Solo Paranoia

What the lack of sleep for several days can do to a man. A Suspicious building with suspicious guards worsen the bat's delusions, never before was his mind as foggy, however clearer, as it is now.

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.


Postby Brandon Blackwing on March 4th, 2014, 3:05 pm


the 21st of spring 514AV

Brandon stood before the heavy doors that guarded the entrance to the Bharani library, not quite sure if he should pass the Shinya standing next to the doorway, hands on their weapon, ready to halt anyone who looked too suspicious to enter the valuable collection the library possessed. The bat had wanted to see what the inside looked like, so he had come here, yet it seemed that his plan was doomed to fail. Or, in other words, it already had. For he recalled that one couldn’t browse through the books stored here if one hadn’t made at least one contribution to the knowledge-possessing building.

A shame, truly a shame. But, how should the guards know that one had or hadn’t had made a contribution? There was no way they could, and so the bat figured he could enter but there was a risk. If they found out, he was toast. He thought so anyway. For one reason or another, he’d grown more uncomfortable under the glances from the guards than he had before. There didn’t seem to be an immediate reason to it, except maybe paranoia. Fear was his constant companion, even when he wasn’t being naughty.

Maybe it was because he felt that even though he hadn’t been caught yet, and hoped he never would be, his criminal ways wouldn’t support him much longer. He was certain the Shinya had their eye on him, following him, recording his every move, gathering evidence so that they could arrest him and strip him from his freedom. Steal that and his dream away from him, his dream to chase the horizon, like Cass had put it into words once. Freedom and his dream couldn’t exist without each other, he couldn’t accomplish his dream if he wasn’t free, and he couldn’t be free if he couldn’t make his dream come true. So, he needed to avoid those looks of suspicion the guards cast onto him, he had to deceive them, make them believe he was the wrong guy to apprehend.

Yet, that would be a hard task, he was hardly someone you could call a model citizen: he stole, he broke in, he ran over roofs and occasionally walked around in the nude. Though he wasn’t sure if the last two things were contrasting with the law. Maybe, maybe not, but who knew for sure? There was no one he could ask except the enforcers of the law themselves, but he wasn’t that curious.

Taking all that into account, would it be wise to go inside and sate his curiosity? Probably not, not at all actually. But he wanted to know, he wanted to see, he wanted to –to what? There was no reason why he should go inside, apart from curiosity, which was known for killing cats. And bats too, should he give in to it. Especially if curiosity had a whole army of magic-wielding vicious guards, who wanted to see nothing more than his person behind jail bars, at its side. No no, this was most definitely a trap, a trap designed to lure him in and wrap his body in chains, floored by dozens of Shinya pouncing on him from every shadowy corner they could find. Nice try, but they wouldn’t succeed this time, now that he knew of their plan there was no way you could make him go in the library.

It had been a close call, he’d almost fallen for it! But the guards at the entrance had been a giveaway, as was the contribution thingy. Why would there be guards stationed at a place he’d never visited before? They stood there as lookouts, scanning the area around the building for him, so that they could sent the men inside a message when he’d entered, and to close the doors behind him, to lock him in. And with no way out, he would be done for, outnumbered by the bastards, outclassed by their skill in battle. The reason that there were so many books in there was to obscure the sweaty smell of the guards hiding, waiting for the prey that would never come. Why would one have to make a contribution before being allowed to enter? Because they wanted to know for sure it was him, if he gave them his name they would be sure he was the one they were looking for, or maybe they didn’t have his name yet and couldn’t arrest him because of that. Well, he wouldn’t give it to them, it was a good thing he’d seen through the schemes before it had been too late. Bran grinned when he turned his back towards the two lookouts and strode away, down the stairs.


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Postby Brandon Blackwing on March 4th, 2014, 9:49 pm


As he made his way through the streets, crowded but quickly emptying as dark clouds spilled countless drops of water on the city, Syna stopped looking and left, hiding somewhere in the grey sky. The bat too felt the urge to hasten his step, yet he did not as it had been quite a while since he’d been out in the rain and ignored the possible outcomes his mind presented him, one of which was an increased conduction of the cold through wet clothes. The rain was light, not the kind you would expect to soak you within a couple of chimes, yet this one did.

