Callous... (Open)

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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]

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Callous... (Open)

Postby Gabriel Tanshihana on September 4th, 2010, 4:40 am

8th Day of Fall, 510 A.V.

Gabriel had been out in the wilds for some time. Surviving on what he could and the courteousy of others he managed to bump into. This was the closest place he knew of from following the few signs that were in place along the roads. The moon shone brightly in the night sky, stars sparkling and shimmering in the twilight hours. The young mans gait was slow, mixed with a bit of uneasiness and boredom for good measure. His left hand rested complacently upon the grip of his blade, it hung well on his belt sheathed away. For it was all that stood between him and death in many a situations. Most doubted he could handle himself at such an age. But with his training, and sheer determination he’d always come through.

Finally his weary footfalls brought him to Sunberth. The place wasn’t exactly a haven. There was no shining beacon of lanterns, and the cobblestone road was half dirt. He passed through the southern entrance, which looked to be half torn down. The masonry work of the wall stripped away. By what, he was unsure. Those crimson hues shifted back and forth looking for any signs of life as he cautiously traversed the humble and shattered beginnings of the travesty of a city.

Gabriel wasn’t aware of the history of the place for the most part. But, from what he had heard on passing, it was quite the cesspool of crime and chaos. Something drew him here though. Certainly he’d run into something of interest, and regardless he needed to pick up some supplies, a tent, and some other run of the mill things. After all, sleeping on the ground with the bugs was getting old. And finding a spider trailing across your face was never fun to wake up to.

Gabe eyes latched onto the first sounds and sight he could take in. It appeared to be a man, ill dressed, and quite drunk. His stride was obviously clumsy and apparently quite aimless. He stumbled towards Gabriel a bit. The man wasn’t too tall, and looked quite slim. Probably due to blowing all his cash on booze Gabe would assume. It appeared he was armed, the hilt of a dagger or short sword protruding from his waistline and grimy clothes. Well that and he had a bottle of cheap swill in his grasp. If that could even be counted as an instrument of the battlefield. Gabriel put it more akin to a daily object, but being hit in the face with a blunt object was never a very fun proposition.

“Hey! You dere’ BOY!” the drunk man shouted out, rather loud and obnoxiously. His free hand pointing at Gabe, his head slumped a bit. A few more clumsy steps and he was quite close. Gabriel would never let him get past an invisible line he’d always created. Roughly it was one meter. Anything that came within’ that circle that was an unknown, was subject to him drawing his blade in a rather violent manner. Gabes thumb rested at the edge of his trained weapons guard. Willing to push it out of its sheath at any moment.

“May I help you ser?” the young mans voice was steady and calm. Eyes staying focused on the erratic movements of the stranger. Anything overly exaggerated would be unacceptable to the young man. Yet he did not necessarily feel threatened in the presence of this person.

“Boy! You shoudn’t be on des’ streets at night! Not safe ere’ at dis’ time o’ the hour!” the drunken man continued to talk wheeling forwards a little bit, and then crashing forwards towards Gabe. Tripping over his own feet in quite a hilarious manner. Gabriel didn’t draw his sword, instead he closed the small gap between them, catching the mans mass in his arms. He wasn’t that heavy, but Gabe buckled under the transients dead weight.

“Are you alright? You should go lay down…” the boy said calmly holding the man in place. The strangers arms were draped around him, preventing him from even getting t his weapon, not that he’d have been able to draw it in a drunken haze in the first place, at least not without cutting himself more the likely.

Using Gabriel as a thing to balance against, the man pushed against his shoulders, standing upright once more. The hand with the bottle in it rose up as he pointed to a nearby ramshackle of a home. “Dat’ be my house right over dere’ son. Woud’ you be kin’anouf to guide me there boy? You can even stay if yer’ like. Least’n I’s could offer ya’. Hate to see you cold an alone ere’. An I’m sure me daughter would mind a visitor.” The voice came out somewhat excited. The smell of alcohol wafting forth from between his lips.

“Very well. I don’t see why not, and your offer is overly kind. Allow me.” Gabriel took the mans left wrist within’ his grasp. Fingers coiling gently over it. He did his best to guide him towards the door. Always standing right beside him and keeping him upright, so he didn’t end up face planting the cobblestone road with his face in a most brutal manner. He kept’ stride with the drunken figure and then introduced himself.

“My name is Gabriel. What’s yours?” the voice trailed off quietly into the night as they came to the front door to the mans abode.

