(09:46:04) Alodian_Aviastas: what color are they?
(09:46:10) Siiri: red?
(09:46:13) Satu: they are the ruffly bottom kind!
(09:46:18) Pua: black
(09:46:20) Jilitse: Mine is striped blue and white.
(09:46:22) Satu: and red
(09:46:33) Pua mine are pink
(09:46:34) Satu: with white polka dots
(09:46:59) Pua: I'm mean...cough..."I have skull boxers"
(09:47:04) Magnolia_Corvidae: Um
(09:47:12) Siiri: i have news for you satu...
(09:47:17) Satu: oh?
(09:47:17) Siiri: those arent polka dots
(09:47:26) Satu: *sputters
(09:47:31) Mao: Mine has frills and glitters
(09:47:33) Magnolia_Corvidae: Lmao!
(09:47:44) Mao: Ew
(09:47:45) Satu: sorry Mao, I left my glitter all over...
(09:47:48) Pua high fives Siiri
(09:47:55) Mao: Don't worry Satu it makes it pretty
(09:48:00) Siiri highfives XD
(09:48:01) Jaeden_Kincade: Yeesh, chat is supposed to be all proper and everyone's talking about panties.
(09:48:04) Mao: I couldn't get the glitter out of certain...places
(09:48:09) Jaeden_Kincade covers his virgin ears
(09:48:10) Magnolia_Corvidae: I'm not, nate
(09:48:15) Satu: its kinda like sand at the beach
(09:48:20) Mao: Yeah!
(09:48:20) Siiri: keep reading nate
(09:48:21) Magnolia_Corvidae: Commando means you have no panties to discuss
(09:48:21) Siiri: XD
(09:48:26) Pua calls bullshit on Nate
(09:48:31) Satu: you are voyeuring Mags.
(09:49:05) Corvo: ...
(09:49:18) Corvo: I always look back at the chat when the oddest conversations are going on.
Do the O.O face instead of o-o(09:49:22) Jaeden_Kincade: I am very sensitive and shy, Mika.
(09:49:28) ChatBot: Alodian_Aviastas has been logged out (Timeout).
(09:49:29) Akiva_Korvashi: Me too... seriously
(09:49:32) Jaeden_Kincade: This stuff is just a lot for me to take in.
(09:49:32) Satu: *pat pats Jae.
(09:49:39) ChatBot: Alodian_Aviastas logs into the Chat.
(09:49:42) Magnolia_Corvidae: Akiva, what color are your panties?
(09:49:43) Satu: me too Jae.
(09:49:46) Pua Stabs Nate for his blatant lies
(09:49:50) Satu is sensitive
(09:49:57) Magnolia_Corvidae: Can I join the sensitive party?
(09:50:03) Jilitse touches the sensitive Satu.
(09:50:03) Alodian_Aviastas: wait! I missed the color of tutu's panties!
(09:50:04) Magnolia_Corvidae is more sensitive than either of them
(09:50:08) Akiva_Korvashi: White and purple, with little purple guitars and radios ;D
(09:50:16) Magnolia_Corvidae: Zomg guitar panties
(09:50:21) Alodian_Aviastas: o.O
(09:50:27) Jaeden_Kincade: Mine are........... *looks down for a minute* Oh, that's right.
(09:50:34) Magnolia_Corvidae: Commando!
(09:50:35) Jilitse: oh come on Jae
(09:50:37) Satu strums the guitar
(09:50:38) Pua knows about Satu's sensitivities
(09:50:38) Magnolia_Corvidae: ^5?
(09:50:40) Jilitse: there are manpanties, too
(09:50:45) Alodian_Aviastas: Mine are green with lace and partly see-through
(09:50:56) Jaeden_Kincade: It's not that Jili, I just don't wear anything when I'm at home.
(09:51:02) Alodian_Aviastas: '^.^ and yes, I just looked
(09:51:09) Satu: don't you live with people Jae?
(09:51:10) Magnolia_Corvidae: We should all take off our panties now
He wears manpanties.(09:51:14) Pua: Black gym shorts commando
(09:51:14) Jaeden_Kincade: Save for my glasses, and socks if the floor is cold.
(09:51:14) Jilitse: TMI TMI
(09:51:19) Siiri: lmao
(09:51:21) Jaeden_Kincade: Yeah, my brother.
(09:51:27) Siiri: *patpats Jili*
(09:51:28) Jilitse: too much info Alo
(09:51:28) Satu: ...what is TMI?
(09:51:30) Jaeden_Kincade: You pushed that button Jili.
(09:51:34) Siiri: too much info
(09:51:38) Jaeden_Kincade: No use in trying to unring the bell now.
(09:51:40) Satu: i always forget that one.
(09:51:41) Corvo: o.O
(09:51:42) Alodian_Aviastas: hehe
(09:51:45) Jilitse: No, I know Jae gets naked when he's alone
(09:51:50) Siiri: ^_-