The disappearance of Engghaen

All of a sudden she had vanished

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

The disappearance of Engghaen

Postby Brandon Blackwing on December 15th, 2013, 9:30 pm


The 10th of Winter 513AV

As soon as the snow had stopped falling from the sky, the bat had seen his chance. Since he refused to go out when it poured both rain or white flakes, he had been waiting for the sun goddess to show herself to the people. His clothes were still the ones he wore during fall and summer, but they weren’t suitable to wear during winter. They were the only ones he had, and they didn’t quite protect him from the biting cold lingering in the air since the first of the season.

So, he had set off to the famous market place on the Zintia peak. The Azure. It was a location he liked going to. Not only because of the many stands with the finest and less fine wares, but also because it was a great place to do business. A thief’s business that is. Today however, he came to the market not to give his quick fingers some practice, but to buy some stuff. There were times he too had to spend money, and he didn’t like it. Those times were dreaded as ‘dark days’ in his head. But he had no choice. If one wanted quality, it was nearly impossible to get some without paying. Unfortunately.

Ah well. At least he had company. A cat no less. White and fluffy, but human right now. Long black hair reaching down the length of her back. The thief still wondered how her hair could be black in human form while it was pure white while cat, but he’d never asked. She probably didn’t know herself. That matter aside, the bat was glad he had been able to convince her to come with him. Initially she had refused, but as he had insisted with pleading eyes she had given in. He grinned at the thought.

As the both of them entered the rowdy market place via one of the many small alleys the city was rich, a sound wave hit him in the face like the hammer of a blacksmith. Today it was crowded as well, the noise told him as much. Grimacing while his ears did their very best to adapt, he made his way through the thick masses of people who had come out of their shelters and hurried to where they needed to be. Wise measures, but still way to much people stayed behind, interested in the wares of the merchants stationed in the market.

“Stay close”, he spoke over his shoulder to the girl walking somewhere behind him. “I don’t want to lose you in the crowd.” Truth was located in his words, as they were honest. He needed her. Since she claimed not to like being nude, he suspected she had a certain level of expertise in picking warm clothes. And that was one of his objectives today. That and finding some weaponry he was comfortable wielding. Something ranged preferably. His reasoning behind it was simple. If he couldn’t beat it with his bare hands and skill in unarmed combat, than he’d rather stay out of the creature’s reach. Especially if it was a monster. No, just because it was a monster.


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The disappearance of Engghaen

Postby Engghaen on January 16th, 2014, 9:29 pm


Common | Feline Language | Thoughts

Engghaen didn't really understand the bat's haste. It was fun to go and dash in the snow, as she did when she was younger, but not now. She was absolutely not in the mood for it. Brandon had pleadingly tricked her into coming with him. Or, tricking, it was more.. She couldn't really resist his face, but now she regretted it. He had needed clothes for the Winter that was setteling quickly. Why he needed her, she didn't ask. Maybe he didn't know anything about clothes and actually needed her. It didn't matter. She didn't want to come with him.

Then she realised where they were going. It was the Azure, where Engghaen had been often. They had tons of different wares, some cheap and some pricy. But if you wanted good clothes, you needed to pay for the quality. The cat hoped Brandon knew and wasn't going to do anything stupid. Anything thievish. That would not come in use. At all.

Great gods, this place is crowded today! And, to her disappointment, it was very noisy too. Her hands instinctively protected her ears fromthe hardest noise, lowering them after a while and hoping it wouldn't hurt too much. Grumbling and murmling she tried to keep up with Brandon. It had been the reason why she initially refused to go. The cat did not like very hard noises and too busy things anymore and Brandon knew that. The small alleyway they were in was crowded with people, all looking at wares or scurrying around to wherever they needed to go.

The speed people moved at even made Engghaen more angry. Couldn't they just move on a little and hurry? "...close.." she heard Brandon saying. "...don't.. in crowd.." His voice was being carried away by the ones of every one else and the merchants shouting. What? Still thinking about what he ment, she tried to keep up with Brandon's pace but he moved a lot quicker through the sea of people while the cat kept bumping into others. There a black shawl was and she grabbed it, pulling the person attached backwards.

