It is a leather bound journal closed by a leather piece of cording, worn around the edges and showing signs of both much use and travel. The page edges have begun to curl, the thin stitching in the spine beginning to make it look dog eared. Consisting of approximately 50 pages and being about A5 in size, this thin journal is capable of fitting within the broad coat pockets she keeps.
It is within this note book that a variety of things have been written; from short verses, notes on the occurrences of the day to what Fallon believes to be truths and knowledge. Those who observe closely however may simply see not only a journal but an attempt to keep the fragmenting mind from completely disintegrating. Beyond that there is the occasional addition of letters folded between the pages - some dark while others being idle requests - or addition sheets to complement her notes. On the off chance that anyone wishes to leave a message in Fallon's Journal or drop a PM containing the contents of the letter for it to be added at the first convenient moment.
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