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Alements Grand Opening!

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

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Postby Shijara on March 13th, 2014, 7:00 pm

Dark eyes watched Kel recall his thoughts regarding Tydus, and explain the male's conquests with woman. She nodded, a smirk on her face, not a trace of anger within her. Shijara had wanted to have a good time. She had not really have a deep conversation with Kel's podmate, they had just kissed. A lot. It had been an interesting little challenge, but the moment had passed. Now she was just interested that Kel was thinking this little conversation was supposed to stir a rise out of her. After what he pulled in the aquarium, she had learned to take his actions with a grain of salt.

"I wouldn't doubt it," Shi swirled the win in her hands and watched the red spin around in the glass, reflecting the light and making the drink almost appear a dark purple, "He was very polite. We discussed... fishing."

A mischievous grin starting tugging at her lips, but Shijara kept her eyes down to try to hide her expression. When Kel offered to buy a round, she laughed almost instantaneously. Was he doing something for someone else? She looked up, and smirked, "Sure," she only agreed on this offer because, one: free alcohol that she had never really tried, and two: Tydus was here. If Kel got out of control, she could slip out and leave the responsibility to his pod. It was a horribly selfish thing to do, but she would not clean anything up if Kel exploded projectiles. Not again.

Shijara lifted up her bottle, not wanting to clank her glass too hard and grinned. She downed her second glass and her stomach began holding on to the warmth that she had been consuming. Shi had not realized how quickly she had swallowed her first two drinks. But she was still new to this sort of thing and didn't really know that most sipped wine. All she knew was that it was good, and she was thirsty.

Music filled the air, or perhaps she had just started noticing it, and she looked up, seeing the mandolin player watching her. She smiled in his direction and stood, the atmosphere of the place perking her up. Or maybe it was the alcohol. Or maybe it was both?

The Chaktawe took a step towards an opening in the middle of the room, pausing to turn. She slapped Kel on the shoulder, leaning so that he would hear her better, "I am going to dance." Shijara wasn't going to ask him to join her. He could if he wished (she guessed), but she was still apprehensive towards him. He could buy her drinks, and he might have not made her want to kill him just yet, but she was ready for it.

And with that, her hand dropped from the Svefra's shoulder, and she moved away, bouncing with the tune of the music. It took her a minute to find the beat, but she was enjoying herself. The Chaktawe was not drunk, not yet, and her expression was warm, even with her dark eyes. She spun around, black hair fanning out around her and soon she could see Sonnet in the corner with a curious expression in the cougar's eyes. The guardian was not visible to everyone, but the song she brought, mixed with the player's diddly made quite the lovely sound for Shijara.

Shi tucked dark strands behind her ear as she moved, eyes brightening when she thought she saw a familiar sea otter. For once had she noticed the man before the beast? How odd. When the little song was over, Shijara slowed and chuckled. She clapped, and waved at the musician before shrugging good naturedly at those around who decided to watch instead of join.

A slight hint of pink had dusted her cheeks. There was a brief moment of embarrassment, but she hid it under tinkling laughter. No need to be so down when there was so much to be dancing for. Was this not a party?
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Postby Orabelle Deepseeker on March 13th, 2014, 7:44 pm

Orabelle opened the doors slowly so that she would not draw attention to herself. She slipped in quietly with a man by her side. He was taller then her, six feet actually, with beautiful blue eyes and a thick musky beard. He was very pale, unlike her, she had a much darker complexion.

Maybe her quiet entrance didn't attract any attention but the way she carried herself did. She was wearing a long silk ruffle dress which match the colors of her undan. A perfect bun with false henna streaks of hair decorating it sat in the center head."You find a seat, I have to return to my casinor." The man whispered in her ear before running off.

She hoped anyone who knew of her contract did not get the wrong impression. Avery, the man who was only in the alements for a short few seconds, was actually her brother. No signs of resemblance could even prove that was true, but it was. Avery as a young boy, recalled his mother always longing for the gods to strike a particular man down. A man who had impregnated her with a child she dearly loves and abandoning her. This man just happened to be Yiplyn Deepseeker.

