[Stefan's Scrapbook] Of Wine, Women & Song

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[Stefan's Scrapbook] Of Wine, Women & Song

Postby Palla Frostfawn on April 3rd, 2014, 10:07 pm

I read these things. I'm a creepy stalker, in case you're wondering why.

Just some advice: If you don't want to do something, don't do it. It should be fine, just cancel the plot. I don't think anyone would get mad for you wanting to save your character.

I think you're playing Stefan just fine. He seems pretty smooth to me. Palla doesn't even know what it's like to be flirted with, that's why she's not responding to Stefan, for one.

You're not alone in regards to goals, I'm just trying to have fun with Palla. I don't think it's your fault, it's really hard to make a PC with life goals. I don't even have a goal in real life, let alone for Palla. It is frustrating, I know.

I know how it feels to be depressed, and I'm sorry. Just PM me if you need help IC or OOC, and I'll try to assist you in any way I can. You do not have a thick skull, BTW. I literally have a thick skull though. Literally.

Also, just thank you. You've been so patient with me as I get Palla's stuff figured out, and I really appreciate that.
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[Stefan's Scrapbook] Of Wine, Women & Song

Postby Stefan on April 13th, 2014, 9:25 am

Well... this is odd. Just happened something that I didn't knew was possible... but anyway, here's it.

I wrote 15 replies in less than 24 hours. I don't know, but I did. I petching did it.

15 replies.

In less than 24 hours.

My eyes are hurting, and I'm hearing a buzzing on my ears... but I can't help but feel proud. Now this is something worth mentioning.
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[Stefan's Scrapbook] Of Wine, Women & Song

Postby S'Essy on April 13th, 2014, 9:32 am


I don't know how you did it, but I'm like that when I do 5-6 replies a day. Not that impressive perhaps. Well, maybe you should rest a bit too? :P
Unless I promised one, I can not accept any more threads at the moment! I'm sorry.
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[Stefan's Scrapbook] Of Wine, Women & Song

Postby Stefan on April 15th, 2014, 5:15 pm

Persons of Mizahar; I'm leaving. I don't expect to return. It seems that I gained the wrath of one of the founders, and so she not only attacked me OOC, but IC. I simply can't stand it.

Menaces, threats, demands, harassement, that's not how it works. I love this page, so it breaks my heart to leave, but I must do.

If I offended somebody, I apology, and so I do for all the threads and plots I'll left hanging. It is not the way to go, but I can do little more.

Jesús Agustín Peñalver González dice adiós a ustedes, amigos. May the wine, women and song always stay by your side.
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[Stefan's Scrapbook] Of Wine, Women & Song

Postby Rosela on April 15th, 2014, 6:41 pm

Stefan, I'm enormously disappointed in you. You seemed like such a nice guy, and then you pull this?

Another PC, Founder-played or not, does not need your permission to kill you. They need:

  1. A valid IC reason (Jumping on a woman with a history of sexual trauma? Then threatening her on top of that? Did you think that would go over well?)
  2. Fair OOC warning
  3. IC skills to make it happen

All three requirements were met. I don't think the OOC warning is even a requirement, just general manners. She has extensive combat skills while you have virtually none. You willingly walked your character into his own death, assuming the simple fact that she did not have your permission would save you. This wasn't some OOC vendetta, you were just stupid.

Have a moment? Maybe drop by and leave a peer review?
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[Stefan's Scrapbook] Of Wine, Women & Song

Postby Palla Frostfawn on April 15th, 2014, 7:38 pm

I'm sorry, Stefan, but I have to agree with Magpie. If a PC is capable of killing you and has reason to, they have free reign. I doubt you actually gained the wrath of said founder, but she was probably only doing it for the sake of playing her PC realistically. Kavala wouldn't stand for being pushed around and being treated like Stefan treated her.

If you care enough about your PC, death doesn't have to be the end, you know. You can make a new PC or have Stefan come back. I believe that Stefan has earned his death, and there are other ways than ranting to fix this.

