Completed [Bronze Woods] Wrought with Worry II

Trouble Brews [Altaira & Noah]

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Stretching northward along the coastline of the Suvan Sea, the Cobalt Mountains are the home of the Bronze Wood, numerous ruins, and creatures both strange and fantastical.

[Bronze Woods] Wrought with Worry II

Postby Oriah on February 21st, 2014, 2:55 am


Oriah stopped midstep as their recent savior emerged from behind an ancient, gnarled tree and its hanging vines. It was surprising to see the Kelvic dressed in his human form; it was almost impossible to tell he had the ability to transform into an eagle at any given moment. She glanced to the side. Altaira was very much the same, though the air about her was slightly more tame.

The Benshira had gobbled up all of the information her friend had provided on Kelvics. She'd never had the opportunity before to discuss such a topic and took advantage of it whole heartedly. It was quite fascinating in its own right. She was beginning to understand that not only did a Kelvic's human form often shared traits with their animal halves, though some were more discernible than others, but an individual's animal half could affect his or hers interactions with another. The two halves were very much tied together, neither separable from the other. It was easy to see them as human and forget of the bestial side, and she had heard stories of wild Kelvics who unwittingly fooled many careless travelers or bandits with their human forms.

Oriah shook her head and snapped back to the present. Now was not the time to be wandering off in her own mind on such matters! They had sick patients back in the city who needed their freshly procured herbs and no much time left with Syna's pale, Winter light to trek back in safety.

"Well met, Noah!" she hailed as she began making her way towards the Kelvic, grinning. "So this is what you look like with clothes on."

oocI feel ya there, it gets really confusing sometimes @_@ and sorry for the short post I am swamped, I shall make up for it next time around :D
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[Bronze Woods] Wrought with Worry II

Postby Altaira Readva on February 21st, 2014, 1:53 pm

Bird Speak | Common | Vani |
The light that sparked when Noah's shift came drew the kelvic's eyes, not realising the placement of her own gaze until she happened across the twist and swirl of a gnosis.

She ripped her attention away from the surrounding thickets it'd drifted to, fixing her look hard on Oriah instead, taking such time in retrospect to think and wade through what she'd seen. It was no mark of Dira, that she knew. Neither was it the mark of Aoren's Goddess, nor was it Morwen.

She pressed her lips and rolled her shoulders, unsure of how the gnosis of other Gods and Goddesses styled their marks. Perhaps the God who controlled the storms? Or, at least the one whose domain reached such? Tattoo. The word was so dull, and rung hollow in her mind. 'Could be.'

When she let her eyes once more seek Noah, he was fully clothed, and Altaira's own preference to not venture too far into topics that made those in company she cared for uncomfortable, made the choice not to press the matter further. As the Benshira merrily joked and played, her tone light and expression contort with cheek, the thought that the fellow's kelvic choices in worship should also be respected came to mind.

She'd seen many hit with slander and prejudice for those that they worshiped. Those of the Goddess of Life were not too fond of the kelvic herself, nor too many of her fellows, and there were many times that merely entering Soothing Waters was strange for her.

A playful chirp from above had her attention sway, a sweet little bird playing in the wiry branches above, cheering and trilling away about the time of day, it's sweet song music to her ears, or at least until it dawned upon her what it's song meant. "Late, late," she murmured, tightening her clothes and pack, several steps in the ways of the road as she waited for Oriah and Noah to wrap up their words.

"We should move," Her words, as they always were, were clipped and almost harsh, her expression quite soft for the anxiety that was riling once more in her core. She wasn't even sure she knew how to prepare the Belltor for selling, and though the Mistress lived in shop... how long would the man remain?

Haha, no worries! There is only a week of winter left, so it's completely understandable! :) My response isn't all that much either :P

On that note, I'm just sitting over here giddy about spring plots! :D
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[Bronze Woods] Wrought with Worry II

Postby Noah Amuel on February 24th, 2014, 4:50 am


Noah nodded slightly to Oriah in acknowledgment of her words and greeting, he even smiled to her though it was small.
"I apologise for earlier, if my... lack of clothing offended or made you uncomfortable," he said quietly and mostly to her as Altaira had begun to distance herself from the them.