The first person she noticed was Elise. Someone she has run into multiple times while visiting her good friend Kavala at the sanctuary. Elise was very pretty with.soft and healthy hair hair Orabelle would just love to get her hands on. She greeted her with a smile and wink."You're working hard." She complimented. She continued, finding another familiar face."Vanator." She called in her usual soft voice, which she followed with a wave.

Orabelle decided it be best to stick around someone she knew, so she made her way towards Vanator and another handsome man. As soon as she reached them, he began playing a tune. She listened and noticed he was staring at a small crowd which consisted of two men and a woman. One of the men had a fratavan accent just like her."A tavern by the docks, I shouldn't be surprised to find my own kind." She looked at the man who finished singing."Do you have anything upbeat or are you waiting for people to... Uh, lose their class?"

"A Svefra never goes back on their word... never."
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Postby Tydus Tempest on March 13th, 2014, 7:49 pm

There was a collective hum in the air as drinks and conversation blew through the crowd within the new tavern. Tydus had dealt with much since he had seen those outside of his pod with which conversations and pleasure were had. Shijara was a fish lost because of a broken net, a fissure not of his own fault but because of the podmate that Tydus had allowed into the crowd. As much as the Svefra loved his new brother, as much as he welcomed into the pod and even relied upon his abilities with combat, with the territory that Kel occupied, there was an equivalent, if not greater threat in the works. Kel was, more than anything, a hazard. A whirlwind of social destruction, sociopathic and disruptive in nature. If the Pod was out to sea, it would be welcomed, and even honoured, as the right thing to do.

But, alas, they were not. And Tydus, more than anything, bore the consequences. Tydus' fingers clenched into fists as he cast his gaze between Shijara and Kel before casting his gaze in a different direction. Oh, my. What a wonderful sight to see. It was Adi, the lovely young Vantha treasure that Tydus had thoroughly taken from the hands of Kel, putting the scoundrel in his place and showing who was the superior fisherman, so to speak. It was a night to remember, though Tydus had forgotten most of the details in the hazy, head-pounding morning of hangover. If the Svefra focused for long enough, he would recall, but there was no point to it. They could always make new memories, if she was willing.

The Svefra found his mood rising as he reached to his pocket again, the chill flowing down his spine as he noted the proprietor of the tavern heading towards the back room, presumably to bring more alcohol into the place. But, it was no substitute for rum. Spirits were raised, almost primarily, because he had been given a name for a new destination.

"Kenash." He repeated the name once, savouring the two syllables that would mark his destiny as complete, his pursuit for the blessed elixir that was stowed behind the sash upon his waist now had a realistic chance of obtaining success. "Kenash." He repeated it again, bright laughter bubbling from his drying lips as alcohol seeped into the skin. And for the third time, he whispered the word, this time solely to himself as he reached into the sash, pulling the flask from it and popping the top of it.

Grinning, the Svefra drained several gulps of his pint of rum, the delicious, lovely burn associated with the beverage pouring down his throat, warming his blood and esophagus, the acceleration of his heart with the sheer pleasure of the consumption prominent, the sound pulsing through his skull as laughter bubbled again. Oh, how he missed it so. The Svefra's mind was quickly cleansed from all of his worries, his mind bombarded by the chain shot that was rum, the ship that was his thoughts losing its sails of negativity, Tydus promptly replacing them with a more optimistic viewpoint.

He rose from his seat, though he was promptly interrupted by Callipsia, his Lia, who sat down next to him and struck conversation with the very first person that she was comfortable around, which was, of course, him. He chuckled aloud, holding back his private thoughts regarding his desire for a second conquest, and the obligatory, baiting insult that he would aim at Callipsia for sinking to Kel's level and interrupting his pursuit was withheld. "Aye, Lia. We were here a week before, if you recall. The meeting with the lovely Konti lass was here, no? It's very nice, but it lacks the soul of a Svefra. The heart of the sea lost with the lack of a true beverage to be had." He winked at his Lia before pressing forward to press his lips to her cheek, rubbing the spot with a tender hand before he murmured, "If you'll excuse me, Lia, I have someone I need to speak to."