Before long his grey locks draped down his head in wet, dripping strands, all of them sticking to his head and framing it, some crisscrossing his face like rivers on a landscape. Annoyed, the bat wiped the wet hair out of his eyes, the drops clinging to his eyebrows eventually falling, looking huge due to the short distance in front of his eyes, which he found quite annoying as well. The feeling of raindrops rolling down his face, dropping from the tip of his nose faded after few chimes, only being noticed occasionally. His face represented the sky, grim-looking and threatening. His dark orbs showed no emotions themselves, but the eyebrows reaching out to each other, furrowed, did.

His clothes were soaked as well, heavy and cold with streams of water running from random parts of them. The thief felt as if he’d taken another dive into the fountain, and he smelled like it too. Strange thing, rain, it had its own smell, which usually hung in the air as a warning before it came down, but it washed away all other smells as well as flooding the world with its own. Though the scent was quite nice, calming and soothing, the bat rediscovered that he didn’t liked rain, however he didn’t hate it either.

Avoiding the puddled being formed, the thief walked on calmly but with not without a certain swiftness to his step, for he had had enough of the endless shower of tiny drops. It was cold, his clothes’ heaviness and rigidness got on his nerves, since he was used to being a lot more flexible and agile. This was probably why he didn’t like it, the fact that it made you cold and wet, but it wouldn’t be rain if it didn’t.

Suddenly he heard a noise that he didn’t associated with normal citizens, but he knew it good enough, much to his displeasure. For a brief moment Bran thanked Makutsi for not sending louder showers over the crystal city, else he wouldn’t have been able to hear the clattering noise of weaponry. A quick glance over his shoulder revealed two Shinya walking through the drizzle, stern faces with focused eyes imbedded in them. The bat cursed, splattering water from his lips while doing so, and his expression went harsh. They were following him, so they had found his sudden turn at the door of the library suspicious after all, he knew it had been a trap! They’d been frustrated that he’d slipped through their net and had sent a couple of guards after him, huh?

A smile that didn’t quite reached his eyes travelled over his visage as his thoughts raced for what their objective could be. Was it just shadowing him or did they have to arrest him when he’d reached his destination? Or were they just sent out to retrieve him? Probably that, he had been careless, he should have paid more attention to his surroundings while he left the Bharani library, obviously the sly bastards had sent word of the failed plan to the headquarters and there some men were dispatched to catch him, setting up more traps throughout the city. Ambushes, and those following him were to lead him there, to chase him to the place they wanted him. And he had no choice but to run, if he didn’t his shadows would grab their chance and seize him.

But, he thought with a grimace, they had to catch him first, and he wouldn’t make it easy on them. If they wanted to play games with him, playing games they would and it would be according to his rules. This particular game was a mix of tag and hide-and-seek, but the inversed version, the one who was supposed to be ‘it’ were more than one person, and the people to be tagged were reduced to one. This was a rabbit hunt, but with a lot of hunting dogs, and one rabbit. The whole city was the field, a labyrinth of streets with enough places to temporarily hide and sneak away behind their backs. Catching him would prove a lot more difficult than they’d have expected, he’d make certain of that. His teeth bared itself as a grin parted his lips and he suddenly dived to the left, into the alley that he’d almost passed, a roll through a puddle couldn’t be avoided but he was wet already anyways, so it didn’t matter much. The roll resulted in a low crouch which he used as starting position for a brief sprint away from the alley entrance and into one of the others branching out from the small street, hopefully shaking his followers. He’d teach them that not even several ambushes set up throughout the city were enough to capture him!


