieldin’ rest assured." Would it make Clyde feel better knowing Ricky’s main focus was on a defensive magic, something less dangerous compared to the rest given the fact they knew so little about it? He could only hope such assurance might bring something good within Clyde, a glimmer of hope, a simple smile, even a chuckle out of amusement would be taken as a good sign. Ricky wanted to show Clyde, prove to the man more than anything, that he really intended to protect those around him with the greatest of good intention. Reimancy may not have fallen into regards of that kind of standards, but Shielding certainly had to in his case.
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The Scholar and The Guard

Postby Clyde Sullins on February 21st, 2014, 10:32 pm

"Aye, Oi ‘ave always feared t’ use magic. Still manage t’ somehow keep fr’m usin’ it less it’s a last resort. ‘onestly mate given de fact I’d put me self at such risk f’r me loved ones it makes sense, goin’ dat far can easily put both me and dem in danger."

"Oi know what ya said before, dat it be best left f’rgotten. Yet…"

"Oi ‘onestly wanna learn t’ control Reimancy just so Oi can control me, de power ain’t what I want even if it allures me. Oi just wanna be strong enough t’ tell when Oi get put on de spot, me main focus ‘owever is purely Shieldin’ rest assured."

Clyde smiled back at the man, and shook his head. His words where ones he had heard spoken before, more than once...

"I would imagine most wizards start magic for similar reasons. Wanting to help people, to protect people, to do good. But magic is addictive, and so is power. And its easy for an initiate as you, who has little skill, to say he would give up that little power... But what would you say once you had truly gained something of value? Even when you don't overgive and lose your mind, magic will twist you, change you."

"Power is addictive. The joy one feels when one casts a spell is addictive. Being able to do things others cannot, is addictive. One day you may find yourself looking back, and realize you gave up more than you truly gained. On that day, you may find yourself to be a wizard."

Clyde paused after saying this, and then made a dismissing hand wave.

"But enough of these moral quandaries, as I know they have no affect, you are too sure of your own right, of your choice being the correct one, to listen to anything I say in dispute of that. Lets say I do decide to teach you magic... How do you plan to repay me? You don't exactly look like a rich man able to pay a stack of coin for a lesson. So how do you plan to convince me to give you a lesson? What do you have to offer?"
Clydes Stuff

I am actually in RL a super intelligent hamster from Rhode Island, with a 7 year plan to take over the world.

Update 6/2/18- 1:10AM EST: His 7 year plan a success, and several weeks ahead of schedule, Clyde leaves to oversee the world he has taken over.

No new threads after end of Spring 518-Will still be checking for PM's occasionally, but focusing on a new character.

Graders note: :
Please be aware Clyde is a master Magecrafter. He therefore should not be gaining full xp(or possibly shouldn't gain any at all) for simple tasks related to this magic, such as low level MC items, particularly for repetitions of creations he has done before. Feel free to contact me if unsure of a instance of his magic use compared to his skill level.
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The Scholar and The Guard

Postby Ricky Maze on February 24th, 2014, 2:18 am

Ricky felt perplexed by the wisdom Clyde granted sure enough, yet it all seemed to point to something true in life. Clyde alone looked to be knowledgeable compared to others Ricky met and spoke about magic with, then again Ricky pretty much never spoke to anyone about it since he took to keeping it so secret. In truth power in all form did the same to every man that once got a hold of it, in the beginning the intent was good. Eventually though they lost their way somewhere, and in turn that ended up changing the very nature of the man who laid hands on it. That was what power did to everyone, and no matter how many times one stuck to caution; their noble goals still somehow faltered with the price they pay. It was something he had to deeply consider when it came to his family after all, even if he seemed headstrong in trying to practice.

No... He had to practice just to learn control. His magic was reserved for emergencies only, save for Shielding depending on its usefulness, but what if he messed up in the moment an event called for emergency? Then it would be on him for failing to practice and learn, and in turn regret not doing so even if it could come with a cost. It was a situation that held a complex meaning one could look at, damned if you do and damned if you don’t. However the musings between them only seem to grow as the topic of the probable if came around, and of course that if came with a sort of cost everybody looked for nowadays. Upon hearing the question Ricky sighed immediately as it were a custom he should’ve known by now, ‘you scratch my back I scratch yours’ was a popular thing to go by these days.