He smiled at the fledgling leader of the Tempest Pod, rising from his stool with a bright laugh as he approached Adi and the woman that she was with. He smiled at the other woman warmly, but primarily, his attention was directed at the woman he knew best, flashing a wink at her before looping his arm around her waist, "Lass, it's rude not to greet a friend! Where'd your manners go?" He smiled at her, pressing a light kiss to her cheek before releasing his grasp upon her waist. Turning his attention to the other lass, he extended a hand, "Tydus Tempest, lass. It's a pleasure to meet'ye."
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Postby Grace Lechar on March 13th, 2014, 8:27 pm

Cealum was clearly busy, and crowded with people, and Grace smiled as he walked off. She wanted to talk to him, but figured its best to let him do his thing. But her eyebrows flew up at his parting words. Her blue orbs flew to the little blonde konti, who was interested in the pet of some adults. She turned to the two women beside her, not sure which one was going to take on the responsibility of the little girl. Grace's head whipped back to see where the little girl stood, the probability that the tiny person had already murdered someone was high. Cealum was just going to let anyone watch his daughter?

Maybe I'm just panicking. Grace reached down for the familiar comfort Jeno provided, but soon realized he wasn't there. Oh. Grace had locked him in her room. She thought bringing a guard dog to a tavern with possible rowdy drunks was sure to get someone bit. Instead Grace sipped her tea, the minor child dilemma didn't seem so nerve racking as saying hi to new people did. Grace's motherly skills were all but non existent but it couldn't be too hard watching a child, could it? She could always ignore the request and let someone else take care of the girl, Lillian. Or she could go hover around the small girl annoyingly, whereas Lillian would likely be quickly annoyed by Grace's presence. She really had no responsibility over this developing life form and so Grace's natural reaction was to do nothing. But now Lillian was technically her responsibility, or partly so, because Cealum had told her to. Grace took another sip of her tea deciding to go with a happy medium of watching the child but not hovering. If the child ran away, Grace decided she would have to run after her. If she didn't, then Grace could simply stand here and watch from afar. As Grace was about to change her mind again, someone began playing music. The alcohol propelled him through two songs, and Grace clapped after each. He was either brave or reckless to randomly do such a thing in her opinion, but he was entertaining, and not a bad singer.

Grace shifted her eyes back to the child just in time to see a tall man sauntering over to them. His eyes focused on Adi and Lysaea. A teasing smirk rested on his lips as he wound his arm around Adi, who looked shocked to say the least. Grace just watched the obvious shows of affection towards Adi. She hadn't really been in the conversation, as it was in another language, and decided to let the couple converse with Lysaea in their odd language. Obviously something was happening, and Grace had little desire to be in the mess. She let her blue orbs glide back to Lillian as she took a step back from the trio, searching for something to do, someone to talk to.

This was remarkably typical for Grace, showing up at a social event and then not participating. She needed to change that habit. Grace shifted her weight, eyes searching the room, as she looked for someone that she could have a conversation with. Grace inhaled her warm tea again, taking another sip of the sweet mixture, before walking towards Lillian. Grace figured she could strike up a conversation with a stranger where she could reach the child better. As soon as she got to the other side of the room she realized it was a mistake. Her finger tapped the mug, and Grace glanced over her shoulder, back at the trio speaking in whatever language. Her fingers started to prickle and she reached down again, her hand swiping the air instead landing on the warm scruff of her dog.

A few feet away, the musician (Stefan) put down his instrument, finished with his songs. He was quick to spout out a somewhat cheesy joke before beginning to whistle another tune. His ecstatic personality made Grace want to talk to him.