I really did like you, but I can't defend you. I'm sorry, but I'm just calling it like I see it. My intent is not to upset you, but that's what I believe.
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[Stefan's Scrapbook] Of Wine, Women & Song

Postby Gossamer on April 15th, 2014, 8:26 pm

I'm guilty of one thing and one thing only in this scenario. I called you a 'fucking ass' a couple of times because you put me in this awful situation. I don't kill PCs as a rule. I have never as a mod and certainly haven't as a PC. But now I can't say that. We had a horrible thread that I walked away from rather than let my PC hurt you like she should have legitimately done because you were trying to turn into into something sexual when she simply hired you to escort her for the evening.

But there comes a time when you have to put your foot down especially when someone comes to you, asks for a thread for RIDING LESSONS, then first thing out of the gate fondles your PC and gets all pervy on them. Kavala gave you fair warning and told you to walk away. You did not. You chose to godmod skills you didn't have and toss her to the ground, pin her down, take her weapon, steal it, then let her up.

What else is she going to do? Hello? Expert Geomancer... you're going to get staked, and not in the fun way. I even asked you to rewrite your posts, and gave you every chance to do so. You chose instead to log into chat, be disruptive, and complain to everyone that would listen how wronged you were. Your PC was acting like a perv. You were acting like a perv. It got your PC killed.

And you know, the truth of it was I was going to go back today and delete the thread and let you walk away until you started in on me in PMs and demanded I delete not only that one, but the one with the horrible date that made you look like a perv initially.

I liked you Stefan, but when you started telling everyone you were depressed in chat... and then started soliciting girls for threads of a sexual nature and leaning on your depression for that... I started having issues with you OOC like I was having IC. But I felt I honestly gave you a fair chance and truthfully I didn't think horse riding lessons could be that fucked up and end up with someone's death.

But people can't even read the truth because today you went back and rewrote parts of your posts to make me look like an ass. Thank you. The people that I care about - the staffers and friends - read the original stuff before it was altered and helped me decide how to proceed. Thank you guys, the ones that listened, because I got very upset last night over this whole thing...

And truthfully, I've said it before and I'll say it again... I was upset you put me in this position. I felt you thought we were friends enough OOC that I wouldn't touch you IC. Kavala is not a bully, but she's not going to be manhandled and treated like a piece of meat by a guy in character either.

You did this to yourself, so I suppose your death is going to stand. And I do feel bad for everyone who had threads after early spring because now they get nulled... like they dont' even exist because the person you are playing with is technically dead.
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[Stefan's Scrapbook] Of Wine, Women & Song

Postby Annalisa Marin on April 15th, 2014, 9:12 pm

Most of my opinion echoes those above really. Stefan, I liked you OOC, I enjoyed chatting with you and seeing your ambitions for your PC. However there reaches a point where actions will have consequences and this was one of those times. I saw the post before it was edited, honestly, I was shocked to see such a thing. I can tell you without a shred of doubt that in this same situation my PC would have reacted the same way as Kavala did, not because I dislike you OOC but because IC that's just what would happen. It sounded to me like Jen didn't want to do this, but you forced her hand then tried to paint her in a bad light.

Do I think its bad for Stefan to have a flirty, perverted, persona IC? No, a buuunch of characters are like that and they are just fine. However from the sound of it, you as the player, attempted to twist these threads into something Jen did not want. I've had threads with a similar theme before but you should always, always take what your partner would want and what they would consent to into consideration. That's just proper roleplaying etiquette. If someone tells you that they don't want to do something, that they don't want a thread to go a certain way then listen to them. Its how a good thread partner should act, since its not just about your PC but the other person's. This is a game, if the other person isn't having fun then something is wrong. Not everyone likes to be involved in those kinds of threads, to be honest I'm not hugely fond of them either as they can get stale very quickly. Variety is needed otherwise it just looks like that kind of stuff is all you are interested in, which is probably why you look like a perv now.

You godmodded, you chose to ignore Jen's warnings, you were made aware of the risks and when it actually happened you handled it very poorly. You have to live with the consequences, its your fault, not Jen's, or anyone else's.
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