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The disappearance of Engghaen

Postby Brandon Blackwing on January 17th, 2014, 6:40 pm


Yanked backwards his head was, the fibres in his scarf stretching as far as they could, while wrapping itself tighter around his neck. It was tight enough to cut off his breath, and while he stumbled backwards, his hands desperately tried to pull it away from his vulnerable neck. Choking, he staggered back and bumped into the person right behind him. The bat turned his head toward the person immediately, staring in the bright blue orbs of the cat who was holding his shawl tight, as if it were her lifeline. “Let … go..” he coughed “…you’r ... e suffo ... cating … me”

Tension lessened and his hands were able to free his trachea, taking in gulps of much needed air, panting heavily. “Gods, Enggy, I could’ve been dead!” he muttered under his breath, his eyes still wide from the shock, and his heart racing in his chest. When the adrenaline had more or less faded from his blood stream, he rearranged his scarf, putting it’s ends underneath his cloak. “If you can’t keep up, then just say so, don’t choke me!” There was a hint of anger in his voice, and his eyes reflected it, but it wasn’t because she’d unintentionally (hopefully) tried to kill him.

Bran sighed, turned back to the direction he’d originally been facing and started walking again. Ramming himself through the mass of people gathered in the streets, he cleared a pathway for his companion in his wake, though it refilled with passerby’s after he’d come through. So only if she stayed really close she could benefit of him. They were now nearing a stand which sold what he was looking for, clothing.

His eyes scanned the wares carefully, looking out for something that suited his style. Nothing immediately sprang into view, but he gave Engghaen a prod anyway, asking her about the quality of the wares in a whisper. The vendor, a middle aged Benshira, curiously and not very subtly leant closer so he could hear what she’d answer. Well, he guessed it couldn’t be helped, no vendor ever wanted to hear that their wares were not of great quality, whether that was the truth or not. However, the bat hoped she’d pick her words carefully if the clothes weren’t well made, vendors were very vivid people, and didn’t take an ‘insult’ to their wares as a good sport would.

OOCOkay Enggy, the choice is yours. Quality or not?


credit goes to Euthisa
Last edited by Brandon Blackwing on January 22nd, 2014, 6:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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The disappearance of Engghaen

Postby Engghaen on January 22nd, 2014, 6:09 pm


The scarf stopped, as she had expected. He had to, anyway. Too late she realised she was almost suffocating this guy by not letting him go too quickly. She stopped and her eyes turned a bit sad, rather than annoyed. Brandon reacted angry, much more than she had expected. The cat had pulled his scarf, well, unintentionally. She was glad she saw some sign of Brandon and pulled at the first thing she could grasp to make him stop. She cast her eyes down at the street when he looked at her with those eyes. They were filled with some sort of anger she didn't know about. She hadn't seen those eyes angry before.

He rearranged his scarf so she couldn't pull on it anymore. When he spoke he almost spit fire. The cat said nothing. She didn't do this on purpose, and she had almost lost him here! One thing she didn't want for sure was to be alone and lose him. She did know the way, but there were so may alleyways and one didn't want to get lost here. You would be squashed between the countless people and... She didn't even want to think about it.

The bat now made some sort of path for him, and Engghaen quickly noticed people were filling it in already. Therefore she gently grabbed part of his cloak and held onto him tightly, being dragged along almost. Then they stopped and the cat saw that this was a stand with clothing. She immediately saw this was no good at all, but the voice Bran whispered in was cautious and Engghaen realised she had to be careful.

After a few ticks of thinking, the answer came, as the cat crossed her fingers:
"Well, Brandon, I do agree that this probably took long to craft, and it would possibly be a good choice, but only the fur makes this warm. Therefore I suggest we look a little further." With that, she quickly tugged Breandon away from the stand and the vendor. "It was of no quality at all.." she murmled when they were far enough away.
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The disappearance of Engghaen

Postby Brandon Blackwing on January 27th, 2014, 6:51 pm


Her answer was careful, picking her words with some thought and after beating around the bush the bat knew that those clothes were no good. Well, he had known since she’d opened her mouth that it wasn’t, the way she hesitated before answering, it had been a reply on its own. Even before the words had disappeared, she dragged him off by his arm, indulging the both of them back into the crowd. The bat cast a glance over his shoulder to see the vendor staring at them, camouflaged between the moving heads, his expression one of frustration.

The thief grinned, and turned his gaze back in front of him, fixed on the swaying black locks of the cat pulling his arm. No quality at all? Really? He hadn’t noticed, the clothes were pretty well crafted, or so he had thought, lined with fur and all. But well, he trusted her word, he’d never really had to pick warm clothes before, so he didn’t know which ones were made for that purpose or which ones were created for the sake of making some quick money. But that’s why he’d brought her, and seeing as it had been a wise move, he was really pleased with himself.