"I loved your songs," Her voice erupted from her lips, a casual tone set on her tongue. Her nerves evaporated, and Grace took a few steps towards him, already smelling the wine on his breathe, or maybe it was just this particular corner of the tavern. She glanced down at her tea, thinking she should have made a different choice for tonight. Grace brought her head back up at the man, meeting his chocolate gaze with her blue one. Grace sticking out her hand, thinking she didn't ease into the introductions as well as she could have with the next two words. She mentally shrugged it off, how else was she supposed to greet him? "I'm Grace, and you are?"

Thoughts - "Common" - "PC Talking" - "NPC Talking"

Last edited by Grace Lechar on March 19th, 2014, 7:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Lyn'nice on March 14th, 2014, 1:27 am

Lyn'nice took it upon herself to watch the small Konti girl, that was what she did at the sanctuary. Watched the children along with tending plants. But how should she go about this. Perhaps she could sit with the woman with the snake that had captured the little girl's attention. She could safely watch Lillian without breathing down the little Konti's neck. Maybe this could work.

Lyn'nice got up and made her way to the table where the woman sat. They were both people of the sea. "Um, excuse me for sitting here but..." She gave a head nod toward the little Konti. "I have a reason. A reason that is very interested in your pet snake there, a reason I'm supposed to be watching without said reason knowing. My name is Lyn'nice and I work at the Sanctuary and the man behind the bar is my mentor. " She had brought along the pot of tea and her cup."I really do apologize for sitting here without any real permission. But..." She looked down to the little Konti. "May I ask what your snake's name is? You have a special name for your pets don't you?" Lyn'nice giggled nervously. "I'm interested in your culture living on ships. Have you ever been to Mura?" She asked all the while watching Lillian. "You wouldn't happen to know who's otter is running around?"
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Postby Reven Heath on March 14th, 2014, 2:18 am

Reven had just returned from a hunting trip with Larik. She had to admit, he was better than she was when it came to locating prey, especially smaller animals. That's not what the Kelvic wanted to track though, and even though any kind of meat is great, it still wasn't enough to supply the mouths at the Sanctuary and that's what fueled her further on. The cougar could tell Larik was slightly annoyed by this, but the feline would not cease until they had a substantial amount of meat to get them through the season.

She had gone lax on him today and returned early despite their catches. It was a good bonding experience for the two and Reven knew he was happy for the earlier retirement. However, upon returning, the Sanctuary was quieter than usual. Heading to Aweston, Reven greeted the groomer politely. “Aweston, have you seen Van?” She inquired, unstrapping her gloves.

“He went to help Caelum open up the shop. Alements, I believe.”

“That was today?! By the gods, why didn't anyone remind me..!” Reven sighed, rubbing her temples.

At this rate, she would already be fashionably late and so, took her time cleaning up from the hunt. Sighing, she pondered whether Vanator would say anything to her about her arrival. After a bell, Reven was off to Alements to check out the shop.

To be frank, the Kelvic wasn't expecting a crowd when she appeared at the doors to the shop. Hesitating at the threshold, Reven entered and looked around at the area and the many people within it. There were some folks she had seen from the Bazaar, even a few teachers she had studied with for a short time. Ultimately, she was thankful for the bond. It was helping her anxiety with large crowds and coaxing her to be more social with people.

Scanning through the many different face, Reven almost immediately found her bondmate back by the bar and began her way to him. Oh, how she longed to greet him then scurry away. This was not her kind of environment in the least bit and even though she was more than happy for Caelum and the successful opening, she didn't like being cramped with others. It didn't appear she would stay long. Approaching the Drykas, she noticed he had on a well fitted, cotton green shirt. The cougar enjoy the color and wished she had something to match. Alas, her wardrobe was primarily outfits of leather.

Sliding a hand over his back, between his shoulder blades, he would be able to tell it was her through the bond. Reven said nothing at first and held a smile to her lips as she waited for him to consult whatever conversation he was in before turning to her. “Are you enjoying yourself?” She asked curiously, greeting him with bright eyes. Looking to the ale in his hand, she could smell the strange scent even from this distance. It smelled awful compared to the wine she had at the Glass Gull and scrunched her nose in disgust. “Ugh, is that Ale?”

