Dark eyes watched Kel recall his thoughts regarding Tydus, and explain the male's conquests with woman. She nodded, a smirk on her face, not a trace of anger within her. Shijara had wanted to have a good time. She had not really have a deep conversation with Kel's podmate, they had just kissed. A lot. It had been an interesting little challenge, but the moment had passed. Now she was just interested that Kel was thinking this little conversation was supposed to stir a rise out of her. After what he pulled in the aquarium, she had learned to take his actions with a grain of salt.
"I wouldn't doubt it," Shi swirled the win in her hands and watched the red spin around in the glass, reflecting the light and making the drink almost appear a dark purple, "He was very polite. We discussed... fishing."
A mischievous grin starting tugging at her lips, but Shijara kept her eyes down to try to hide her expression. When Kel offered to buy a round, she laughed almost instantaneously. Was he doing something for someone else? She looked up, and smirked, "Sure," she only agreed on this offer because, one: free alcohol that she had never really tried, and two: Tydus was here. If Kel got out of control, she could slip out and leave the responsibility to his pod. It was a horribly selfish thing to do, but she would not clean anything up if Kel exploded projectiles. Not again.
Shijara lifted up her bottle, not wanting to clank her glass too hard and grinned. She downed her second glass and her stomach began holding on to the warmth that she had been consuming. Shi had not realized how quickly she had swallowed her first two drinks. But she was still new to this sort of thing and didn't really know that most sipped wine. All she knew was that it was good, and she was thirsty.
Music filled the air, or perhaps she had just started noticing it, and she looked up, seeing the mandolin player watching her. She smiled in his direction and stood, the atmosphere of the place perking her up. Or maybe it was the alcohol. Or maybe it was both?
The Chaktawe took a step towards an opening in the middle of the room, pausing to turn. She slapped Kel on the shoulder, leaning so that he would hear her better, "I am going to dance." Shijara wasn't going to ask him to join her. He could if he wished (she guessed), but she was still apprehensive towards him. He could buy her drinks, and he might have not made her want to kill him just yet, but she was ready for it.
And with that, her hand dropped from the Svefra's shoulder, and she moved away, bouncing with the tune of the music. It took her a minute to find the beat, but she was enjoying herself. The Chaktawe was not drunk, not yet, and her expression was warm, even with her dark eyes. She spun around, black hair fanning out around her and soon she could see Sonnet in the corner with a curious expression in the cougar's eyes. The guardian was not visible to everyone, but the song she brought, mixed with the player's diddly made quite the lovely sound for Shijara.
Shi tucked dark strands behind her ear as she moved, eyes brightening when she thought she saw a familiar sea otter. For once had she noticed the man before the beast? How odd. When the little song was over, Shijara slowed and chuckled. She clapped, and waved at the musician before shrugging good naturedly at those around who decided to watch instead of join.
A slight hint of pink had dusted her cheeks. There was a brief moment of embarrassment, but she hid it under tinkling laughter. No need to be so down when there was so much to be dancing for. Was this not a party?
"I wouldn't doubt it," Shi swirled the win in her hands and watched the red spin around in the glass, reflecting the light and making the drink almost appear a dark purple, "He was very polite. We discussed... fishing."
A mischievous grin starting tugging at her lips, but Shijara kept her eyes down to try to hide her expression. When Kel offered to buy a round, she laughed almost instantaneously. Was he doing something for someone else? She looked up, and smirked, "Sure," she only agreed on this offer because, one: free alcohol that she had never really tried, and two: Tydus was here. If Kel got out of control, she could slip out and leave the responsibility to his pod. It was a horribly selfish thing to do, but she would not clean anything up if Kel exploded projectiles. Not again.
Shijara lifted up her bottle, not wanting to clank her glass too hard and grinned. She downed her second glass and her stomach began holding on to the warmth that she had been consuming. Shi had not realized how quickly she had swallowed her first two drinks. But she was still new to this sort of thing and didn't really know that most sipped wine. All she knew was that it was good, and she was thirsty.
Music filled the air, or perhaps she had just started noticing it, and she looked up, seeing the mandolin player watching her. She smiled in his direction and stood, the atmosphere of the place perking her up. Or maybe it was the alcohol. Or maybe it was both?
The Chaktawe took a step towards an opening in the middle of the room, pausing to turn. She slapped Kel on the shoulder, leaning so that he would hear her better, "I am going to dance." Shijara wasn't going to ask him to join her. He could if he wished (she guessed), but she was still apprehensive towards him. He could buy her drinks, and he might have not made her want to kill him just yet, but she was ready for it.
And with that, her hand dropped from the Svefra's shoulder, and she moved away, bouncing with the tune of the music. It took her a minute to find the beat, but she was enjoying herself. The Chaktawe was not drunk, not yet, and her expression was warm, even with her dark eyes. She spun around, black hair fanning out around her and soon she could see Sonnet in the corner with a curious expression in the cougar's eyes. The guardian was not visible to everyone, but the song she brought, mixed with the player's diddly made quite the lovely sound for Shijara.
Shi tucked dark strands behind her ear as she moved, eyes brightening when she thought she saw a familiar sea otter. For once had she noticed the man before the beast? How odd. When the little song was over, Shijara slowed and chuckled. She clapped, and waved at the musician before shrugging good naturedly at those around who decided to watch instead of join.
A slight hint of pink had dusted her cheeks. There was a brief moment of embarrassment, but she hid it under tinkling laughter. No need to be so down when there was so much to be dancing for. Was this not a party?