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Postby Brandon Blackwing on March 5th, 2014, 7:10 pm


Having said that, he still wanted to get home as fast as possible, however since he couldn’t take the roofs without risking being noticed by those he was hiding from, or at least avoiding, he had no choice but to stay on the street and play the game. It was a bit unfair, he found, that they were with so many and he with so few but it wasn’t like he played fair either, though in a game with few rules it was hard to cheat, so actually what they did was fair, everything was fair. The rules were simple, don’t get caught and you win, do get caught and you lose. The duration of the game was indefinite, at least that’s how it appeared.

With sturdy pace the thief hurried through the streets, emptied by the rain, it was surprising that there still were guards patrolling actually. This was the last bit of proof Brandon needed, there was no doubt that the Shinya were trying to capture him, and kept patrolling because they didn’t want to let him slip through the net they’d hung up so carefully. Well, too bad for them, but that was exactly what he was planning to do. He grinned and shot another look over his shoulder to confirm that he had indeed shaken his opponents, it seemed to be like he had. Of course, no-one could follow him through the labyrinth of alleys if he didn’t want to.

A corner came closer and Bran pressed his back against the stone walls of the alley and quietly stalked nearer, moving sideways like a crab. When he arrived at the point where he couldn’t go further, he carefully let a piece of his head stick out, one eye would suffice to scan the street that blocked his path. Safe, no-one was there, no guards, but that didn’t mean it couldn’t be a trap, maybe they were waiting for him on top of the houses, with a net that they could throw over his head and trap him with when he passed through the alley. If that was the case, they’d have to stick close to the edge of the roof, especially so if they had a net in their hands… A quick, though thorough look up revealed that none of those could be seen, yet that didn’t mean that they weren’t there.

The question was whether they were stationed at both sides of the street or only one side, and if the latter, which side was it? The left or the right hand side? He didn’t know, it would be a risky action going through that street, but who knows, maybe they stood at every street? That would be a problem… However, that couldn’t be true, if it was he’d be struggling in a net already, not roaming the streets still free. No, he was sure they’d only be waiting for him in short alleys, small ones, where he couldn’t escape their net easily. But, they could have used a small part of a larger alley for their scheme as well. So … the main streets would be safer then? But there the guards patrolled… Ah, that was their strategy!

They had been expecting him to take the alleys, and used this in their advantage, by blocking the smaller ones they hoped to catch him, like he’d just found out. But, to create a win-win situation they’d ordered some of their men to patrol the main streets, and possibly the squares as well, so that if he’d find out about the ambushes on the rooftops he’d take the larger roads and walk right into the arms of the guards there. Smart, he couldn’t deny that this was indeed a problematic situation. Problematic was the training of the Shinya as well, they were mages, not just guards. Normal guards would be easy to outrun, but these could just smash him into a wall with the flick of their wrist. Not to mention that he didn’t have an idea if they had to capture him alive or not. He should assume that it didn’t matter whether his body was lifeless or not, and as such they could shoot fireballs at him as soon as he came into their vision. Troublesome situation indeed.

But for now he should avoid those streets and stick to the alleys. However, he couldn’t continue to walk in the middle of them, no he was too easy of a target there, instead he should move close to the wall, like he’d done when the corner had appeared. Teeth pressed on his lower lip, as he glanced upwards and after that into the alley again. Still no-one he could see … well, to cross to the other side he had to be quick, or be dead. The last option wasn’t really appealing, so the other was his pick. The bat took a few steps back and forced his body forward, accelerating fast and jumped as he reached the entrance of the dangerous alleyway. His body sailed through the air horizontally, thrown out in the open for a brief period, then a swift roll made an end to it. Crouching, the thief sent a short stare back through the trap and the roofs to see if they’d noticed, which didn’t seem to be the case. Relieved he dared to breathe again and got up, pressing his back in the wall and continuing his way stealthily.


Credit goes to Ollic
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Postby Brandon Blackwing on March 7th, 2014, 1:45 pm


It was quite a pain to walk with the backside of your person pressed into a wall, and soon the bat gave up, returning to a normal walking pose but still sticking close to the wall, his shoulder almost touching it. His boots were placed down with care, softly and avoiding puddles as much as possible but of course there had been some that would compromise his safety if he did avoid them and he’d had no choice but to go through. His boots and feet were now drenched too, making soggy sounds whenever they were pushed on the pavement.

