Positive points:Honorable Deed Points:+1 to +5 points for training threads. In case of Solo, minimum of 4 decent posts (400 - 500 words each posts).
+2 to +6 points for patrolling. This only applies to actual patrols, if they say my PC spend all day patrolling and now he's going to train. Nope. If they say, my PC spend all day patrolling, and now he's going to the stallion, nope. For points in this, they have to actually patrol in a thread. In case of Solo, minimum of 2 - 3 decent posts (400 - 500 words each posts).
+1 points for threads with their patron. The patron must be in a significant part of the thread.
+2 to +10 points for helping the people of the city. This could be in quest, modded threads, or something they did in their own threads. Solving disputes, breaking up brawls, hunting bandits, helping with a difficult task with no promise of reward, altruistic deeds, taking people to the tank, etc.
+5 points if they recruit someone into joining the Knighthood, but this has to be done IC. (Recruit PC squires only)
+2 to +6 points in a thread where a Knight trains their squire (Train PC squires only)
+1 to +3 point if a Knight takes the time to train a squire that isn't theirs. (Train PC squires only)
+5 to +20 bonus points for outstanding acts of bravery or heroism. This can be done by both Knights and Squires. (Modded threads only)
+1 to +5 bonus points for same as above. (Prompts only)
Extraordinary Deed Points:+200 points for Squires who completed their knighting quest. PCs who started as Knights can do a modded Flashback Knighting quest to get the points as well.
+50 points for a Knight who actually trains a squire from start to them going on their Knighting quest. The squire doesn't actually have to pass the Knighting quest. (Mentor PC squires only), Bonus +50 points if the squire passed the Knighting quest and becomes a full-fledged Knight.
+50 Points for a Knight who gains a promotion, with +50 increment for each rank starting from "Knight". (e.g: Knight -> Sergeant Knight promotion nets +50 points, Sergeant Knight -> Stewart Knight promotion nets +100 points, and so on. See the
lore on Knight ranks for details).
Gnosis-related Deed Points:+100 points for Knights/Squires who gain a level in these gnosis, with +100 Increment for each level (e.g: L1 nets +100 points, L2 nets +200 points, and so on):
Ennervism, Yahal's Gnosis
Lykata, Eyris' Gnosis
Note: Soon to be added once their write-up is completed.
-Sylir, Sylir's Gnosis (Still in-development)
-Truthism, Tyveth's Gnosis (Still in development)
Seasonal Challenge Points:+3 Points for each Seasonal Challenges completed
+20 extra Points if
All Seasonal Challenges are completed.
Please PM the current DS to receive shield points from Seasonal Challenges
Negative Points:-2 to -5 points for ignoring a plea for help
-5 to - 10 points for ridiculing an innocent citizen.
-10 to -40 points for assaulting an innocent.
-50 points for grievously harming an innocent on purpose.
-2 to -10 Points for mouthing off to a superior
-1 to -5 points for damaging city property (or something along those lines)
-1 to -10 Points for Conduct Unbecoming of a Knight/Squire (Arrogance, apathy, greed, etc)
-All points removal, expulsion from the Order for murdering an innocent on purpose, possible follow-up punishments.
-All points removal, Ban from Syliras or Capital Punishment for acts of betrayal or high treason against the Order.