Reven had smelled the same scent a number of times walking through the city, even at some of the festivals, yet she never tried it. Assuming it tasted as bad as it smelled, the Kelvic was not allured by the drink. Turning her eyes to the man in front of him, Reven recognized the bard who helped her with her gloves one afternoon. Seeing him there now made her uncomfortable as the memories of their closeness flashed back to her.

Dismissing her thoughts, Reven allowed herself to be entertained by the bard, Stefan was it? Turning to Vanator with a grin, the cougar raised a brow. “I suppose you could offer a song or two? Maybe after another ale?” She teased softly, her hand sliding from his back, down his arm, and finally releasing him by his hand. Then she was off to find Caelum.

“I'll be back.” She offered before leaving.

Caelum wasn't hard to find, he appeared to be in the center of a crowd but the feline simply weaved her way through till she was standing by the man. “Caelum,” Her expression was gentle, yet enthusiastic. “I'm highly impressed, the crowd turned out well! I might not stay long but I just wanted to tell you that I'm happy for you. If you need any help in the future, you know where to find me.” With a wave, Reven ventured back to Vanator.

She had not been there for a bell and already, she was exhausted.
Last edited by Reven Heath on March 15th, 2014, 11:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Stefan on March 14th, 2014, 2:19 am

The evening was getting quite interesting really quickly. It seemed that the patrons liked Stefan’s music, and one of them, the Chaktawe, danced to his tune... probably to piss off Kel, but it was fair enough. “My dear, you’re quite a dancer!” Stefan said to her as he continued to play his song. Now, the bard started to play a more merry song, especially for dance and drinking.

“And now, I shall tell you the story of an old friend of mine!” He was lying, of course. He didn’t know the lad of the story, but the he knew the song quite well.

William Taylor was a brisk young sailor
Full of heart and full of play
Till his mind he did uncover
To a youthful lady gay

Four and twenty Zeltivan sailors
Met him on the lord's highway
As he went for to be married
Pressed he was and sent away

Folleri-de-dom, de- daerai diddero
Folleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae
Folleri-de-dom, de- daerai diddero
Folleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae

Sailor's clothing she put on
And she went on board as a man of war
Her pretty little fingers long and slender
They were smeared with pitch and tar

On the ship there was a battle
She amongst the rest did fight
The wind blew off her silver buttons
Breasts were bared all snowy white

Folleri-de-dom, de- daerai diddero
Folleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae
Folleri-de-dom, de- daerai diddero
Folleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae

When the captain did discover
He said "Fair maid, what brought you here?"
"Sir, I'm seeking William Taylor!
Pressed he was by you last year"

"If you rise up in the morning
Early at the break of day
There you'll find young William Taylor
Walking with his lady gay"

Folleri-de-dom, de- daerai diddero
Folleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae
Folleri-de-dom, de- daerai diddero
Folleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae

She rose early in the morning
Early at the break of day
There she spied young William Taylor
Walking with his lady gay

She procured a pair of daggers
On the ground where she did stand
There she stabbed poor William Taylor
And the lady at his right hand

Folleri-de-dom, de- daerai diddero
Folleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae
Folleri-de-dom, de- daerai diddero
Folleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae

It was a fun song, with an interesting story and gibberish chorus: something fun to play, to hear and to dance: the perfect kind of song for the situation.

Stefan observed a tanned woman with piercing blue eyes –A Svefra, perhaps? –that approached. He nodded at her question and smiled “Aye, my dear... once everybody is dizzy enough, I shall start with the good stuff... but until then, I accept requests... any kind” he finished with a wink of an eye, when another woman approached him. This was getting better and better!

It was a fair skinned gal, with big, blue eyes and a innocent appearance; lovely, to say at least. She approached him with enthusiasm, saying that she liked his songs. He just smiled at the compliments, as he was clearly in front of somebody with good taste. She seemed somewhat nervous, though... that could be fixed.

