62nd of Spring 514AV
Lab 22A
Lab 22A stretched out in front of him. The benches, tables, stools, windowsills, and shelves were all littered with materials just begging to be used, removed from their place of dust collection and dusted off properly with a bit of love and care. Everything would eventually have its own use and place in the gadgeteer’s collection – and if it didn’t, well it held things that he could use. His pack settled heavily on his shoulders, the straps biting into his clay flesh was an irritant, but Switch knew he had to keep it tight else lose it. The normal belongings that would normally be in the pack were left in a heap in the middle of his bed, taking up dedicated space for sleeping – they held no place of use currently and the Pycon knew it.
His eyes were busy examining the contents strewn about before him. Rolls of discarded parchments, quills with dried ink, bits of threading and leather, glass vials that still held the dried pools of unused inks or dyes… Mostly junk, but junk still was useful, Switch knew he could repurpose them, give them new life once again. Today though, he wasn’t looking for thread or leather or vials or quills. Today he was in search of something far more specific… Today it was gears, special gears he tried to recall if it was in this lab or another he saw them in.
“That animator had some yes yes…” his hands writhed together before his caved-in chest as he twittered and muttered. “Yes yes… special gears.” the clay man’s pupil less eyes darted about, catching glimpses of shiny made items here and there giving off false appearances. Shimmering mirages of Syna’s rays coming through the dirt streaked windows. It was in this lab, he was certain! “Must look… Must have special gears -- Six of them... Yes yes…” Pausing hands and his speaking he shrunk back into his crack a bit, swishing robes heard from beyond the door.
One tick, two tick, three tick… The robes moved on, therefore their wearers moved on. Switch nodded to himself, “Yes yes… go go…” He muttered before making his first darting move. His feet pittered and pattered across the lab floor. His body hunched over as if attempting to sneak past some unseen being. There was none to be seen or to capture the small man as he ducked behind a leg of an abandoned stool. Reaching up he gripped the lowest rung. The rough-hewed dowel biting into the palms of his hands as he pulled himself. Perching cautiously on the rounded edge before he scurried up the leg and onto the next rung.
Seeking out these gears seemed to be rather important as every ledge higher than the first Switch took pause and surveyed the area he was currently able to see. More parchment and other writing utensils and paraphernalia was all his searching took in. A frown creased the sunken in face of the pycon as he climbed ever higher, this time reaching the top of the stool, the flat round edge was worn smooth and concaved in the middle of the surface. Several larger buttocks than his own graced this stool’s surface. If the pycon took more interest in it he might be able to allow his mind to bring to mind the smells of desolation and fear, despair and anxiety… Sweat, blood, and tears the hopefuls.
Switch, however, didn’t care. His ever-increasing view of the lab produced other objects of interest. Small storage crates and pouches littered the benches and tables, one not far from his current location upon the stool. There was shiny things in them, but without a closer look the small guy could never tell what they contained.