All of a sudden he found himself at another crossroad, giving him the option of going left or right, or go back the way he’d come. Repeating the process of stealing a few looks to each side from a more or less hidden position, the bat reached the conclusion that right was the way to go, since his home was down that path and the backs of two guards distanced themselves from him on the left one. However, as he started treading down the road he’d chosen, he wondered if he wasn’t being awfully predictable, wouldn’t they have guards wait for him at his front door? It was highly possible, they’d been keeping an eye on him for quite a while, probably having undercover spies everywhere, but none on the streets right now, to avoid suspicion. Following that trail of thought, the bat deducted that the Shinya must have been aware of his habits all along, and that they were using the information for their plan C. Darn, so he couldn’t get home to hide… they’d barge in if he did, if he wasn’t arrested at arrival.

So, where could he go then? The Demise? No, that too was a place he frequented … He’d have to do what he otherwise wouldn’t and go where he usually didn’t. But wouldn’t the guards have arrived at this conclusion as well? Plan D? Or had they but didn’t believe he would be smart enough to figure that out? Underestimated him, to put it differently. No, he couldn’t take that into account, he’d make mistakes if he did, he’d underestimate them and nothing good came from doing that. Biting is thumb, he found himself lost in thought, listing the possibilities. He couldn’t go home, and the Demise was of limits as well, even worse, it was possible that there would be guards at every location he could think of visiting.

Although, the bat deemed that quite an unwieldy method, would cause the public to panic too. Improbable of a method they’d use he reckoned, though he couldn’t exclude the possibility. Yet, he couldn’t just stay out in the open because he wasn’t certain if there still were safe havens in the crystalline city. He’d have to take the risk, if he was careful enough he could still get away if they were indeed laying in ambush. But first he needed to know where to go, aimlessly striding through the streets would only get him caught. Still, no place immediately came to mind apart from the Demise.

His feet were now leading him across the connection between two peaks, Tenten and Zintia, heading for the latter. Soon solid ground was under his feet again, and streets labyrinthed in front of him, he ignored them though, not straying from the main street he was walking on. It wasn’t consciously, since his mind was somewhat absent and this was the path he usually took to get home or anywhere else on the peak, his body had taken this road. He snapped out of it however, as he noticed the two bluish silhouettes approaching, the cluttering of steel notifying him of their identity. Eyes narrowing and a harsh gaze staring at them through strands of dripping wet gray hair, the thief located a way out on his left and quickened his pace, it wasn’t that far off. Though it seemed as if the Shinya hadn’t noticed his presence yet, his ears picked up shards of a conversation though they were still too distant to understand, but Bran was more a fan of being safe than of sorry, so he slipped into the alleyway.

A noise of splashing water made him turn his head back, looking into the street he’d just left. Giggles and sounds of pleasure reached him, a small shape barely visible in a particularly small alley, diagonally in front of him. Somehow he had never noticed that alley before, but the sight now made his pupils shrink in shock of what would be happening if he didn’t interfere. A young boy was jumping in the puddles, laughing when the sprays of water touched his pants. His figure was just about visible to the nearing guards, Bran guessed and not knowing about the orders they’d received, he feared that they might attack on sight, confusing the boy for his person, no matter how utterly impossible that seemed. That’s just how they were, if their orders were to capture a suspicious individual, who was more than likely to lurk in the shadows of alleys when guards approached, at all costs, even if that meant killing him, they wouldn’t hesitate. One raging bolt of fire would be enough and the end of the child’s life. He couldn’t allow that, even if it meant putting himself in danger, he wouldn’t waste a child’s life for his! The bat’s brow furrowed in concentration as he gauged the distance he had to cross, as well as the time it would take for the guards to reach their prey.

