Haha thats OK!
Think of it this way, any profit you WOULD make Sahova gets about 80% of it due to the fact that in their mind you used THEIR stuff to make it. So if you sold something through the Sync office for 3000 GM you would then get back about about 600 GM. Of course if you are apprenticing in a lab, or a Wizard under direct command of a Master, then once more that 'profit' gets split and usually the one over you will get a chunk of the return since they 'advised you' through your project, even if they actually didn't. So in reality you can expect to get about 300 GM off of the item if you use solely items freely available in the common lab. Then again since you did not pay for any of the supplies to begin with that is 300 GM right in your pocket for your own supplies for your project, which still isn't that bad.
Now as you continue to get better on Sahova, as you continue to advance, and as you start bringing in your own Miza's for your own profit you will start seeing Sahova taking less and less of your GM. If you create a 3000 GM item using ONLY supplies you personally bought you will only have to worry about a 10-30% tax on the return to make up for costs of shipping and selling of the actual item, and if you are a Master, or a Wizard who does not actually report to anyone direct you can keep the full return on it as well. For Annalisa specifically if SHE sold something through the Sync office she would be getting the full 80% tax for using all of Sahova's materials for one, but then Amaryllis would not care to take much of her return so instead of getting 300 GM total profit from one item she can expect to get closer to 550 GM off of it (with amaryllis taking a LITTLE of what she feels she is owed due to her aid to Annalisa of late).
This is also why Clyde got to keep his staff. He created it using his own materials, and so he only actually used the crafting items available. Sahova had no claim on the staff itself. So it benefits those in Sahova to craft often and craft high quality goods in order to gain as much profit as they can. As soon as they can start creating using their OWN materials the better. Keep in mind though Sahova does not want their Wizards to gain vast fortunes, so the taxes will increase or decrease at times as the Council feel sit needs to in order to ensure that Wizards only have enough to further their projects, but not enough to disrupt the balance of the island.
I hope this helps! This falls under my 3 goals to complete by the end of the month, filling in the Players guide that seems to keep growing lol.