I want a Dare from Ricky! AND a Truth!
Truth: Ariann... has not. Her first kiss was actually stolen by the very, very cute Ximal o///o She has not willingly kissed anyone since. She's been tempted to kiss Ricky, though, but she never got the chance with her heartbreak and all...
As for the Dare, I am disappointed! >:[ This will be easy to do!
OoooOOoooh! Yuri!
I get to dare and ask! Yay! ^_^
Alright... here goes...
Truth: What was Yuri's most embarrassing moment? What led up to this? Explain in detail!
Dare: I daaaarrrreeee you tooooo.... hmmm... *gets a wonderful idea* I dare you to try and avoid Ariann and Ricky suddenly in the next thread you have with them! For no reason, too! No putting reason to it! Let the Drama commence!
Unfortunately, I am not going to be able to play Ariann until my life stabilizes. Sorry in advance to whoever ends up loosing out on threads because of this :\
I am now an official Grader of Mizahar! Happy squeals for all! ^_^ I will be focusing primarily on Zeltiva, but if another region needs cleaning up, let me know! I have a TON of free-time and I always enjoy reading other's threads!
[Unrelated] "(╯ಠωಠ)╯︵ ┻━┻ I quit!"
(Signature courtesy of the awesome Shausha!)