“Tis’ Gregor. And good meetin’ ya’self Gabby.” The mans slurred speech spilled forth not even able to form Gabriel’s’ name correctly.

A few knocks on the door and it opened…
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Callous... (Open)

Postby Gabriel Tanshihana on September 5th, 2010, 1:21 am

And behind that door was a fairly ordinary girl. She was a few years older then Gabe by appearance. She looked tired, as if she had been waiting up for her father all night. There were dark circles under her eyes, and she wore a worried expression as she looked over the two. At this point Gregor could barely hold his own weight, and Gabe was using all his might to hold him up. The girls verdant green gems locked on Gabriel as if questioning him.

“Ye’ move aside’ Tammy!” the man swatted somewhat wildly as if he were motioning for her to move. The bottle clanking against the rugged wooden doorframe. Tammy frowned and took a few steps back to allow Gabriel to essentially drag the man into his own home.

Those red eyes flashed and flickered about. Tammy was no threat. No obvious weapons, just some clothes. They seemed clean, as did she. Even though this was a hard place to live, she had obviously found her niche’ in doing wash more then likely from the cleanliness of her garments. But, once again that was just an assumption tossed out by Gabe. She wore a fairly plain skirt, and a shirt with a few buttons missing here and there. They were of slightly higher quality then a paupers, as they were not patched and stitched together with random materials. In her own way she was quite cute. And being as young as she was, he wondered how she had faired in a town such as this. After all the night streets were more then likely prowling with rapists and others wishing to do sinister deeds… Perhaps her father belonged to a gang, or a mercenary band? It was likely considering they actually had a home.

The homes layout was simple fair. The floors looked somewhat rickety but were stable. It was two floors. A stairway leading up against the left wall, more then likely to a bedroom of some sort. And a very small kitchen if you could consider it that. It seemed to kind of mesh in with their living area. Which consisted of little more then some ramshackle furniture here and there, and of course a beaten sofa that had seen MUCH better days. Which of course Gregor motioned to. Obviously it was his sleeping arrangement. Gabriel took him over, half guiding half dragging the man to the place he’d come crashing down against. Which he did quite well. It was surprising finesse for Gregor to actually spin as he did on to his back and land without breaking his damn neck. As soon as the man hit the cushions he was out, dropping the bottle of swill onto the floor. Gabriel quickly picked it up, before it had the luxury of splashing its contents all over the already sad floor. Then he turned to sit it down at the edge of makeshift bed. Then spun around to Tammy slowly.

As Gabriel had drug Gregor to his resting point, Tammy had closed the door and bolted it shut behind them. Her gaze hovering over the figure, and peering at the strange sword at his hip. She’d never seen anything quite like it. It was some kind of curved sword with an ornate sheath from what she could make of it. As far as Tammy was concerned, Gabriel probably had many chances to thrust the weapon into her father, and chose not to. Instead the boy had actually guided the man home safely. In her book that spoke volumes about the young man standing before her. If it had been someone else, they might have just buried a dagger deep within’ the mans spine, and left him naked in an alley. There were a few things she couldn’t get over though… Those eyes… The silver locks flowing gently down his face. The foreign blade propped at his side.

“Thank you…” she said, pausing for a moment before continuing. Her voice was surprisingly calm. “I’m Tammy… and you are?” She took a few steps towards Gabriel, her stride slow with even steps. Those green orbs observing his stance.

“My name is Gabriel. I was able to help your father out. He seemed to be… having a hard time making it home.” As Gabriel talked his hands also moved as if he was trying to explain something far more in-depth. “Your dad offered me a place to stay for the night. But it doesn’t look like there’s a place to lay my head besides the floor. Which honestly… At this point I’m fine with.”

“N-no… You don’t have to do that. My bed is right upstairs… It’s not much… B-but maybe y-you… I could share it with y-you?” she stammered, and her cheeks became flushed. She certainly was treating this newfound stranger with quite a bit of courteousy. Perhaps too much. Or maybe the fact Gabriel was around her age, and not a mad and drunken monster from the streets that only wished for one thing…

Gabriel was fairly numb to the advance. His journeys hadn’t exactly made him a very trusting camper. However, the soft comfort of a bed. The warmth of a young woman’s embrace. He’d be a complete IDIOT to act like some chivalrous knight at this point. After all he was a young man, his thoughts raced with all sorts of naughty preconceptions…

That train of ideology was completely obliterated in a few moments though. A loud snore cutting through the air that sounded like a trapped and dying beast. Gregor rustled around on the couch, the floor creaked wickedly. Gabriel was surprised the couch didn’t shatter under the strain of holding the man that was flopping around atop it.