“Stefan, my lady. Stefan Teagan, at your service...” instead of shaking her hand, he kissed him whilst looking her in the eye. “I hope you’re enjoying the evening in this fine establishment, and I’m glad to meet a music lover.”
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Postby Grace Lechar on March 14th, 2014, 5:14 am

A single eyebrow shot up at Stefan's greeting. Grace tucked her chin in, a glare piercing from under her bangs, but a soft smile lifted the corners of her lips. As he held eye contact with her through the somewhat forced intimacy, Grace decided to humor him. She curtsied, lifting the invisible hem of her invisible dress with one hand while the other held her tea steady. Her boots had been cleaned recently but the leather was worn and the laces were frayed. The sight embarrassed her suddenly. Thoughts on her attire usually did nothing against her confidence, not until now at least. As Grace straightened herself, she blinked a few times, trying to mentally shrug of the shallow thought.

"Well Stefan, it is pleasant to make your company." Grace let her eyebrow fall. Her hand stroked the air by her hip again, reminding her that her trusty companion was locked away probably whining and scratching the door. Or sleeping. The damned dog would probably be sleeping by now. Grace glanced down at the instrument, realizing a rather large detail she failed to address when making conversation. She knew nothing of music. That type of entertainment was rare for a girl who almost never left her horses. Especially rare. She brought her tea to her chin, attempting a dainty, lady-like, sip. When she realized the amount of tea in her mug was so little, that this girly display wouldn't be possible, Grace tilted her head, letting the dregs of the tea slid down her throat. It wasn't exactly the lady-like sip she intended to take. "So, er, what type of instrument would this be?"

Grace wanted to pluck the exotic instrument, like Stefan had, to see what noise it would make form an inexperienced hand. She held back the childish wish, instead she merely motioned towards the carefully crafted instrument. She was holding up a rather rare determination to pursue a conversation with this man. Either the fact that Grace wanted to know more about music, or the man who had so bluntly flirted with her, was a reason to give. After she finished the drink, Grace glanced around absently, wondering where she should put the empty cup. Tavern traditions were not yet etched into her list of habits, since such visitations were exceedingly rare. Grace switched the mug to her right hand, and back again. Deciding she would just hold it for now, until she could get over to the bar and give it to Elise. The poor girl was booked with requests and cleaning that Grace couldn't bother her with more.

Thoughts - "Common" - "PC Talking" - "NPC Talking"

Last edited by Grace Lechar on March 19th, 2014, 7:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Lysaea Frostfawn on March 14th, 2014, 10:02 am

Lysa snorted slightly when Caelum said a pleasure as always. As much as she didn't mind the comment, she personally thought 'pleasure' hadn't been a word to describe her presence in the past season. Recomposing herself, she heard him state the Vantha's name was Adi Skyglow before she moved her head up and down when he said to make sure Lillian didn't bother anyone. That wouldn't be too much of a problem would it she thought as her eyes began to drift to spot the girl.

Jerking herself out of her looking when she heard Adi's voice, she snapped back to attention. Skyglow hold... that was the hold for the arts if she wasn't wrong. Caelum did say her last name was Skyglow but she guessed she just skimmed over it. She hadn't talked to many of that hold. The ones that she had mainly contained herself was to her own. Only when she got older did she interact with the Frostfawn Hold more. Smiling at the Vantha, she shrugged her shoulders slightly.

"Don't worry, I don't mind," she said in Vani reassuringly when she heard a Svefra in his accent say something that made the woman in front of her change her eye colour into a deep gold. That was curious. She highly doubted it meant the same for Adi as it did for herself. When her eyes turned gold, she usually associated her feelings with surprise and she doubted the Vantha in front of her were experiencing those feelings.

"You okay?" she asked very softly so that only the woman could hear her. She wasn't sure what her eye colour change meant but it didn't hurt to ask. Of course unless she got offended then that was a different story.

Sinking back into her chair, she unconsciously begun to finger her long dark hair as her mind began to drift when the sounds of a song began to hum it's way into her ears. Nice voice...curious lyrics. She wouldn't comment. Unless it started to annoy her.

