3rd day of Spring, 514
I awoke to the sound of a distant bird. My head was still fogged up, but I didn't care. I left my tent, looking around at the beautiful mountains. I whistle to my mountain pony, Spire, and look more closely at my surroundings. No Zith, Check. No bandits, Check. No horrible monsters that would love to kill a lone wanderer such as myself, Surprisingly, Check. I packed my things, and saddled Spire. "Come on Spire, we better get moving. Not gonna make it to Syliras at this pace" I say, more to myself than Spire. I begin going at the slow pace I had been for a couple of days now. I thought that i was getting better, and tried at a canter. I hung on tightly, but felt so free with the feel of wind on my face. After awhile, I slowed Spire back down to a slow trot.
(OOC Note: I may continue this, in order to gain XP for horse riding.)