“Well, shall we?” Gabe motioned to her to lead the way. Tammy giggled a bit and continued to blush. He was surprised she didn’t jump up and down at the prospect. Gabriel had his doubts though, it may be a restless night. He didn’t exactly want to get murdered in his sleep for the few paltry possessions he had, which were actually worth a bit. He’d have to sleep lightly, and watch what he drank and ate…

They hadn’t quite headed upstairs yet… Gabriel’s steps slowed in pursuit of the young woman…

Character State: :
Exhaustion - After carrying Gregor to his abode, and from the long walk here, Gabriel is getting quite tired. The pangs of the desire to sleep are wracking his body and mind. As both are becoming increasingly weary.

Worried – Gabe is cautious of the motives of his newfound companions. They seem a bit TOO eager for his stay. Would they murder him? Maybe they’re being honest and just good-natured? Perhaps it’s nothing?
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Callous... (Open)

Postby Gabriel Tanshihana on September 6th, 2010, 5:48 pm

“C’mon Gabe!” Tammy’s hand wrapped around his wrist as she tugged him along. Gabriel tried to plant his feet, but failed as she continued to tug. His feet coming to the edge of the stairs. They weren’t in the best of shape, and every footfall made the things creek and groan loudly. As they continued up the small flight, his heart began to flutter, pangs of nervousness almost akin to terror… What if she… wanted to kiss him? Gabe was about to go into cardiac arrest at fifteen. Or at least he felt that way. He could feel the beating in his chest, his mind racing out of control. He almost wanted to tear away, but fear of the unknown spurred him onwards.

Finally they came to a stop. Her room was drab. She had a nightstand next to her bed, and one of its legs was off centered, so it leaned strangely. A candle sat atop it burning away, casting the only light in the room. The place was really more akin to a half attic. Gabe almost bashed his brains in on the ceiling, having to crouch a bit. The bed actually wasn’t in that bad of shape. No roaches scurried out of it. And the mattress didn’t look as if a pack Jamoura had played trampoline on it. So yes, Gabe had seen FAR worse examples of a bed, and hers was far from a nightmare. In fact, as tired as he was it was quite inviting. The idea of sleep was so damn close it was fast becoming a reality. Then it happened…

Tammy undid her blouse and it slipped from her form. Gabe froze in place, his jaw dropped. She still had her undergarments on… But they left so little to the imagination… “You can put your stuff down right there next to you beside the bed.” She smiled at him pointing to what side he’d be sleeping on. She didn’t seem to take into account the expression locked onto his face. “You do have some pajamas, yes?” she went over to her small dresser at the far end of the room and slipped into a fairly plain nightgown patterned with flowers of some kind. And then walked over to her side of the bed plopping down.

“Um… No… I didn’t bring any… I figured I’d just sleep in my jacket like I do every night…” Gabe said… Wishing he had the liberty of such a comfortable set of clothing to choose from… Well he did at home… With Gilden. He could’ve stayed in Syliras, continued to train with his master, and stayed warm by a fire every night, and laid his head on a soft pillow for a restful sleep. That wasn’t for Gabe though… He wanted to find the owner of the jacket he wrapped around himself every night. It served as the ultimate reminder to him, of his purpose in life. That’s what he was doing here in Sunberth. Trying to find a lead on the dark stranger… Gabriel wanted to see the world, become stronger, and return the jacket the same way it was gifted to him…

Gabriel put his pack down. He didn’t see any reason these people would harm him. Even in the darker places of the world there was light, and there were good people. These people seemed well enough. And the man he led home had a child, and fought to raise her even here. They probably couldn’t travel safely to Syliras, or maybe they just didn’t have the coin and would be homeless there. Thus they eked out an existence here, and stayed content with what they had. Gabe then undid the cord that strapped his katanas’ sheath to his belt at the waist. He leaned down and put it right next to the bedside, where all he’d have to do is roll over and snap it into his hand should anything happen.

