Name: Araisha
JamouraDoB: 357 AV
The SpiresTitle: Manager of Petal of the Climbing Snake
Skills: Carpentry 70, Architecture 64, Construction 61, Organization 52, Leadership 46
Araisha is the middle of three sisters all sired from different mothers, with the same father. She is the best woodworker, and plant shaper, of the sisters. After the Djed Storm, the sisters quickly took over management of the three residential Petals, a position formerly held by their father. Araisha has always had a knack for being able to build sound structures without the aid of vines or the honey made glue. She can grow structures, and is the best of the three of having them blend in with the forest. Many of her homes go unnoticed by the passerby. She's very quiet, preferring to teach by showing, then by talking. She can usually be found working on a new home, or in her own on the Petal, which also serves as her office.
These are the more expensive homes, starting at 1000gm and working their way up. All homes here must be purchased IC.
These locations elicit Common Living Expenses 135 gm/s (1.5 gm/day)