Five to six meters for him, and approximately a tick or four for the guards: doable, he had the element of surprise at his side. They would never expect two of them to be out on the same street. Unless, this too was a trap! He brought his thumb back to his teeth, should he ignore it after all? Would he risk the boy’s life? Could he? No, determined he steeled his gaze. I shall not behave like a coward. It was settled then, a swift turn of his head revealed that the guards were coming dangerously close, close enough to attack. No more hesitation, the bat lunged forward and rushed to the kid, grappling him and dragging him into the next couple of small streets before he started struggling and crying and the bat had no choice but to silence the boy with a hand placed over his mouth. When he deemed them far enough from the threat, no footsteps resounding either, he placed the boy back on his feet and retracted his hand.


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Postby Brandon Blackwing on March 8th, 2014, 5:10 pm


Soon enough the boy registered the lack of hand in front of his mouth and started producing the primal scream-ish noises with his throat again. Oh, how Brandon disliked that sound, shivers ran over his spine and the temptation to hush the kid with a hand returned, stronger than before. Yet, he did not do that but started whispering instead. “Hey, don’t cry. I won’t hurt you, I wanted to protect you.” combined with the soothing voice he’d heard people use when talking to human children, the bat hoped he would be able to silence the child. He was wrong, totally ignoring him, the boy cried on and Bran looked around nervously, fearing that it wouldn’t take long before the Shinya noticed the noise and found them.

“Look, you would’ve been killed by them if it weren’t for me, and that can still be possible if you continue attracting their attention, so shut up!” Patience with little children wasn’t his forte and before long it had run out, the boy still cried, tears flowing over his chee- Wait, those were raindrops, so he had been screaming without actually…? Oh, how he hated human children! Couldn’t they just age faster, now preferably and grow into an adolescent who at least won’t go yelling for no reason?, the bat thought while placing his hand back over the kid’s lips. “Grow! Grow, be a man! Grow, Godsdarnit!” Needless to say that it didn’t work, time wasn’t something he had any form of control over.

“Oh for crying out loud!” the bat hissed as his attempts were in vain and still the child was wailing. Brandon’s face turned a little grim when he noticed patience was not longer with him, and he was almost out of things he could use to try and calm this noisemaker. “Stop crying! Are you a boy or what? Cause I have no memory of boys being the ones that cry.” Even if it’s just faked. Miraculously this was all it took to stop the child’s verbal tantrum and hesitant Bran took away his hand, his onyx eyes still wary and fixed on the boy’s face, afraid that he might start again.

It didn’t happen and Brandon sighed with relief, asking the child’s name after that. Reynold he was named by his parents, who lived close by, or so the bat found out after a query. He decided that he’d take Reynold home before he’d continue his way, for his own peace of mind. This was exhausting, very exhausting. “Mister?” the boy said gingerly and Brandon turned his head towards the kid, his gaze telling him to say whatever he wanted to. Reynold continued: “You don’t look too well. Tired, and there are huge black bags under your eyes… Didn’t you sleep well yesterday?”
“I haven’t slept in days. Something keeps me awake and no matter how tired I am, I fail to succeed in falling asleep.”
“That’s not good! My mommy says that you need to sleep a lot to be healthy.” For one or other reason the boy really sounded worried, did he grow fond of the bat already? Bran knew that young Kelvics bonded really easily, did the same thing apply for young humans? It sure seemed that way.

Reynold also looked as if he was having fun being, or trying to be, stealthy and sticking close to the wall. He didn’t seem to realize the gravity of the situation they were in, he probably hadn’t been listening to what Brandon had said when he was shouting. The question came later than the thief had anticipated, but it came nonetheless. “Hey mister, why are you looking in every street we pass? Can’t we just walk past them without looking inside?”
“I told you when you were still crying-”
“I wasn’t crying!”
Bran looked baffled. “Yes you were.”
“I was not
“No, you were faking it- anyways” he changed subject, realizing he was starting to behave childish too. “What were you asking again?”
Reynold blinked twice, pouting a bit and then asked his query again.
“Well, because they’re lying in ambush for me, they could be anywhere, so I have to look everywhere if I do not want to be caught.” he stared at the boy with a gaze as if he didn’t expected him to understand, what the boy indeed didn’t.
“So, it’s some kind of game you’re playing?” Reynold questioned with a puzzled look.
Brandon sighed. “Basically, yes.” A game of life and death, but he kept that for himself, he didn’t want to scare the kid too much.
“You’re a weird guy, mister.” Reynold stated with a huge smile.