His left hand slid the sheet up, and he pushed himself into the small bed, bracing his form against Tammy. She smiled at him as their noses touched, since they had to share her pillow. Gabe let a grin escape him as he stared at her. He watched her fall asleep. Her eyelids fluttering, her arm wrapped around his form, and then her leg came over his hip. Tammy probably’ hadn’t felt safer in all her life, or more content. She cooed a bit and then snored gently. Gabriel had to keep himself from laughing. His right arm slid underneath the pillow as he attempted to get comfortable. And his eyelids became heavy… So heavy. Nuzzling the side of his head into the pillow, darkness would bring deliverance…

Gabe did not sleep soundly that night though… Even with a warm body next to his, and a feeling of safety in a strange place… A nightmare like no other came about. One about the aphotic jacket he wrapped himself in everyday since his parents death… And “that man”…

The night went on and passed without anything else unusual happening. Morning light filtered into the room…

Gabriel awoke. All his things still in place. And Tammy still nestled at his side snoring away. The sun shone in through the only window in the room. Gabe was an early riser. But, he didn’t want to just leave without a thank you to his hosts. He’d lay there snuggled against the girls form, waiting for her or her father to awake.
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Callous... (Open)

Postby Geras on September 7th, 2010, 1:09 am

Geras stood in front of the lawless settlement of Sunberth where it was every man for himself. Or so he had heard. He had never been here before and from all the stories, it sounded like a fun place. The place was nowhere near as clean and secure as Syliras. No guards, no giant walls, no extravagant gates, pretty much the opposite of his home.

It was still early in the morning as he had left to complete the last leg of the journey alone the night before while his companion Danovar was asleep. Geras left a note at the campsite explaining his plan and he just hoped he would find it. He walked through the streets looking at his surroundings until he found a tavern called "The Pig's Foot".

Upon stepping inside he noticed it was noisy and poorly lighted. He didn't need to search much for the bartender since he stood at about seven feet tall and had arms like tree trunks. "Oi, Barkeep!" He shouted, walking up to the bar. A few people turned to look at him, perhaps because he was a stranger who seemed unintimidated by a man over a foot taller than himself, or perhaps because they didn't like strangers.

"You want something? Something that's not a waste of my time?" Came the response in a gruff, authoritative voice. He seemed to not like being bothered.

"Gimme a room for tonight," Geras answered as he dropped two gold mizas on the bar, still using his usual friendly tone. With that taken care of, he was free to roam the streets. He left the tavern and continued his exploration of the city.
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Callous... (Open)

Postby Diane on September 8th, 2010, 8:20 pm

8th of Fall,510 AV

It has been a long journey,she was tired.Syn was tired as well, they entered on a new area, still pitch dark outside.It was a total new place, looked not so good as Syliras nor back in Avanthal.Of course she heard some rumors about a place like this, where no rules apply.Not at all.
Indeed the surroundings didn't look to promising, Syn was stepping slower as they got inside of it on the empty streets.It was pretty late, so far no humans around.

"Syn, this place seems very odd and kind of gives me the creeps.We better watch out.." said on low tone Diane.At her left side, she saw a building looking rather good, that had the lights on.She thought it was a good opportunity to maybe get some food and rest for tonight, as tomorrow she will be out of this place.Only by looking at the trees, their shapes made you think it's not a very welcomed place.
I remember Papa said once something about a dangerous place,where law doesn't exist and very bad and forbidden stuff are going on around here.I guess I just have to pull it up together for one night.In the morning I am out of here. gave a small thought, as Diane got down from Syn and walked over with him over to what it seemed a Inn.

With slow movements she tied Syn by a very near tree beside the "Inn" patting him and taking the bag from there.She smiled at him gentle and kissed his nose, with a sigh went inside the building rather confident.Diane looked around and walked over to the "so called Bar Guy", trying to smile even though he kind of give her the creeps.
"Good evening, Sir.I would like a room please.Only for one night..My horse is outside." talked first Diane as was taking out some money to pay for the room.

The man rose one of his eyebrow,looking at the girl with black hair and strange color of her eyes.He sighed deeply putting down some glasses which h was wiping.He really seemed in a bad mood and begun to talk, more like mumbling.

"Aha..I don't know if I got any spare rooms.And I hope that you horse will survive for tonight" replied the man and got her a key tapping it by the counter.Diane's expression just changed saying about Syn and the surviving over night,but kept her calm.Was he joking? Did he tried to scare her off from there?
Diane's eyes changed into a deep violet, putting the hood down and threw 3 coins on the counter and grabbed the key.