"Aye payment isn’t something Oi ‘ave de luxury o’ t’ be ‘onest." It was true. Even with some funding saved his budget was tight, especially if he wanted to make sure he could provide well for his family. "In truth Oi ‘ardly even got anyt’ing o’ value any more. De only few t’ings Oi can offer is lessons in somet’in like fishin’ or sword skills, or if ye fancy a good story or Oi can manage well wit’ dat." He shrugged as he doubted any of these options would prove beneficial to Clyde, although it was sort of a fair trade to do was it not? Teach one lesson for another? That sounded fair in Ricky’s terms but then again he wasn’t the one who was to negotiate here was he.

Whatever decision Clyde would make Ricky could understand, but the fisherman did his best to keep an open mind with the mage. Any suggestions or ideas he might have had to share were welcome after all, considering Ricky hadn’t much to provide in terms of payment.
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The Scholar and The Guard

Postby Clyde Sullins on February 28th, 2014, 5:56 pm

It was clear Ricky was not surprised to hear Clyde's words. But then, what fool mage went around freely giving away their magic. Even with his job as a teacher, he was payed for his work. It was not for free. Even if he did have ulterior motives for becoming a teacher, he had also been gaining benefits outside of that alone.

"Aye payment isn’t something Oi ‘ave de luxury o’ t’ be ‘onest."

"In truth Oi ‘ardly even got anyt’ing o’ value any more. De only few t’ings Oi can offer is lessons in somet’in like fishin’ or sword skills, or if ye fancy a good story or Oi can manage well wit’ dat."

"Magic is rare, not a trifle. If I were to give it away for nothing, well then... I would be both disrespecting my own skills, and magic itself. Neither are things I want to do..."

Clyde thought on things for a moment... Honestly he had little interest in learning how to fish. And learning how to fight with a sword was not of much interest. He was happy enough learning how to better wield his staff and hammer. He certainly did not need to learn yet another new weapon from scratch. And as for a story, he had already recieved one, and that had simply been as payment for getting Clyde to go somewhere where they could talk further of him actually teaching him magic. Not payment for magic itself.

However... He was heading to Sahova, and food was a issue there. What they had was... Well minimal in both quantity and quality.

"The last thing I need is to learn how to fight with another weapon, I already have enough trouble focusing on the two I am trying to figure out as it is, my staff and hammer, without adding a third."

"However... Food is perhaps something I will be needing soon. What sort of quantities can you get this fish, and how can you treat it to make it last? I may soon be leaving and going somewhere not to far, where food is in a higher demand. Access to a supply of edibles might be a worthy trade, if you can elaborate and make a good offer."

It was not a good idea to usually make a offer where he would already be giving away his half, and would be receiving services at a later date... But then, not many people wanted to go against a mage, and the fear of what he might do would likely be enough to make him do as he promised. That along with the fact that he could divulge his secret.
Clydes Stuff

I am actually in RL a super intelligent hamster from Rhode Island, with a 7 year plan to take over the world.

Update 6/2/18- 1:10AM EST: His 7 year plan a success, and several weeks ahead of schedule, Clyde leaves to oversee the world he has taken over.

No new threads after end of Spring 518-Will still be checking for PM's occasionally, but focusing on a new character.

Graders note: :
Please be aware Clyde is a master Magecrafter. He therefore should not be gaining full xp(or possibly shouldn't gain any at all) for simple tasks related to this magic, such as low level MC items, particularly for repetitions of creations he has done before. Feel free to contact me if unsure of a instance of his magic use compared to his skill level.
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The Scholar and The Guard

Postby Ricky Maze on March 3rd, 2014, 7:32 pm

To deny the fact it disappointed Ricky just a little would be a naïve and foolish thing, but all the same he could wholly understand the concept of Clyde’s principle. To go to such an extent without a means of some kind of fairground would be an insult well enough, thus disrespectful on Ricky’s part if he’d failed to meet the man halfway somehow. In short Ricky nodded with a sincere look of understanding to Clyde’s statement; to undermine the authority he had as a mage thus create an insult on the very principle behind magic would be wrong. To know that Clyde was committed to such a thing even if he seemed to dislike how others would learn magic, that meant there had to be some sort of reason Clyde held magic with higher regard. If he were truly serious about keeping Ricky from being stubborn and delving further into knowledge, then he’d have turned the fisherman down from the get go.

That wasn’t the case though. Somehow Clyde found himself on a mutual ground that could be beneficial for both him and Ricky at the same time, which meant an opportunity such as this could very well indeed prove bountiful for the fisherman if he could meet the scholar’s standards. Food. It seems as though Clyde would need large quantities of it, which meant Ricky had some sort of means to return the favor should he be able to hold his end. This meant he would likely be bound by a promise, in which he would also mean to keep. Whether or not a deal was made or an oath was sworn Ricky would always live up to his promises, thus the job he’d have to undergo to hold up to his end of this possible bargain would be taken with the upmost seriousness. He was not going to let something like this slip between his fingers.

