45th Spring 514AV
Fallon awoke with a start. Her entire form flinched awake, her mind quickly replaying that sensation of falling, her eyes large and turning in the tent. For a moment she was disorientated, her hand splayed upon the surface beneath her, the cool chill brushing against her shoulders. To her right there was warmth, and somewhere else the low whistle of a snoring creature escaped. Her arm pushed her up, the blanket slipping from her form as she turned, her lungs sucking in the air to force in a state of calm. There was nothing wrong, nothing to worry about. It was all just a dream.
The world was still in muted hues when Fallon came to, the sun having yet risen to send it into a stream of colours. Her eyes blinked out into the tones, the faint light catching the edges and revealing only a slither of the world. The sleeping mat was beneath her, further spread of blankets and clean coats enlargement its surface. Her fingers knotted into the felt cloak, her gaze drifting along the slither of a glow and downwards. Across her the blankets had been thrown, one of her feet sticking out of the end into the open air. There was an inhale, her arms trembling as she pinched the bridge of her nose.
Beneath the clean loose vest and trousers, she felt the stitching holding the cuts together and the protective layer of bandaging. Everything else had been discarded, scrubbed and rinsed free of the worst of the blood where possible before being hung up to dry to one side. Even now Fallon could see the unnerving shapes of her tattered shirt within the light, her armour left where it fell. Looking down she pulled the black cloak across once more - sheltering the bodies from the slight chill that hung in the air.
Eyes blinked, her gaze falling down to the still body next to her. For a moment she took it into her gaze, her hand hesitantly reaching out to touch and then pulling away once more. She pulled the blanket up across the woman once more, then returned her attention to the gloom. On the left side of the mercenary, lay her kukri - sheathed but still very much present - and with his head poking out of the entrance Orvin snoozed, fast asleep with his tail flicking on occasion. Everything else was calm.
Fingers rubbed against her brow, her lip twitching as she remembered the previous night. It had happened, it all had happened. The planning, the screaming, the releasing of the beast. Pain, emotions, that scream and that bonding. Her fingers knotted onto the blanket for a moment, her toes wriggling before once more she returned it to the warmth. That kiss, that taste, that consuming passion that took over the senses. That fight, the blood, the screaming. For a moment her heart gave a twist, heavy with the memories but it quickly lifted. It was over, it was done now, and in the process Zandelia had learned that murder in cold blood was not always the answer - even if it did leave the pair of them with aches and sores. One could not learn without mercy after all.
It did not mean that she was not worried about the situation. Sparing someone was always a risky task, it gave the opportunity of retaliation, to strike back and get revenge - and thus the vicious circle would continue. Her fingers twiddled her necklace, her brow carefully pinching with thought. Of course, there was other issues to contend with also forming. Zandelia had seen her use magic, and a large display of it too. And whilst she had yet to press for answers, even Fallon knew it was only a matter of time. She chewed her lip, her head shaking away the tired feeling and the nagging of dulled aches.
No, they were safe now. No one would chase them here. They had left their mark, they had left their sign, and with it the ensured their safety - for now at least. Or that was what Fallon kept telling herself. It was only a matter of time. Summoning in her djed she gave a blink, the icy cold feeling creeping its way around into her skull, a low mumble upon her lips, "Let me see."
Her brow creased, her teeth gritted as she focused herself, a long inhale as it traced itself along her iris and into the pupil. For a moment the world shuddered, dipping into darkness and twisting shades of blue. Jumbling, unsettled, confused as it tried to find a steady level in the strange filter. Blinking she felt it ripple, her djed focusing as she took it in. The burning red was what snapped her attention first, the strange colour standing out in the darkness that smothered her weapons and armour. Her lids pinched, a gentle slide across as she tried to not look too hard at things. Orvin's aura blared bright blue within the darkness, snug to his shape and unchanging.
With a slow blink she pulled her gaze down and away, a gentle crack open as she looked down upon the woman next to her. Colours shuddered and juddered, darkening and twisting as she simply looked. A twinge, a purse of lips as a different colour showed itself. Shades of green turned before it settled on an emerald, swirling and aura. For a moment she simply looked - taking the aura in, her lips curling into a small smile. She was resting, tired and exhausted; it would be cruel to awaken her. Besides, it was of more interest to ponder upon the colours. Wiping a hand over her eyes she exhaled, halting the flow of djed and letting the sensation be replaced with warmth, "Enough is seen."
Eyes watered, stinging slightly as she pulled the hand away, before she sighed. Sleeping was definitely beyond her it seemed.