A smug smile painted on his face, the girl lead him to another stand, packed with clothes as well, but there were fur or other fancy decorations clinging to the wares, only dye. Blue, brown, black, grey,…you name it, they had the colour. The cold winter air smelled of strange soapy scents, and vaguely of some kind of animal he’d seen once or twice in the Peaks. Or was he just confusing the beasts? The one he smelled usually had thick fur, white too, like a snowflake with legs and a head.

But that didn’t really matter, right now only the garments did and as such he should give them his undivided attention. His hand stretched, fingers grabbing the fabric of the cloth nearest to him, feeling the softness and texture of it. Really soft, yet it seemed to be made of thick stings of the fabric. The thief put his other hand to work as well, holding the piece of clothing in front of him as it unfolded itself. It was a shirt, brown and simple. Long sleeves, not all that elegant, not all that special. Just a regular shirt really, but he liked it.

Bran turned to Enggy, a inquiring look on his features. “Well? What do you think?” He didn’t add the rest of the question, as it was quite obvious what he wanted to know, the same as with the previous stand. A affirmative nod of black hair made a smile curl on his lips and he then asked something else. “And what do you think of this shirt? Do you like it? It’s something else than the grey I always wear. I like it. Might be a little to large for me though…”


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The disappearance of Engghaen

Postby Engghaen on February 24th, 2014, 8:07 pm


OOC:embarrassed: Sorry for my late reply once again. See my signature for any explaination.
Without looking back, she dragged the bat towards the next - possibly annoying - vendor. This needed to be done quick so they could go home and pretend like nothing happened. When she looked if Brandon was following, which, was absolutely useless after some thoughtful thinking, she saw he was grinning broadly. Why would he be so.. exited? This was still not much fun... Grumpily, she turned around and realised that she was still being dragged forward by her legs. Clumsily, she stopped to a halt and stared at the wares they had stopped at.

Brandon seemed euphoric at the sight of something simple and Engghaen enjoyed the sight of him being happy. He got caught up in the moment, petting the garment his eye fell on. It looked good, though. Brown, not his colour, but it seemed to look less fake than the last pair of clothes they had been looking at. They looked likje good quality and the girl's face lit up, because of seeing the bat so happy and of actually finding something good.

She did not care how much it cost or even if there would be better things here. One hand extended to the sleeve of the shirt. It felt very soft and.. fuzzy. It was nothing special, but then again, Brandon never wore anything real fancy or elegant. For as far as she knew, he liked simplicity, black and grey. But this shirt was brown, yet he liked it... The cat must've made a mistake in assuming that he was picky when buying new clothes.

The question came again, and she nodded before he had finished. ''If I were you, I'd be kind and ask if you could fit it...'' she murmled, pressing the shirt onto Bran's body to see if it fit. The sleeves were a bit too long but the rest fit him perfectly. Then she turned to the vendor. ''How much?''
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The disappearance of Engghaen

Postby Brandon Blackwing on February 25th, 2014, 8:12 pm

OOCNO problem, I'm happy you're back :)

Enggy seemed to like it as well, what was actually reassuring, but he didn’t really knew why he cared. If he liked it that was enough, right? But of course he had to be at least presentable, so that might be why… Well, whatever, Engghaen had already asked the vendor about the price, which was the thing he was worried about most. However, as the tan trader named the amount of money he wanted for this shirt, the bat was astonished. ”Only two Topaz Kina?” The man shrugged. “That’s a lot cheaper than I had thought it would be… Say, you don’t happen to have a vest and pants in my size as well, do you?”

The salesman stared a at the bat’s physique for a chime, sizing him up, and dug into his wares. “What kind of clothes are you looking for?” The bat blew out the air in his lungs as he thought about that. “Erm … Warm clothes?” The vendor let out a brief laugh. “Yeah, that I had figured out already. I mean what kind of style of clothes? And the colour?” The bat rubbed the back of his head in slight embarrassment and let out a nervous chuckle when he finally understood the stupidity of his answer. “Well, they don’t have to be that fancy or anything. Just dark in colour, preferably.”