"Well it’s winter so Oi can manage t’ do some extra fishin’, alt’ough Oi ain’t used any means o’ preservation in a while…" He couldn’t deny the fact that he hadn’t the need to preserve any caught fish for a while now, not since he still came home and stayed in Zeltiva for the longest while. "Apart from de cold t’ keep ‘em from spoilin, Oi t’ink Oi can manage a saltin’ method t’ dry out de fish f’r ya. Oi’m a bit rusty wit’ rememberin’ de process as it’s been a good while, but Oi can garentee ya dat Oi’ll get ‘owever much ya need f’r a while and prep it all f’r preservation." He pitched his part of the bargain with arms crossed, but still held the humble friendly posture to Clyde as he spoke. He wasn’t negotiating anything but merely bringing up what could work for the man, if he needed some well preserved food then sure enough Ricky would do his best to remember what he learned.
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Credit goes to Fallon for allowing me to temper with her codings! :)
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Ricky Maze
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The Scholar and The Guard

Postby Clyde Sullins on March 7th, 2014, 5:38 pm

When making a deal, it was often a bit odd for a Chaon. As he thought it through, Clyde wondered if there was ever really a downside... If they kept to their end of the bargain, then he would gain what he wanted.

But if the other person did not do as they said, then that would mean they had lied about their actions, betrayed Clyde by not holding up their end of the deal... And the person would have been corrupted that bit more by such a dealing, not by Clyde's actions, but by their own actions. All things that would please Rhysol. Which meant either way it would be in Clyde's interests, for it would either directly serve Clyde and through him Rhysol's interests, or their actions would serve to directly feed and strengthen Rhysol's domain.

It brought a interesting new perspective when making a deal. For wasn't it all the sweeter, all the more evil an action, and all the more deeper a betrayal, if Clyde in his dealings had been more than fair and equitable and the other person still had welched?

Clyde spent a few moments thinking this over, before continuing on with the dealings and negotiations.

"Well it’s winter so Oi can manage t’ do some extra fishin’, alt’ough Oi ain’t used any means o’ preservation in a while…"

"Apart from de cold t’ keep ‘em from spoilin, Oi t’ink Oi can manage a saltin’ method t’ dry out de fish f’r ya. Oi’m a bit rusty wit’ rememberin’ de process as it’s been a good while, but Oi can garentee ya dat Oi’ll get ‘owever much ya need f’r a while and prep it all f’r preservation."

Preservation. That was something Clyde had not really thought about, but was a good point to bring up. The food needed to last for awhile, both to be shipped and to keep until it could be eaten.

As for quantities, that was another thing entirely... Math was not Clyde's strong suit, but nevertheless he tried to run some numbers through his head...

If he ate say a pound of fish a day, then that would be ninety pounds for a seasons eating... But even increasing it to eating two pounds a day would double that to 180 lbs of fish a season... Then another thought occurred to him.

"Wait, assuming you can get the fish I need, and in the quantities required, how much of the fish will be edible? Say if..." Clyde paused for a moment, deciding to round up from the amount of 1 lb for 90 days to a even 100 lbs, as a base amount to deal with. "Say you shipped me 100 lbs of fish... How much of that would be edible, you know the good parts of the fish that can be eaten, the meat? How much of that 100 lbs would be useful?"

Clyde paused for a moment, running the numbers through his head. If it was not a lot, it would mean a lot more fish... If say half of the fish could be eaten, then... That would mean twice as much, to 360 lbs of fish, if he ate 2 lbs a day... Which meant the meat would more subsidize his other meals, to fill it out, not serve as all the food needed.

But first he needed to know how much was good, out of the unit of 100 lbs.

"Also... Salting... What would I need to do to the fish once I got it, to make it eatable? Unsalting it? And how would I go about that?"
Clydes Stuff

I am actually in RL a super intelligent hamster from Rhode Island, with a 7 year plan to take over the world.

Update 6/2/18- 1:10AM EST: His 7 year plan a success, and several weeks ahead of schedule, Clyde leaves to oversee the world he has taken over.

No new threads after end of Spring 518-Will still be checking for PM's occasionally, but focusing on a new character.

Graders note: :
Please be aware Clyde is a master Magecrafter. He therefore should not be gaining full xp(or possibly shouldn't gain any at all) for simple tasks related to this magic, such as low level MC items, particularly for repetitions of creations he has done before. Feel free to contact me if unsure of a instance of his magic use compared to his skill level.
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Clyde Sullins
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