He followed Altaira with his eyes, watching as she took steps towards the road.
Is something bothering her? he wondered, bringing a hand to twirl on the grey stone charm midst his necklace. Altaira's voice came, somewhat harsh over the gently coming night. The way she whipped her voice, perhaps unintentionally, forced him to make a face. Though, inspection of Altaira showed that her looks didn't match her tone. An inspection that left Noah all the more confused and anxious. He looked to Oriah and nodded his head in the direction of the road. "We should go," he said in an urging tone.

Noah turned and took a single step towards the road before stopping and looking to Oriah.
"Did you get enough?" he asked, referring to the root. He hadn't seen any visible signs of the root so he assumed it had been stuffed into the pack that Altaira was carrying with her.

He clutched his cloak close to his body as it draped like a curtain of white across his forearm and took another step towards Altaira, eyes still on Oriah.

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[Bronze Woods] Wrought with Worry II

Postby Oriah on February 24th, 2014, 9:08 pm

oocSo Oriah is now a squire...hooray! Altaira you can assume already knows, Noah will probably have to find out at some point. I have it planned so that Oriah is getting a bit of time off to celebrate the new year, so it's totally plausible for her to be hanging out with you guys :)


Oriah, for one, was all too eager to commence moving. Standing still for even a handful of ticks left her wracked with shivers and she had to stamp her feet against the snow ridden ground to generate a bit more warmth in her chilled body. She truly had not a single fiber in her being suited for Lady Winter's reign. Too long had she been living beneath Syna's burning love to nurture any love for snow and hail, but at least it could be said that she was certainly growing in tolerance for them.

For what felt like the hundredth time this season, the Benshira found herself pining eagerly for Spring's inevitable approach. It had been unbearably difficult to follow in Mora's footsteps and train as hard as she did amidst so much Winter weather. Some nights she wondered if she would ever feel warm again. No words could aptly describe her relief when she was given leave to celebrate the upcoming new year, and to indulge in luxuries formerly known to her at the Swan. Hot baths, soft beds, varied meals...blessed Yahal, her bones warmed at the very thought.

A rustling behind them disrupted her reverie, so soft it was barely audible. Oriah turned to stare at the empty, barren forest behind them. Nothing. She fervently hoped her patron wasn't planning on doing anything more than observe, if the knight was lurking somewhere near at all. The freshly recruited squire hoped the trio's earlier trials had been proof enough her wits hadn't dulled enough to require extra tests.

"We got as much as we could," Oriah answered Noah, so lost in her own paranoia she failed to notice the strange tension between both Kelvics. "If we're lucky we might encounter something else along the way, but I think it best if we get back as soon as we can."

A snowy owl hooted somewhere in the distance, evoking more than a few memories of her lessons with Mora. "It will be dark in a few more bells."

Oriah fought another shudder as an icy breeze danced by their faces and huddled deeper into her coat. Only a bit more distance and they would be in the safety of the city walls, ready to deliver their hard earned harvest and get some hot food in their bellies. Wanting nothing more than for the time to pass by more quickly, the Benshira turned to Noah as they followed behind Altaira.

"So Noah," she initiated, hoping conversation would speed their chilly progress,
"what fateful events brought you out here to rescue a pair of humble herb hunters?"

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[Bronze Woods] Wrought with Worry II

Postby Altaira Readva on February 26th, 2014, 9:03 am

Bird Speak | Common | Vani | Others
Oriah noticed the movement too, though Altaira knew naught enough about Noah to make a judgement on him, her mind too much a flurry with thought and feeling to study the fellow kelvic's face and form enough to come to a conclusion.

By instinct she stood herself taller, her shoulders rolling back and gaze narrowing, the recent events rendering her bolder in her actions and quicker in wits. She had a set backpack and haul she was to protect, the addition of Noah to the small travelling group lifting a great deal of worry and cautious from her mind. For a creature that tended to stay afar and fight only when necessary, she always became perhaps too keen and cocky when in good company.

Her pace had slowed down considerably since the quiet disturbance, still eager to drive quickly home, however not at all fussed on the thought of separating herself from the group. She soon enough found herself half listening to the conversation as it progressed, taking note of the sky at the Benshira’s mention of it, having to exercise quite the deal of self discipline as she felt herself move swifter once more.

‘No, no. Keep in step.’

When question was raised as to Noah’s reasons for being out in the woods, Altaira could scarcely help joining in on the chatter, throwing a glance to the two as she spoke, though her own slight uneasiness when it came to trusting too quick had her words form rather quietly on her lips, more like a slipped thought than a question and remark in itself. “Were you hunting or stretching wings? Syliras is a cage, though game likely scarce.”

