In one week, we will be entering the
last month of Spring 514 A.V, guys.
Make sure you have done your Job Threads, or finish them soon. Placeholders should be last resort since it (kinda) floods the pretty forums.
Like most domains, Syliras needs 2. Extra job threads can be used for Seasonal Experience (SXP)
Also, I will implement Seasonal Challenges starting Summer 514 A.V
Check out the
Medal page and scroll down to the Seasonal Challenges section. The awesome Fortress medal will be the reward if you complete them all. With extra shield points for Squire and Knights in which the specific reward points I will add in the near future.
Happy Plotting!
P.S: Both my IRL and Miz life have been pretty hectic as of late. So please forgive me if my activities will be lacking. Don't hesitate to PM me if I slack on grading or modding for too long. It is rare, but there are times I can lose the muse to post. Always temporary though, rest assured.