As they entered the forest, it was clear it was not a place often traveled by living things, at least not ones the size of a human. Clyde noticed a few paths here and there which surely were well used, but not by people, of that he was almost certain. Which made Clyde all the more curious what did move about and live here in this forest. Nothing big, or else there would be broken limbs and wider paths, neither of which he could identify... Of course, his observations where limited somewhat by his lack of knowledge of the wilderness or of tracking animals, so his conclusion might have been off a bit. But he felt somewhat certain from his own logic that nothing too big lived here. "But perhaps some God do want them to whiny to them. I don't know real..." "Why? What god is he? And how do you please him? And I don't doubt I will be glad, but I'm not always that happy about it. I can't even touch you without giving you a heart attack." Clyde shook his head at Elaine's words, as she spoke of her dissatisfaction at being dead and a ghost. She seemed in some ways happy enough to cling to her unlife, but in other times... She clearly wanted more in those moments. A odd switching back and force that she did. It was all Clyde could do just to navigate without tearing himself to pieces in the forest so full of thorns. Luckily his enchanted robes were much tougher than normal cloth robes, as tough as leather, and so they stopped and thorns from stabbing him there. But that left his hands and head exposed, free to scratch. And even if the robes stopped the cutting, the thorns still pricked painfully at him. Using his staff to push back the end of a branch, Clyde glanced back at Elaine for a moment, and then answered her latest words. "Rhysol? How did you manage to stay in Ravok, without learning of Rhysol? He is the God of Evil and Chaos. But then as I said, he has a bad name, which makes many people assume things about him that are not necessarily true. Many would say ghosts are evil or dark, and fear them just for existing. But I don't. I understand that you are more than that. Just as Rhysol is. He is called evil, and reigns over the domain of it, but what is evil but the opposite of what is so commonly called good? And what is defined as good by one person, could easily be seen as evil by another." Clyde let out a sigh, being careful to not release the branch and have it spring back and slap into him, which would be rather painful. "Not to mention when you get in on those who find themselves "righteous" and "working for justice". Often it is just an excuse to do as you think is right, while calling yourself good. Everyone has elements of bad or "evil" in them. Those who say they do not are just lying to themselves, denying who they are. I don't care what people label me as, I know what I do is right, and that is all that matters to me. That is all that should matter to you." Clyde paused for a moment, as he saw motion out of the corner of his eye. As he turned to look though, he did not see anything. Either he had imagined it, or it had stopped moving. "And as for Chaos. Well that particularly is something seen in a bad light, that is not inherently wrong or bad. What is change but chaos? Without chaos, without change, there would be stagnation, complacency, and decay. Nothing would grow, nothing would be driven to change and get better, all would be one great monotony. A cycle repeating itself endlessly without deviation." "It is chaos that fuels this change, that forces people to always grow and better themselves, to refine what you are, to achieve a greater level of skill and understanding. If not for chaos, which fuels this change, you would not have reached this state you are in now, you would not have changed and grown for the better and learned to accept yourself. Change is good, chaos in moderation is for the better. But people see the word chaos, and they instinctively think "bad" without understanding it." |