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Postby Brandon Blackwing on March 9th, 2014, 7:41 pm


They didn’t engage in conversation again after that, not because Bandon felt insulted –he did not- but in order for him to focus and guard their safety better. Reynold, really getting into the ‘game’ they were taking part in and had kept his voice down, only whispering when he wanted to know something. They’d been venturing forth for quite a while now, or so Bran thought, but even though the boy kept telling they were close, they hadn’t reached it. The bat suspected they were walking around in circles, and that the directions the boy gave him were picked at random. When the two of them passed a house recognizable because of the dozens of Okomo statues at the front door, Bran was sure of it.

“Say, don’t you think that that house looks familiar?” he asked while pointing at the chaotic assembly of statues.
“Yep,” Reynold answered, trying to keep a straight face, but his eyes gleamed with hidden and suppressed laughter. “That’s where I live.”
Brandon thought he heard his nerves snap. “Then why didn’t you say so?” he asked through clenched teeth and a hand pinching the bridge of his nose.
The answer sounded innocent: “My father isn’t home yet and I can’t get in, the door is locked.” A shrug followed, together with a broad smile.
“And what about your mother?” A sad look replaced the smile on Reynold’s face and a muttered ‘oh’ escaped Bran’s lips.
“She … well … the earthquake in Fall … she …”
“It’s okay, you don’t have to tell me. I can sort of guess what happened.” the bat said, being considerate.
Reynold nodded, his eyes a little watery but he managed to keep his tears from running down his cheeks, only raindrops did. “Daddy hasn’t been the same ever since, instead of coming home after work he visits the pubs. He said I shouldn’t stay inside, that it can happen again, no matter what anyone else says. The streets of Lhavit are really safe, he says, so it’s better if I stay outside when he’s not home. But at times like this, I wish he’d give me a key.”
“I can open the door if you want…” Bran offered and the boy nodded.

The thief kneeled down before the lock, careful not to knock over the excessive amount of statues, the tools of his trade in hand. With hands a lot less steady than he’d have liked, the bat pried both tools he held in the lock, one being the tension wrench, the other the actual lock pick. With the wrench Brandon began applying some torque on the lock, making the inside rotating a minute bit, stopped by the pins that locked the lock. Then, with the pick at the back of the lock he started pushing up the pins one by one, delicate work that required a lot of patience, but it the bat had become better at it since the beginning of his criminal career. The torque made sure that if a pin was pushed back into its cylinder, it stayed there. Of course, sometimes he had to lessen the tension or add more, so it wasn’t that easy. The task still took him a chime or five, during which Reynold observed with interest, but eventually the lock clicked and the door allowed entry.

The parting was swift, both were happy that Reynold was inside the house and Bran continued his way, hurrying through the alleys, sticking close to the walls and checking the vicinity for guards all the while. Every now and then he would halt his march and take a moment to listen to the sounds around him, the rain was silent, making almost no sound. When footsteps were heard he changed course, heading into the nearest alleyway. He was taking quite the detour, even though he kept telling himself he had no particular destination in mind. Yet, all of a sudden he found himself standing in a street with a nice view on the Demise.


Credit goes to Ollic
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Postby Brandon Blackwing on March 10th, 2014, 8:42 pm


His initial thought was to go inside and let himself be sheltered from the rain, but just as he was about to take a step in the direction of the door, another thought popped in: How the hell did I get here? I wasn’t walking this way, I didn’t want to come here! Suspicion arose anew, it had been laying low when he’d been sneaking around in company, but now it struck again. If he hadn’t been meaning to come here, how come he was standing in before the front door right now? Something was going on, something that had led him here, a path he must have followed by instinct, because the rest of the roads had been too dangerous?

