Okay, so this is always something that PCs really get into. What kind of factions are in the nest, or what kinds do we want?
Off the top of my head I think of the Priesthood, the Guards, and Crafters. Zinrah is small enough to have like some pretty intense guild interaction with crafting (magical or mundane). The priesthood is a cultural pillar, Siku and all. With guards, it's really more like what are Zinrah's elite soldiers really like, when there are Myrians being mean all of the time (so not to interfere with faceless guard, but to be known and such). Kind of like the Syliran Knights in OOC structure, maybe, application and upkeep?
The other thing was a political level, and if Zinrah's lesser Queens and their reaches should have more shape? How do these pockets of influence recognize themselves and others. Are there any marks that distinguish them from one another? Model wise, I'm thinking of the Houses of the Four Winds in Eyktol, which works structurally well.
I want priestess NPCs, just need the weekend to be here to draft them!!! Zinrah's living library, hehe.
Get your ideas up here, Aka!