The merchant nodded with his back turned at his customer, delving deeper between his wares, eventually turning back with two garments in his arms. “What about these? They seem to be your size, I think? Well, that fine lady by your side will probably have a better view on that.” Brandon nodded and hung one of the pieces of craftsmanship over his shoulder while the other unfolded due to the power of gravity. It felt the same as the shirt, but this was a pants. Simple indeed, black also and it was his size. He grunted in pleasure as he folded the piece of clothing and placed it on top of the shirt, which was draped over one of Enggy’s arms. Then he grabbed the vest, which he did put on. Pleasant surprise, it wasn’t just an ordinary vest, no, it reached to his calves, the front having buttons placed along the chest, which made it split at his hips, a bit like a mix between a vest and a cape. Oh, but this was just exactly what he wanted, what he had been looking for without knowing.

“I’ll buy all of these,” he said with a smile, “How much will that cost me?” The vendor, pleased with his happy customer answered immediately. “That will be … er … vest, trousers and shirt … so that makes … two Kina and four Topaz Kina.” Again the bat was shocked at the small sum the merchant asked. Without hesitation he gave the man his money and turned to Engghaen, taking his newly-bought clothes from her arms. “Okay, that’s done. Let’s go back, or do you still want to look around for a bit?” Behind him he heard the voice of the salesman thanking them for their purchase and inviting them to come again. Bran sent him a genuine smile and told him they would. The man seemed quite happy with that and added something else. Something that almost made him choke in his breath. “By the way, you to make a cute couple!” The bat didn’t have the heart to tell him they were just friends.

OOCYes, I couldn't resist... :ninja: :p

Prices :
Vest (3 topaz Kina): dyed black(*1.5) + medium (N/A)+ wool,course (N/A) = 4.5 topaz kina
Shirt (1 Topaz kina) : dyed brown(*1.5) + medium (N/A)+ wool,course (N/A) = 1.5 Topaz Kina
Pants (8topaz kina): dyed black(*1.5) + medium (N/A)+ wool,course (N/A) = 1 kina 2 topaz kina
= 1kina 8topaz --> paid 2kina 4topaz

Credit goes to Nyxie Nadira Draer
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The disappearance of Engghaen

Postby Engghaen on March 21st, 2014, 10:59 pm


Enggy stared at the vendor and waited for Brandon to fit on his clothing. The vendor had got him a vest, a shirt and a pair of pants, and the good thing was that they were cheap for this kind of exellent craftmanship. Two topaz Kina for a shirt. The cat almost chuckled. At least it was remarkably better than the last stand. The shirt was simple, and, maybe not exactly his colour, but it was exelently crafted. And it fit. The pants were made of the same fabric, same dark kind of colour, and also warm, she realized, as Bran let gravity unfold them. Apparently he found this enough and got to the vest, casually hanging the pants over the cat's arms before she could protest. Was she his personal advisor or something? Couln't he put them on the stand?

She sighed as Bran inspected the vest. It was different, but he seemed to love it so to her it was fine. Happily, the bat payed for his clothes and Engghaen started to grin too. He was done now, so they could go home and she could go sleep or maybe figure out about a job. It was over. It would snow soon again and they wouldn't have to go out at all. That didn't seem to be the case however, as Bradon asked if she wanted to look around for a bit or go home. Hadn't it been obvious she wanted to go home? She'd tried her best to put on her grumpy face, but apparently it wasn't clear yet. "Of course I want to go home...!" Quickly, she walked away, a bit angrily, but saw Bran turning around and telling the vendor that they would come again. She grunted and stopped. Then her heartbeat skipped as the vendor told her that..they made a cute couple

Engghaen liked Bran, but... As a friend. She hadn't been able to tell him that yet, but she wanted to move again. Her nose tingled for adventure. Or it could also just be the cold. Anyway, she did not want to be with him as in a romantic way. A couple kind of way. They were just friends and soon she'd leave and hurt him and she'd forget about him afterwards. That was it. That was how it worked. She sighed and realised Bran had been walking in front of her, and even worse, he was now so far away from her that she had lost her companion. But the cat didn't really mind, as she froze. She knew that sound. She knew that smell. She knew exactly what it was and she wanted to stay away from it as far as possible. Slowly, very slowly, she turned zround and her eyes grew big.