Yes, they had! He remembered seeing a lot of blue on his way, and cluttering steel he’d heard, more than earlier, much more distinct too. Almost as if they’d wanted him to notice them, as to warn him not to take the path they were patrolling on and his absent mind had done as told, not thinking about it. They’d led him here, making him think this was the only way he could go and then they had him where they wanted. However, if they wanted him in the Demise or just outside he didn’t know. He could make an educated guess though.

The outside would be more appropriate for an arrest, Bran reckoned, since the tavern was too crowded for it. Well, it would be a great place to arrest someone, since they had no where to run to inside, yet since they wanted to capture him sneakily –why else would they try to trap him?- that would attract too much attention. Not that he thought it mattered to the Shinya, if they wanted to arrest someone they did, and no-one could argue with them about that. Yet, why outside then? Because drunk customers would start a fight? Because he could disappear in the crowd? No idea, but who understood the thinking patterns of guards anyway?

For now, hiding inside seemed a little risky, the chances of escape were almost nonexistent there, but maybe he could make that into an advantage. If he hid there, in plain sight –they’d never notice him, the fools!- he could wait for the weather to clear up and exit with the rest of the customers, who were most likely also waiting for that moment to come. Naturally the Shinya wouldn’t be able to apprehend him without causing a ruckus which made it possible for him to get home in one piece. A great plan, and while he was there, he could buy a bottle of liquor to take home, so he could sleep for a change. A great plan, he found, and swiftly crossed the street, and entered the pub.

As expected, the Scholars Demise was as crowded as the Azure on a good day, folks of all kinds were scattered across the room, some standing in small groups, others sitting, but all looked outside every now and then, hoping the rain had stopped, but no not yet. His soaked person sauntered through the room, heading straight for the bar. Squeezing himself between two other patrons, who shied away when they felt the cold wetness starting to seep into their own clothes, the bat ordered a pitcher of amber ale. His request was fulfilled, eight Kina were asked and given, and Brandon poured some of the ale in his mug, once in a while he’d take a sip, letting the alcohol burn his throat and warm his cold, wet body. Where he stood a small puddle had formed, but it grew the longer he stayed.

Eventually though, the sun broke through the clouds and the shower of tiny, deceptive droplets faded away, the only things still spilling drops were the thief himself and numerous objects that had been standing in the drizzle. The crowd dispersed outside, each going his own way, the bat too, his half-full pitcher in hand. Still careful he headed home, looking out for the Shinya all the while.

Credit goes to Ollic
Fighting Style and Techniques

Credit for this awesome sig goes to Estrellir Konrath
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Brandon Blackwing
The master thief Incognito
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Postby Catastrophe on April 24th, 2014, 9:13 pm

Brandon Blackwing :

  • Acrobatics: 2 XP
  • Observation: 4 XP
  • Running: 1 XP
  • Stealth: 2 XP
  • Deduction: 3 XP
  • Planning: 3 XP
  • Larceny: 1 XP
  • Socialization: 2 XP


  • Fear: A Companion and Enemy to the End
  • Overthinking: Worries about the Shinya's Suspicion
  • Hide and Seek: An Illegalized Game Played in Reverse
  • Hiding from the Shinya to Avoid Arrest
  • Alleyways: More Inconspicious Routes than Streets
  • Deduction: Going Straight Home is too Obvious
  • Reynold: A Child who Lost his Mother to Disaster
  • Reynold: A Hide and Seek Partner


  • The paranoia Brandon has been experiencing will grow over the span of another few days. He will be always watching his back and will occasionally receive headaches for his overthinking attitude. Staying low for a few days is encouraged.

Notes :
Man, Brandon, do you think you've put him through enough? This was marvelous and frankly, it started to have me looking over my shoulder more than once. I loved how you worked this (hopefully) temporary mental "disability" out! I can't wait to see how else he will cope with this.

Questions? Concerns? PM me!
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