Palla's Scrapbook

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The player scrapbooks forum is literally a place for writers to warm-up, brainstorm, keep little scraps of notes, or just post things to encourage themselves and each other. Each player can feel free to create their own thread - one per account - and use them accordingly.

Palla's Scrapbook

Postby Palla Frostfawn on March 15th, 2014, 9:28 pm


Hello everyone, and welcome to the scrapbook that belongs to me, Palla of the Frostfawn hold. Uhm... A little about me, I guess? I like to draw, write, and play video games. I am easily distracted, creative, and have an unhealthy obsession with potatoes. I think I will post some of my crappy art here, this will probably be mainly for that purpose, actually. I guess I should set some ground rules, now.
1. Anyone can post here!
2. Please, no flaming. Constructive criticism is welcome, though.
3. If you have seen my shop (here) this will be one of the places to request a drawing. Please ask nicely!
Last edited by Palla Frostfawn on March 23rd, 2014, 2:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Palla's Scrapbook

Postby Vick on March 16th, 2014, 8:23 pm

Would love to see your idea and drawing of Vick. No need to use my avatar or anything of the nature. Just what you think of if you ever read my threads with him.
Credit goes to Ferrin Al'Mandrikan
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Palla's Scrapbook

Postby M'Wanii on March 16th, 2014, 8:27 pm

I want to compare your idea of how M looks with my own. Draw her as you wish (no need to copy my avatar) :D
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Palla's Scrapbook

Postby Ariann on March 16th, 2014, 8:30 pm

I would like a drawing of Ariann when you get the chance :D

Unfortunately, I am not going to be able to play Ariann until my life stabilizes. Sorry in advance to whoever ends up loosing out on threads because of this :\

I am now an official Grader of Mizahar! Happy squeals for all! ^_^ I will be focusing primarily on Zeltiva, but if another region needs cleaning up, let me know! I have a TON of free-time and I always enjoy reading other's threads!

[Unrelated] "(╯ಠωಠ)╯︵ ┻━┻ I quit!"

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Palla's Scrapbook

Postby Palla Frostfawn on March 23rd, 2014, 2:05 pm


I am so sorry, guys! I kind of forgot about the drawings, and right now I'm on spring break. I'll try to have them as fast as possible. Also, the 'shop' is up so for anyone wanting pictures after this, please fill out the form.
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Palla's Scrapbook

Postby Palla Frostfawn on June 11th, 2014, 7:14 pm


This will probably be the most useless post ever. No, it's not for you, dear readers, nor is it for me. I just felt like writing this down, and figured putting it in my scrap wouldn't hurt.


Palla. I was an idiot when I made my first PC, Potato, and I thought it would be really fun to play a potato. Nope. One of my friends who was a vital part of his story, was way too busy to write for her PC. Without her, the plans started to fall apart and there was no way that I could recover him without much time and effort which I wasn't willing to put in. The novelty had worn off and I had no drive to try and fix things. My other friend who was closely linked to said PC and I agreed that this was for the best, so we both retired. If you're reading this, I'm sorry for wasting your time by having him retired, Goss. That was stupid of me to make a potato in the first place..

Moving on. Palla was nothing to me but another PC. At first I planned on having a strong, independent, badass character, but something changed my mind. I don't know what did it, but I'm glad I made that decision. So glad. To me, Palla is more than a thing, a make-believe character that I control. No, I'm not crazy obsessed with her (ok, maybe I am), but I feel like I can connect to her. She is my nervousness to an extreme. She is my naïvety, also to an extreme. She is just... So much more than a character. It may sound pathetic, but that's how I feel about her. I feel like I've built her around the real me, the one that nobody knows about.
(except you, my stalkers readers)

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Palla's Scrapbook

Postby Palla Frostfawn on July 21st, 2014, 2:28 pm

Guys, I'm really sorry to all of you that I will leave hanging, but I have to go. I will be back, and this break will only last around a month or two, but I can't even bring myself to write right now. When I'm back, I'll catch up on thread replies, and it'll go back to normal. I promise.

If you wonder why, read below.

I'm sick of being so unproductive, lazy, and just feeling all around miserable. I've put off doing something for far too long, and I have to change my habits. I've been having such a hard time writing about anything recently, and since I joined Mizahar, that's been a huge part of my life. There are so many things I need to do, and I don't think I'll have time for Miz for a while.

I have to start being a healthier person, both mentally and physically, and my outlook on life needs to be changed. I believe that this lifestyle change will make me a much happier person, and that it will help me get my creative juices flowing again. Like I said earlier, I just can't deal with anything in my current state, and I'm not going to let it stay like that. Maybe I'm making a mountain out of a molehill, as I won't be gone for too long, but I don't want to vanish without explanation, even if it's for a relatively short period of time.

See you soon,

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Palla's Scrapbook

Postby Palla Frostfawn on November 29th, 2014, 12:05 am

I'm so sorry.

I know that I said that I would be back, and that I broke that promise. I was ready to get back into the swing of things by late August, but before I could do that, things happened in my life that I don't want to discuss for fear of bringing back those memories. In that time, I was without reliable internet connection, and I probably wouldn't have been able to write well at all either. Life isn't always kind, and people can't help it. Regardless, you have my sincerest apologies.

I think the best thing for me to do would be to start over. I'll start on a clean slate with Syrrta.
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