510 A.V. 9th Day, Fall Season, Late Afternoon
“This place looks just like how I left it…” Paltra grumbled, his eyes wandering forlornly at the worn and partially destroyed gate entrance. Sunberth, a place that held his worst possible memories and inspired tumultuous feelings of disgust and dismay--only enhanced after seeing how Sylirians lived--that made him want to bend over and wretch. But, there was something about this place that welcomed him with open arms, the reek and stench of blood on dried blood, and smoke with ale mixed in with the grating citizens that lived there. He had a place here, which was more than what he could say about anywhere else in comparison to Sunberth. He’d lived his life there, as crappy as it had been, and been one of the most unfortunate and sorry souls to have been sent to one of the few, hellish prisons that Sunberth had. That ordeal was enough to carve a piece out of his heart and soul that he would never get back. Not that he felt he needed it…
Not in Sunberth anyways…
He smiled wickedly to himself, the shining light of the sun, now three-quarters the way across the sky sending grim and elated shadows across the city. He moved forth, making sure to keep an eye on those around him, while his smiled shrank to that of a mere smirk, his rust-brown eyes surveyed all that he could around him, keeping an eye on who was coming, who was going, and who might bump into him and try to take his hard stolen Miza. Nothing could be taken for granted in Sunberth. To believe otherwise would be to invite hardships into your existence. Paltra knew this well, as he knew the local criminal rings, at least in a vague sense. You didn’t live the life that Paltra had in Sunberth without knowing who not to steal from…
His feet carried him forward, one hand set gently against his Scimitar while the other lay at his side. Paltra had no illusion that he was rather poor with sword-fighting, but that wasn’t what mattered at the moment. He needed to make sure that anyone moving toward him would see that he was ready to draw immediately, dropping the likelihood that normal street criminals, and those of lower, small time crimes, wouldn’t try to pick-pocket him… at least, that was the general idea. Some would get desperate, probably make a go at him… but, all in all, he was fast enough to catch the lesser criminals… but, the better ones would be a problem. Paltra shook his head, walking into a man that was easily twice his size without care. They both shot a glare at one another, and Paltra visibly patted his sash, where he held his money. The man snorted, spitting on the ground at Paltra’s feet, missing his shoe narrowly.
“Just be glad I’m not in poor spirit’s…” the man spoke, walking away from Paltra. The red-brown haired man huffed at what he said, and moved on, both simply not caring anymore about the others presence and went about shuffling the irritation of the other out of their mind.
“Yeah… just like how I left it… petching Sunberth…” His grin returned as he walked into what he imagined was the busiest tavern in Sunberth, and the easiest place to get reacquainted to the city, at least rumor-wise, which was about as useful as anything else in Sunberth… That meant half of the things heard there were lies, and the rest of them were half-truth half-too-drunk-to-talk-right. But that wasn’t all bad, the trick was knowing how much you could believe, and how much you could choke down. Things happened there that seemed unbelievable, but, unfortunately, boogey-men did exist, and people did get dragged into alleyways and never get heard from again. Finding the balance was hard… but he had nothing but time to kill for while, so he figured that, if nothing else, he could get something to drink and find a table that wasn’t covered in drool, or didn’t smell like what had been sitting it in before.
He took the first steps into the tavern, smelling both the patrons and the food, making a truly strange concoction of aroma’s. It wasn’t bad enough to make someone recoil from it, but it certainly would dim the appetite of one not hardened against such things. Paltra wasn’t hungry to start with, but he’d smelled worse, much worse in fact. He walked forward, taking his hand off of his weapon. Very few people turned and looked at the new comer, and none of them recognized him. He was from Sunberth, but he didn’t exactly have a very public-bound life. Paltra sat down at the seat that was more or less clean, less so than a neighboring one. But, it was mid-way between the entrance and a back-door that he imagined the Tavern had.
Guess I’ll just wait here… hope nobody minds that I’m just sitting here… he thought to himself, staring at the table and listening to the banter that flew about the room…