She was caught between human etiquette and what felt natural to her, turning back to challenge the world face first as she noted how close to the road that they grew, her head half turned as she ensured that it was apparent enough that she was open to listen and respond.

Of course, however, the movement that resulted was fluid but quick and indecivice, Altaira not a moment more turning to face the two fully with a heavy look, sights set on Oriah the sharpest, a short flit between the Benshira and the cloak that Noah had draped and open for use, hoping that the shift of her stare was more than enough to draw attention to the little matter of their fellow’s discomfort.
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[Bronze Woods] Wrought with Worry II

Postby Noah Amuel on February 26th, 2014, 8:17 pm


"Both actually,"
he answered to Oriah and Altaira. To his surprise Altaira had joined in on the conversation. The thought of her being upset was dispelled, instead replaced with the questions that had bugged him about her before. "Syliras is like a cage," he said. "Albeit a big one, a cage nonetheless. Scarcely can I stretch my wings so I come here, to the Woods. It's rather soothing to be able to hunt amongst the trees of a real forest."

Noah took his steps one at a time and carefully. He was beside Oriah, their pacing in sync. "Are the herbs all you came for?" he asked a question of his own, looking to Altaira. He was unsure if the question proved to be redundant and he couldn't remember if he had asked before. Sure, he assumed after they uprooted that Belltor but there could be an underlying reason. There usually was but that didn't mean they'd tell him. I'm being overly suspicious he chided himself.

The suspicion reminded him of his father almost immediately. Viktor Amuel always held others away with an arm's reach of caution one that Noah had apparently inherited. It bugged him and he showed it by biting on his lip to halt any other doubtful words.

He looked to Oriah and noted her bundled in her coat. Noah's jerkin and tunic kept the coolness of the wind at bay, even then he was still slightly chilly and the comfort of his own cloak was wanted. In an act of selflessness he took the white cloak off his arm and waved it towards Oriah for her to take. The action was done in silence and he kept his sights ahead, hoping to not bring any attention to it.

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[Bronze Woods] Wrought with Worry II

Postby Oriah on February 27th, 2014, 1:34 am


Oriah listened as Noah compared the city to a large cage and mused at how readily she agreed, despite her lack of physical, feathery wings. She had felt that way since the first day she set foot within the imposing walls; the Benshira had spent most of her life at one with the elements, and being surrounded by solid structures was still a novelty she was learning to grow accustomed to. Though, with her recent training alongside Mora, much of her familiarity was becoming undone again.

The girl was still mulling over his words when Noah made a motion with one of his arms. Looking down, Oriah was surprised to see that he was offering his lovely, white cloak to his shivering companion. Filled with gratitude, she accepted it with a smile of thanks and wrapped it around her shoulders, pack and all. Ahh, how nice it felt. The shivering stopped almost altogether.

She glanced down to admire its unmarred color. Did it make her blend in with the snow, the squire wondered? Perhaps she could suggest it as a camouflage to her mentor. Mora did not like to hunt animals only for their pelts, so she was sorely in need of a way to hide her dusky skin amidst the whiteness of the Winter landscape.

Lost in thought, the appearance of looming walls and serious-faced knights caught her off guard and she blinked a few times to ensure she wasn't dreaming up such an unusually welcoming sight. "We're finally here," she breathed in relief.

The knights questioned them for half a chime or so, making quick work of inspecting their gear before allowing them to pass. It was only a matter of time now before the returned to Stormhold Salves. Oriah hoped the man was still there, and that his family could afford to wait a little longer. She wasn't sure how much the Belltor would help, but it was something, and that was better than nothing. All the while, the squire tried not to think about the possibility that they were too late, or that there would be more sick citizens with no where else to turn to.

It was good that they had Altaira to lead the way. Even after almost an entire season of more or less living within the city, Oriah still found herself lost more often than not. The multiple districts and alleyways, coupled with the near constant crowd, made for a confusing and harrowing experience for the Benshira.

"I hope we made it in time," Oriah murmured, giving voice to her concerns.

