[Verified by Crosspatch] Alruna

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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Alruna on March 12th, 2014, 2:06 am


Race: Konti Ghost
Gender: Female
Birthday: 5th of Winter, 493 AV
Deathday: 67th of Fall, 512 AV
Birthplace: Mura
In death, Alruna looks much like she did in life, with short hair, only long enough to cover the scales on her forehead that don't even exist in her ghostly form, nothing even a bit longer than that. She has a pretty masculine form and is rather toned for a Konti. Her ghostly form appears to wear gloves to cover her webbed fingers, and long pants and sleeves to cover her scales, just as Alruna did in life. Alruna could be mistaken for male to one who had just met her.
Character Concept
Alruna committed suicide at the young age of 19, holding her depression inside her, letting it consume her. Nobody knew, not even her best friend and sister, Ani'lya. In her last dying moments, Alruna realized she had so much to live for, and that she should't have thrown it all away. She came back as a ghost, refusing to reincarnate and lose her precious memories of her time alive. She is now filled with regret, wishing she was still alive to do simple things like hug somebody in her own body.
 Alruna has always been a warrior, ready to defend her loved ones, and very protective.  Alruna often possesses her sister, who willingly lets Alruna possess her in her free time to train in the familiar weapons that she still loves after death. Alruna always felt disconnected from her people, yet still stayed in Mura, as that is where her loved ones were.
Now, Alruna keeps to herself, but will open up about her life and death to ones she finds trustworthy.
Character History
Before Death
Alruna was born a twin to a Konti mother and Akalak father. Her mother had traveled to Riverfall to become a Navikak to make some money for herself. She birthed two Akalak children, but when she had the pair of Konti children, she decided to take her daughters back to Mura and end her contract as a Navikak.
Alruna's mother, P'ikra, was strong and independent, despite her fragile nature. Alruna took after her in personality, but not in profession, as her mom was a healer. She wanted to be more than a delicate Konti, and trained in any weapon she could get her hands on, wanting to master them all. She has a preference for surikens, however. She hated being Konti, and she hated being a girl, both things that she felt were holding her back from her true potential as a great warrior. Alruna cut her hair short and dyed it brown to look more like a human male, trying to hide her true form.
Alruna always knew she was different, because for some reason, she always felt sad. As she grew older, she learned that this feeling was major depression. She never told ayone, and keeping it inside her only made this worse. This grew worse and worse, and she resorted to self mutilation, and finally, suicide. Alruna regretted this immediately as she was dying.
Post Death
Alruna came back as a ghost, to the surprise of her loved ones. Alruna's sister loved her so much that she agreed to let Alruna's ghost posses her when she had free time, so that Alruna could still practice weapons, and for those brief moments, Alruna felt alive. She forgot about her death and the horrid months leading up to it as she practices throwing her prized surikens.  
Alruna is no longer depressed, but instead, filled with joy at the second chance she was given. She regrets her suicide, but is surrounded by loved ones and has no regrets about coming back.

Fluent Language: Kontinese
Basic Language: Common

Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Materialization 10 RB 10 Novice
Soulmist Projection 24 SP 24 Novice
Possession 26 SP 26 Competent

Lore of Mura Geography
Lore of Kontinese Culture

597 Gold Mizas
10 Surikens
Suriken Pouch
Practice Dummy (simple)
When Alruna died, she left her possessions to her sister, including 597 Gold Mizas, 5 Silver Mizas and her prized surikens and practice dummy. When she posesses her sister, Alruna puts those things to good use.
Heirloom: A small pouch specifically meant to hold surikens. It contains 10 at the time, but can hold up to 20 surikens.

Location: Mura
House: Alruna usually travels Mura when people sleep, but being a ghost, she has no housing.
Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
Flute for Ani'lya -5 SM 99 GM 5 SM
10 Surikens - 10 GM 89 GM 5 GM
Simple Practice Dummy - 10 GM 79 GM 5 SM
No Housing + 500 GM 579 GM 5 SM

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Ani'lya :

Age: 22


Race: Konti

Gnosis: Rak'keli 1

Herbalism: 30
Music Composition: 10
Play Musical Instrument(flute): 10

Ani'lya is a kind young woman, at 22 years of age. She looks very different from her sister, curvy and with long, white hair. She looks much more delicate than her sister. In fact, everything about her differs from her sister, it is a wonder that they were so close. Somehow, they were the best of friends, with Alruna being fiercely protective of Ani'lya, ready to injure anyone who dare imposed a threat upon her sister, and Ani'lya healing Alruna's minor cuts she would give herself when she accidentally drew blood because of a suriken. She wasn't good enough to heal the scars that Alruna had purposefully inflicted upon herself, in fact, she didn't even know of them. She was devastated when Alruna died and overjoyed when she came back, even though Alruna was but a shadow, unable to do things that she once could such as hug her sister. She knew that Alruna could let go of life at any time, and vowed to make her time as good as she could to keep Alruna with them. She let Alruna posses her, so she could do things such as train with her familiar surikens, and promised to do anything she could to make Alruna's time more enjoyable. Alruna bought her a flute, and now, she loves to play it.
Last edited by Alruna on March 26th, 2014, 8:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Joined roleplay: September 29th, 2013, 3:07 am
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