It was a puppy. A terrifying, horrible, puppydog, with claws, and teeth that could tear you apart. After all, it was a dog. And she'd never, ever, even as much as touch a dog.
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The disappearance of Engghaen

Postby Brandon Blackwing on March 22nd, 2014, 5:31 pm

Shaking his head the bat paced away from the stand, his hands occupied with his newly bought clothes and thoughts with the attitude the cat had been showing today. For one reason or another she was about as grumpy as his mother waking from hibernation, hungry and wild. What was up with that? If she didn’t want to be here, she shouldn’t have tagged along. It hadn’t been mandatory when he’d asked her to come. Of course he’d pushed her a little, persuading her to come, but it wasn’t like this was the most annoying thing to do, right? And everyone needs some fresh air now and then.

Also, when she’d been helping him to choose the right stand, she hadn’t seemed so … unhappy. Quite the contrary, she had seemed to be having fun, but clearly he’d been mistaken. Gods, even after having known each other for a little less than a season and having practically been living together, sharing his apartment, he knew ridiculously little about her. His knowledge of her was close to nothing, and in fact he didn’t know anything about her, except her name, race, gender and some other basic stuff. But the real deep questions, her likes and dislikes, he was oblivious to. As a matter of fact he’d never bothered to ask, which was strange. But no matter, he could always ask her some other time.

By now, the thief had taken his position in front of the cat again, using his body to clear the way, angering a couple of people, but things didn’t escalate since only glances filled with killing intent were sent his way, and not fists. Good, getting into a fight here was not what he wanted, and certainly so with Enggy following in his footsteps, literally. Or wasn’t she? A glance cast over his shoulder confirmed his doubts. No Engghaen, only a wall of people. Brandon stopped moving forward, turned around and went back the way he’d come from in order to reunite with the girl.

How was this possible, losing her now of all times! Didn’t she say that she wanted to go home? She’d even over-exaggerated her expression of grumpiness, which had forced the bat to turn away fast and hide his laughter. Gods, what was up with her today? Of course it shouldn’t be necessary to go and look for her, she knew the city as well as the bat, but something about this situation worried him, so he quickened his steps, bumping into people harder, receiving even deadlier stares, but he didn’t care. He needed his peace of mind and for that he’d find Engghaen before going home. Not knowing where he’d lost her, he guessed it would be best to inquire at that merchant’s stand if he’d seen her. Onwards!

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The disappearance of Engghaen

Postby Engghaen on May 2nd, 2014, 10:19 am

Engghaen's breath was stuck in her throat. What to do? She knew that, if the puppydog would come any closer, she'd be torn to pieces. It barked, furiously wagging it's tail. Panting, the girl looked where she could go, run, get away from the terrifying calve-high creature. The only way would be through the crowd, all the way, just further and further into one direction. And so she did, bumping, bashing, leaving a trail of angry glares.

To the wall of people, it looked hilarious. A little dog, only wanting to play, had caught a smell and looked at a girl with his big eyes. ''Play?'' they read, but the girl turned a paler white than she already was. What was wrong with this girl? Why did she seem to be terrified of such an adorable creature? And so the first laughing sounds bubbled up. Pointing arms and a horrible, low sound reached the cat's ears. They were laughing at something, but what?

She was panting now, trying to catch breath. The puppydog decided that the girl wanted to play, and so he followed her though the crowd, criss-crossing between legs, bags, stands... The remarkable pair managed to get out of the more crowded streets, into the small alleyways. Here too laughter rose above the streets, competing with the ever loud yelling of the vendors.

This run was asking a lot of the girl. She'd never been too agile, never really ran and, well... getting through a crowd like that was just difficult. She could feel her heart beating in her chest, her eyes wide open, sweat dripping from her hair onto her face, she could even feel her heart thumping in her head. Tha-thump, tha-thump.. It was annoying. She felt the blood fading away from her head, where it was needed much now..

Engghaen turned her head. Bad idea, she realised, as this sudden turn of her body followed in a crash. Her legs got stuck behind one or other pile of something, knocking the whole bunch down. Oh no... she thought, trying to get her feet back where they should have been, but it was a failed attempt and so she tilted forward, and with a loud smack there was touchdown. ''You petching maniac! Great Gods, how much worse is it gonna get?'' the vendor of the wares yelled, unable to see the 'maniac' had passed out and heard nothing of his kind curses.

The puppy stopped. What was this? No playing anymore? With sad eyes he stared at the cat on the stones, then walked away with his head hanging down. He just wanted to play!

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© Euthisa
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