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[Bronze Woods] Wrought with Worry II

Postby Altaira Readva on February 28th, 2014, 1:28 am

Bird Speak | Common | Vani | Others
Altaira nodded slowly to Noah's words, keeping herself tall as they walked and went their way. Whether they had similarities than ran any further than race or not, it was a pleasant feeling for the kelvic to know that she was not the only one of her kind that loathed the bastion. "Just the herbs, no more no less," she kept her words as soft and sweet as she could manage, her attitude towards the taking of questions turning in light of recent events, more so those that were spoken the way that Noah had; the shrewd tightening of the face and words, the slight trailing and the specific nature of the question. It was a question that had her feel mistrust and unease, and her form turned rigid as the feeling spread and anxiety was heavy on her chest.

Whether further questions and comments ensued was not for the kelvic to know, her jaw then clenched and eyes narrowed as she walked with purpose and steadfastness, the walls of Syliras soon enough towering high above, and their own forms open to the scrutiny of the knights on guard. "Good eve," she grinned, approaching the guard, almost forgetting how unwell they took to quiet hostility. She’d done the routine a dozen times over by then, and didn’t bother to wait a moment before shrugging off her bag and showing the contents, gesturing to the keeps where she kept her blades and dagger, giggling a short comment about the day and weather.

From what she could tell, at least one of the knights on guard had a fancy for small talk. She figured it to be because of the depth of the conversation, how play and light banter could be had without delving into a topic in great depth. A waste of time and breath, the kelvic thought it was, but she knew better than to rile and offend, even more so with Oriah’s recent involvement in the knights.

She gave a short look over her two companions, frown crossing her features as she set her sights hard on Noah, stalling some dozen meters in the gates as she tried to figure whether or not the kelvic would be accompanying them further, at least in terms of the store, their promise of buying food and drink almost slipping her mind. "We need to take the herbs to store, where they can be prepared and given to those that need it," a certain rush came to her manner of speech, acknowledging the situation verbally breathing a new life to the worry that had been flaring in her gut.

She wavered for another moment, before starting again her quick pace, weaving between the crowds with sighs and bitter breaths, the journey from the gate to the store one burned into her memory. When they neared the courtyard that held the store, Altaira’s breath was almost lost, a knot in her stomach welling as the prospects of failure began to spring to mind.

She pushed them away with what she could, a look to Oriah giving her a certain solace, before she allowed her breathing to lighten and pushed open the door to the store.

Bim bam boom, baby - let's do this!

Haha, Noah - I hope you don't mind where I left it! I just thought it might be interesting if you told the first few moments, given your character largely has no idea what the Hai is going on.

If you have any queries about the store and it's layout, just throw out a PM and Oriah (*Gleefully drags Oriah in on it too*) or I will be on it :P
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[Bronze Woods] Wrought with Worry II

Postby Noah Amuel on March 13th, 2014, 4:03 am


Noah glanced back to Oriah as she took the cloak from his hands. Her smile brought a warmth to his face, a warmth he was sure to be accompanied with the red of blush. He faced front again, aiming to hide it and have it cooled by the winter air. There wasn't much avail in that, but luckily no words were said of it. In fact, it had grown quite quiet in their walk towards Syliras and Noah felt an aura of mixed feelings between the them all: Oriah, Altaira, and him.

Oriah's voice broke the silence and pulled Noah from his thoughts as the gates came upon them quickly. Her voice sounded relieved, voicing what he felt inside. The mission that the women were on had all but left his mind until they were being padded and questioned by the guards. He felt anxious and probably for good reason -- the look of intensity in Altaira's face heightened the sensation. But was it the thoughts of the future that made the female Kelvic look so frightening or her unspoken opinion of Noah? The thought made his stomach flop.

The guard patted him roughly on the shoulder and wished him a good evening before letting the Kelvic on his way. He half-jogged to catch with Oriah and Altaira. The female Kelvic was in an apparent rush and for good reason. He trailed the two of them closely, weaving in between the evening crowds that took the streets of Syliras at sun's fall and moon's rise; a mix of people all with questionable motivations and unknown secrets. Yet, the stone city managed to keep a beauty about it.

What Noah assumed to be the outskirts of the city's bazaar came up and the outcropping of a store, overlooked by a tree, was Stormhold Salves. The store was small but seemingly important in location thanks to its openness and ease of access from the rest of the bazaar.

