by Grash on April 24th, 2014, 8:04 pm
My plan is for Grash to teach meditation in Zeltiva while he gos to the University. This would be a very small location, with no more than ten people in any given class. And it's not a fancy place, so there would be no sales bonus.
Business: Lotus Meditation
Location: Zeltiva
Business Type: Meditation Instruction
Services Offered: Meditation Training: Novice 50 gm(In your sample Business plan for Yahno's Bathhouse, you put 50 gm for novice meditation training. However I wasn't sure if I should keep that number for this plan or not)
Base Income: Instructor 5 gm/day (ranges from 1-15)
Skill Bonus: 0 gm/day
Sales Bonus: 1 gm/day (owner/operator)
Ingenuity/Efficiency Bonus: 1 gm/day (A Jamoura teaching Meditation)
Total Income: 7 gm/day
Assets: Structure - Common Area (-250 gm) 11 meditation mats (The closest thing I could find was winter blankets so I'll use that pricing. -5 sm x 11 = -6 gm)
Sitting near the docks, lies a small brick building with and a sign above that reads "Lotus Meditation." The bricks are covered in dirt and moss. Most would walk past the building, and not even notice, if it wasn't for the brightly painted sign. The bricks are covered in dirt and moss.
Standing inside, you would not guess that the exterior of the building was made of filthy bricks. The walls were painted a dark blue, and the light colored wood floorboards shine with a beautiful polish. Eleven blue meditation mats sat on the floor, one lying in front of the others. At the side of the room is a glass double door.
Last edited by
Grash on May 6th, 2014, 6:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.