13th day of Spring, 514 AV
Miro had taken the ferry out of the city on some business a while ago, and finally gave up on his pursuit to return to Ravok. Things did not go as he planned, and his venture was almost entirely fruitless. A waste of time, a waste of Djed, a waste of unlife. Worse yet, Ender had tried to tell him better, and the Familiar was right. It was one of those things, a risk, the kind a wizard needed to make. The kind that made advancements in magic. However not all things could be so predictable. To occasionally overestimate the level of skill one possessed was to be expected.
Though, despite it coming with the territory, failure still did not come easy. The Chained One was one who craved power, and he was the type to seek perfection. And even in failure there was something to be learned. He would just have to do better next time. Morphing was always a tricky magic, even when the spell seemed simple. But still, to sense the smug attitude of his Familiar, it burned him up inside. "You can just say it. You were right, okay? But that does not mean I was wrong. It simply means you got lucky. That I was unlucky."
Ender was not going to say anything, just accept the win with grace. As much grace as could be had, what with the duo's emotional empathy. To simply carry pride was the same as holding it over the other, though such feelings could hardly be helped. "It was luck? Really, I wouldn't have thought so, as I've never felt all that lucky. I am bound to you, aren't I? Though, now that you mention it, I do seem to have lucky hunches all the time. Or maybe it is that you are without any luck at all. I mean, you have died."
So much for accepting his win with grace. The Irylid rarely took the time to taunt his master these days, but could feel his master's shame. It was fine though, they both knew it would drive him to victory next time. For now the wizard-Familiar duo merely stood upon the ferry awaiting its departure. Due to the horrid skull mask that had consumed Miro's face, he wore a hooded cloak to hide his appearance. Though still, his left arm did not remain in sleeve, and instead hung limply in a sling under his cloak. The blackened hand could be seen dangling from it.
However on his other arm, his right arm, there was something else. No, not just a leather glove, something on his wrist. A silver bracelet, highly reflective, cold to the touch. It did not move, but it was sentient, always watching. This was Ender, the wizard's Familiar. His partner through all of eternity. While the wizard hung his head to hide himself, the Irylid watched the people around. The creature was much better for this, able to see well, absorb visual information. And nobody would know they were being watched.
Out of the people on board, there were many Ender recognized. The people who oft rode the ferry were easy to spot, even if they were not recognizable. Many of them wore that body language that told them they were relaxed and eager to return home. Though as always, there were those who did not. For various reasons they stood out, but ultimately they could not be labeled. Perhaps newcomers, loners, slaves, or just somebody who had a bad day. But there was one who stood out from the others who stood out.
The Irylid found his attention centered on her, some strange woman, a young one. Some might call her a girl, though she hardly seemed to dress like one. Her attire, hair, her very presence, it screamed for attention. Such vibrancy, it was something the Irylid had not seen since Alvadas. And the attitude her body language carried, it reminded the creature of his master. Confidence that bordered on brazen foolishness. Clothes, markings and silver hair apart, the one thing that truly drew in attention was the woman's eyes. What had happened to her?
"Master, look, that woman. She is strange, not like the others. The way she carries herself, it hints at confidence. She is just a young girl, not afraid to attract attention. What do you think? Magic? Is she marked by some god? Maybe it is something else, but I get a strange feeling from her. Take a look for yourself." Miro did not raise his head, but saw clearly. He initiated an ability through the bond of Familiary, the ability to see through the Irylid's eyes. Such a strange sort of vision took time to adjust to however.
Indeed though, the undead saw the girl, odd as she was. Indeed there was something to the Familiar's assessment. Miro believed her to be a wizard. She reminded the Chained One of himself at that age. Though he could not be sure from the distance. There was a way to be sure, but it was not through sight. The key to picking out a practitioner of magic was through their aura. Personal magic users at least. Perhaps there was some way to tell with a user of the world disciplines, but to read an aura hardly seemed reliable. The Aurist casually limped nearer to his target.
The cloaked man continued to watch through his Familiar's eyes, and began to attune himself to the woman. The process was difficult, very much so, to the point where it required total focus. He took shallow breaths in his nose and released from his mouth. Eventually the ability to view through his partner's senses was lost, but the Auristic process continued. Miro opened his senses to the world around him, but focused them on one point, on the girl. could hear a soft melody, smell a strong musk, feel a tinge of excitement against his skin. He could practically taste the aura.
The details were not clear, a mess of signals and senses, but an impression was being made. The Aurist closed his eyes to concentrate, and finally in his mind's eye he could get a feel for the quality of the aura. It was not quite that of a seasoned personal wizard, but definitely refined beyond that of an ordinary man. Bold, expressive, it leaked from her body like only a wizard's could. Though still, any details beyond the quality were lost. He had yet to receive any information on the target. Even her feelings, the most simple of hints, was not revealed. He needed to get closer, so he steadily moved in closer. Hopefully not so much that he would alarm her.