"First floor,room 13,Miss.." said the man watching Diane going upstairs,thinking of Syn and if he will be ok.As she just reached on the hallway and the doors of the rooms, she tripped of something and made her fall down making a loud sound as her bag hit a door.
"Ahh!! Damn it..the heck was that?" said Diane getting up fast and grabbed the bag from that door, opening her room with the key.She went inside throwing her bag near the bed and took off her long coat, boots and just flopped on the bed with her face down.

"this will be a long night..I hope Syn will be fine." said on a low tone turning around in the small and uncomfortable bed,looking at the small candle light getting lost in her thoughts.

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Callous... (Open)

Postby Pavel on September 12th, 2010, 6:55 am

Pavel had finally arrived in Sunberth, the city of scoundrels and thieves, and after many years of self-teaching, the troublesome Pycon was ready to test his skills where they really counted. Little did he know that he would soon find himself lost in a sea of feet, trying to avoid getting squashed at every turn. The form of clay zigged and zagged through the crowds, letting out small yipes, but soon he learned to adopt. His body hunkered downward, slowly losing it's detail and becoming a blob like mass, slithering swiftly through the crowds, sliding up pant-legs, and relieving a few locals of their coins. Though Pavel was far from a thief master, he was competent in the art, and for the most part he was able to swindle the every day commoner out of their coin.

Suddenly he had an idea, so he made his way into the local tavern, marked "The Pig's foot." He slipped along through the crowds, a lowly slime, blending in perfectly with the grime, dust, and spilled ail that coated the floor. The small twisting puddle of clay blended in well with the scene, as it slid up down the 1st floor hallway. The bartender seemed to be slumped over, perhaps sleeping or ill, as the dirty bar came to an eiry still. He finally made his way to the rooms, taking his time to decide which one he wanted to enter... But not to sleep... Pavel did not sleep well in a bed. He preferred a nice hole to nuzzle up in. No, Pavel's plans were more devious than that. The clay creature immediately spotted a room marked with his favorite number, "13" however the door's crack was even too small for him to slip through.

With a well placed jump, the pycon grabbed the door knob, before pushing his head into the hole, following by his arms, and with a delicate touch, and a few passing moments, the door's lock was disarmed. The self-satisfied creature then made his way into the room with ease. His eyes immediately fell upon a bag. Like wild instinct, Pavel dived inward, grabbing at all that he could find, snickering wildly to himself, paying no mind to the possibility of the guest actually being in the room, not being as stealthy as he should have been. The clang of coins, and wild snickers filling the room, as he began to stuff Gold Mizas into his tummy, where he kept his coins.
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Callous... (Open)

Postby Diane on September 12th, 2010, 6:28 pm

Diane's eyes were slowly closing, while her mind was racing fast with different and small flashbacks,rolling in the tiny uncomfortable bed.She turned with her back at the door and faced the small window,with Syn in her mind and hoped he will be ok.Just for one night.She felt indeed very tired and could use some good sleep,maybe so Diane could gain her forces back.Even if she was pretty hungry, didn't wasted the food to much only if it was strictly necessary.

At some point,in that silence, lost in her thoughts and almost like half asleep Diane's ears heard a noise just by the door,slowly without moving to quick reached her bow near the bed while the door slightly opened.That person who got inside only wanted her goods, a common thief, but then again..he won't get away as simple like that.

Diane's pulse raised even more and felt really nervous,with her back at just a few inches from that person who was scavanging through her bag.With her other hand,squeezed the pillow and pulled it fast making a quick turn,while it went directly flying at the "thief".

Immediately,Diane stood on the bed all scared with her eyes a darker color,reddish and with black stripes,the small candle in the room made a small light,yet Diane still couldn't see the thief's face.

"what the heck..are you doing?!That's my personal stuff!" said Diane all serious,trying to hide her fear and in the meantime,reached for the bow turning fast with the aim on him.

"Put that down..Or you'll see how good I can aim." talked once again, holding the string of the bow with her two fingers,as the arrow had been held tight.Even so, he could see her nervousness since her fingers were shaking a bit.Still, she thought that might have been a bad idea,but..there was no other choice.No turning back now.