As she straightened her back in her chair again, she reached out her arm to grab her drink, fingers hooking around the still slightly warm cup before bringing it up to her lips. Seeing a flicker of movement in the corner of her eye, she swiveled her head around to see the Chaktawe woman start to dance.

Watching her until she stopped, Lysa decided to clap her little performance before noticing another Svefra, the one who had been with the other girl (who she presumed was Svefra as well) come towards them. Watching him loop his arm around Adi's waist, she merely stared forgetting how to smile as he gave the other Vantha a kiss on the cheek.

Seeing that he had smiled at her, she managed to flash a smile back at him before letting her face fall back into observation as he spoke to Adi that it was rude not to greet a friend.

Taking a second to realise the Svefra, Tydus, he said his name was holding his hand out probably for her to shake, she looked clueless for a couple of seconds before her brain got into functioning again.

"Oh sorry, I wasn't paying attention," she said apologetically before she placed her drink that mid-lifted in the air on the table, and grasping his hand. "Lysaea Frostfawn, nice to meet you..." she begun smiling at him before her voice trailed off as she heard the human sing again. Forgetting what she had been doing, she turned her head around. Lovvveeelly song lyrics... really.

"Did he die?" she asked to no one in particular.
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Postby Vanator on March 14th, 2014, 6:11 pm

Stefan's greeting was jovial, and Vanator suddenly found it hard not to like the bard. He agreed to play, Caelum confirming that it was worthy of coin to have some music. The place was suddenly hopping, and Vanator found himself busy greeting many familiar faces. He waved at Lyn'nice, giving her a wink and lifted his voice over the crowd, laughing at the pregnant Konti, "Just waited until you got here and the party started!"

Grace came in, and Van offered her a smile. They had yet to get to know each other, but if she were to be working with Sanctuary's horses, they would certainly become acquainted. He hear the familiar lilt of Lysaea's Vani-accent and gave her a wave as well. Once Stefan went off to play, Orabelle and he spotted each other and Van waved, but the Svefras drew her away before they could converse. Lillian brushed by, heading to Lyn'nice, and Van reached down to tossle her blonde hair. The little girl had already managed to wrap the Drykas around her finger, managing to fanagle snacks and other favors from the doting Denusk.

There were still a few faces Vanator sought amongst the crowd, his eyes passing over the room as he took another drink of ale. Kavala had not appeared. He hoped she managed to get away to see the celebration, and how successful the grand opening was. The other face was one responsible for the subtle empty spot he felt in the absence of his new bondmate. Van turned back towards the bar, listening with a grin to the tale the bard was weaving at the tables. He shot a glance to Caelum and Elise, working diligently to keep the drinks flowing, greeting each new patron with a wide smile. He lifted his mug as the Eth met his gaze for a tick.

Then the hole began to fill. Van sensed Reven a moment before he felt her hand against his back. It was comforting and, with the newness of the bond, thrilling. Vanator turned towards the Kelvic, his smile beaming. "Yes, I suppose I am enjoying myself." The Drykas saw the hazel gaze shift to his mug, the scrunching of her face betraying her distaste for his choice in beverages. "Yes it is ale." He replied, "and it would take more than a couple drinks to get me to sing!" He leaned in and pressed a kiss to her cheek as her hand trailed down his arm and slipped away. He watched his bondmate slip through the crowd towards Caelum. A cougar in the guise of a girl, sometimes he still could not believe they were bonded. Van turned again to the crowd, draining the last of the ale down his throat.

Reven made her way back to her side. Van could sense his bondmate was already becoming weary of the crowd. The cougar was unused to busy social situations, she was a lone hunter at heart, and having to interact with so many people was taxing. He took Reven by the hand, "Lets get some air." He said with a wry grin, leading the young Kelvic behind the bar and into the store room. Van paused, took Reven in his arms, giving her a proper lingering kiss, before taking her hand again and leading her outside and to the nearby dock where the catamaran was tied. "Have you seen Kavala?"He asked, climbing onto the small vessel.
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