Altaira rushed with an air of concentration only lapsing in judgement to flash a look to Oriah. The door was pushed open by her Altaira's deft hands the three filed inside quickly. An aroma mixed with both pungency and sweet smells came to Noah's senses in a gust as the chill of winter air left them all in the same process of exhalation and inhalation. With eyes as sharp in human and eagle forms he scanned the store, taking in the cluttered and awkwardly orderly shop. There were shelves next to shelves with just enough room for people to pass through the aisle and browse at a sideways glance.

Something about the store made Noah's heart drop. It was empty.
"Where is everyone?" Noah asked in a tone emptier than the shop.

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[Bronze Woods] Wrought with Worry II

Postby Oriah on March 15th, 2014, 9:19 pm


Now that they were in the city proper, Oriah felt herself relaxing a little. It would be alright, she told herself. They had the herbs, and now all they had to do was bring it to the shop, as Altaira had explained, and prepare them so they they could be distributed to those in need.

The parrot Kelvic glanced at her once in uncertainty, to which the Benshira turned with a gaze filled with determination. They had come this far--braved the woods, the biting sting of Winter cold, and even death--too far to accept failure.

When they stepped into Stormhold Salves, however, the dancer felt her hopes dashed against the reality of the scene before them.

Empty. Completely empty, and not a soul in sight.

"Hello?" Oriah called out tentatively, voice muted by all the shelves and jars lining the walls. There was no answer, and her worry grew.

Setting her pack down on the ground, she moved toward the back of the shop, hoping to find something. Anything. Perhaps the mistress and her patients had simply moved to another room and were unable to hear their arrival. Or perhaps things had gone from bad to worse and they were forced to flee to the scene of illness. The Benshira hoped it wasn't the latter, but it was a possibility nonetheless.

Well, she had more or less been right. Because eventually Oriah managed to notice a piece of paper fluttering lightly in her passing. She backtracked and peered at it with closer scrutiny. Her Common was shoddy at best when it came to reading and writing, but she could still make out the first few words.

To the girls:

"A letter!" she exclaimed, beckoning for her companions to come see. "From the mistress, I think. Look, there is an address at the bottom. She must have taken the man to see his family."

Fortunately for Oriah, the note was brief and to the point. No fancy words to stumble over, no poetic syntax to decipher. She read it out loud, slowly and simply.

"To the girls: I have taken the patient to his home. He was not well, and his family even worse. If you return with herbs, prepare them and bring them to this address. Hope to see you soon."

The dancer looked up at her Kelvic friends once she had finished. Well, it seemed they had more work to do, and little time to do it.

--Two bells later--

It was quite late into the evening now, but they'd finally done it. Under the watchful eyes of Altaira, both Oriah and Noah managed to provide decent amount of assistance to their herbalistic endeavors. The Benshira had, quite honestly, no idea what she was doing, but her Kelvic friend was there the entire time to provide directions.

First, they cleaned the plants they had found thoroughly without the use of water, taking care not to crush the crimson flowers. There wasn't any time to dry the herbs so they had to make due with its naturally somewhat shriveled state. Winter had not been kind to most plantlife out in the woods, and these Belltor roots fared no better than the rest of their kin.

While the helpers were directed to chop up the roots, Altaira had busied herself with bringing out supplies and measuring how much alcohol they would need. The chopped bits were soon mixed with the alcohol and Oriah watched in weary but rapt attention as the humble herbalist sealed the jar and shook its contents around a few times. Once again, they were short on time so they would have to forego the usual wait of fourteen days for a proper tincture to be created. Hopefully, this would be good enough to help that poor family.

Once this second step was completed, each took turns straining the mixture through linen cloth. They had to make sure they squeezed out every last drop into a small, unlabeled container. When it came to her turn, Oriah twisted and squeezed with all her mint, imagining that every drop she produced would improve their chances of aiding those in dire need of the Belltor.

Not long after, they finally had their little tincture of medicine. All that work for something so small, the squire mused. Never would she again take for granted the laborious process that went behind each and every herbal purchase she would make in the future.

The unlikely trio made quick work of delivering the medicine, running almost all of the way to the given address. It was more nerve wracking than ever before, watching each family member take a proper dose of the tincture, but it was also oddly satisfying. Oriah felt she and her friends, both old and new, had done a bit of good in the city. The family's illness did not seem as serious as the father had made it appear to be, but at least the tincture offered them some amount of relief from their symptoms. Within a few days, they were up and running again. Even the wee ones, much to the squire's delight.

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