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Callous... (Open)

Postby Pavel on September 12th, 2010, 6:56 pm

Pavel swiftly turned his gaze to the voice coming from the darkness, only seeing a shadowy figure outlined by the candle-light. He then heard a woman's voice giving him a warning, and suddenly a surge of fear flowed through him. Even if the arrows would go straight through him, he didn't want to risk losing a limb, and spending days eating clay to regain it. He dropped the coins, and slowly moved closer to the woman, letting her see him in the glow of the candle. "I mean no harm," the clay figure spoke out. "I am just a lowly pycon. please don't hurt me...."

Then an idea immediately sprang into Pavel's head. "I am just a lowly clay creature," he said giving a low bow, and at that very moment the pycon did a flip backwards, grabbing a single arrow from her bag, before stuffing it inside of his clay torso, the tip pointing outwards, and in a flash he jumped backwards, bouncing against the door, causing his body to fling through the air at full speed, aimed directly towards the girl, the tip of the arrow pointing towards her, making himself a living projectile.

He snickered wildly as he thought himself so clever, until he realized his own weight caused the arrow to fall short of her, lodging into the bed, leaving him pinned to the mattress, at her mercy. "Errr.... my apologies?" he said, with a nervous smirk, realizing he was now entirely helpless. "Plllleeeasee don't kill me!!!!" He shreaked out. His feet and arms flailed every which way, as he looked up to her with a sad face, a frown so exaggerated that it was clear no human like creature could ever execute such an expression. His head slowly drooped downward, his well formed body slowly melting into a puddle of clay on the bed, as his little eyes looked up to her. "I will give you back all of your mizas. I swear!"
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Callous... (Open)

Postby Diane on September 12th, 2010, 9:04 pm

Diane couldn't believe her eyes by looking at the small creature in front of her,asking her not not hurt him and said he was a pycon.She slowly put the bow down and rose an eyebrow in curiosity mode,with her eyes turning deep green with violet vivid reflection in the irises.The next thing she saw, was him flying around the room after putting an arrow into his belly,as it just sent him flying backwards.

Her eyes were fallowing him,moving from left to right, at one point,he landed on the bed and almost begging not to harm him,that he will give her back the mizas.She didn't knew what exactly this "person" will do or if he was telling the truth,but deep inside she knew he couldn't lie about that.Diane believed him and put a gentle smile on her face,reaching for him to help soon after he was flattering his hands and legs in all directions.

"It's fine..I believe you.Where did you came from anyways?" asked him with a bit of curiosity and then continued to speak."I..won't hurt you.As for now, you are forgiven.I don't trust so much people.Then again,you might be an exception." finished her words,Diane looked upon him trying to measure him with his fingers.

""If I let you love the one Adored -will you go all the way ?.."
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Callous... (Open)

Postby Pavel on September 13th, 2010, 12:44 am

Pavel slowly slid his body off of the arrow, taking a moment to recompose himself, before sliding his hands inside of his tummy, gripping at the couple of gold mizas lodged within him. He placed them in her hands, before clearing his throat, as he scuffed his feet. "My apologies for trying to steal from you.... and my attempt to injure you.... and well..." The little pycon stretched out, before letting out a light sigh.... "My name is Pavel, and... I am in your debt for your mercy."

He then moved upward, climbing up the blanket, and sitting on her lap, looking up to her. "I can do things! I can do flips, and stretch, and twist, and turn, and even pick locks!" He gave out a mischievous cackle, as he rocked in her lap, before toppling over backwards, landing on her other lap. "If you can help keep me safe with that errrmmmm... Bow, I could help you in many ways!" He tugged playfully at her hair, as he gave her a big smile, cuddling into the blankets beneath.

Though Pavel was surprised this girl was so trusting, he oddly enough did not feel the need to deceive her like he has deceived so many. There was something different about this girl. She seemed so trusting, and youthful that he didn't have the heart to swindle her... In a way the Pycon was disappointed in himself. How was he to compete with the big-time thieves of Sunberth if he couldn't even steal from one young girl?

He simply shook his head at the thought, but another side of him truly wanted to help her, and he definitely had skills that could assist them both, and Pavel believed that she was probably a decent shot with that bow. Finally he had made up his mind... He put up one little hand to shake her own, as he continued to rock happily in her lap, as if the scene moments ago had not happened at all. "How about it, Miss? We could be best of friends!" Then Pavel paused a moment, before tilting his head to one side, and asking the girl...."Errrr.... What be your name, miss?"
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Riley's Character
Posts: 33
Words: 18621
Joined roleplay: September 10th, 2010, 7:44 pm
Race: Pycon
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