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This is where you can find the Linkmap, NPC Library, Players Guide, Hold information, Constellation List and Holidays for Avanthal.
(This is a thread from Mizahar's fantasy role play forum. Why don't you register today? This message is not shown when you are logged in. Come roleplay with us, it's fun!)by Ablation on May 9th, 2014, 7:42 pm
Hunting The Vantha are proficient hunters, fisherman, and archers. Their main method of hunting is via spear, though they use harpoons and javelins as well. They are magnificent horse archers off the backs of their famous frostmarches when hunting wild muskoxen on the ice. They use powerful intricately carved compound bows to do so. It is said too that the Vantha use Kelvics a great deal in their hunting, because there is an extremely high percentage of kelvic polar bears in Avanthal. Morwen, it is said, knows the secret to having them breed true so that her famous Icewatch have bonded mounts that make a formidable force in defending the city. Hunters typically work in large and well established groups. Each member forgoes their Avanthalian name while in the Tundra and assumed a name given to them on their first hunt. These names are typically one or two syllables and relate to animal body part, action, etc. Example) Shin, Shiver, Foot, Horn. These names are used for ease of communication and a symbol of acceptance into the hunter culture. In actuality much of the communication between hunters, especially those that hunt north of Avanthal where the winds are the strongest, use whistles and flutes to communicate. Every large group of hunters that leave Avanthal are accompanied by a cartographer, botanist, and doctor or veterinarian. Because much of the geography changes with the shifting of ice and water a cartographer is responsible for recording any changes to the landscape and animal migration patterns. These are the people that work most closely with the head hunter as the two determine the groups path and necessary rations and equipment before setting out. The botanist is an integral part of the hunters as they care for the Shelter rings. The Shelter rings, known by the hunters as THE trees (as opposed to simply, trees), are circles of pine trees grown and cared for in the southern tundra. Used for shelter, they also plant low thick bushes to keep the wind out. A thick layer of nettles accumulates in the center of these circles making them the comfiest places to sleep while on the move. Knowing the locations of these is integral to ever travelling to or from Avanthal. Because of the monochromatic surroundings and relatively unremarkable and ever changing it is important to leave indications of location for future hunting parties. These are maintained by hunters. The warnings and locations are given using glowing stones. Painted with a special secret paint, the glow can be seen from many kilometers away. Hunters are a tight knit group that almost always travel in the same groups, learning to rely on each others skills, talents and minimize weakness. Becoming a hunter is one of the most difficult things to do in Avanthal since it cannot be done alone. Hunters are paid for the meat they bring in and furs they sell, thus they include both the wealthiest and poorest of the Vantha. |
by Ablation on May 9th, 2014, 7:46 pm
NPCs, Holds and their Secrets Avanthal is run by Morwen, Icewatch, and the Pavintu Janta of the seven Holds. The Pavintu Janta of the seven Holds are in charge of their respective Holds and if there are issues within the Hold are settled by them. Each Pavintu Janta is elected and serve as long as they are active in their job. Once they retire from their job in town they give up their position as leader. People as old as 85 and people as young as 17 have become leaders. It all depends on their personal skills and how well they can lead their Hold. Leaders can be relieved of their positions if they are doing an inadequate job. This rarely happens and most leaders take their jobs very seriously. In some situations, particularly when the city is in turmoil or going through difficult times, Morwen will promote someone to the rank of Pavintu Janta in the event of incompetency or death of a previous leader instead of waiting for an election. All Vantha born in Avanthal are born into a Hold. Holds are not made up of Vantha exclusively however as guests to the city are usually invited to stay with a citizen for the duration of their stay and some choose to extend their stay permanently and marry into the Hold. Each Hold specializes in a particular area or field. For example, Frostfawn Hold specializes in animal husbandry whereas Winterflame Hold specializes in cooking. What Hold you are born into determines what sort of skills you are likely to learn and what occupations are open to you. Parents are discouraging of children who show interest in skills that other Holds specialize in as they wish their children to continue the professions that the family has been involved in for generations. The only way to change what Hold you are in is to marry into another Hold. In the event of a marriage one of the spouses must move into the other’s Hold. Holds do not have any more political power than any other Hold as all political power is held by Morwen though she does allow all citizens to voice their opinions. All major disputes between Holds are dealt with by Morwen herself or Jenna Aviak in winter when she is away. While Holds are all of equal political power each Hold has a tight economic grip on what their Hold produces. All buildings in the city have been built exclusively by Iceglaze and all boats have been built exclusively by Coolwater. While each Hold is highly protective of their craft and boastful of their accomplishments the Holds work together to provide resources for the city to continue thriving. Most of the competition that arises from time to time between the Holds is friendly as all the citizens implicitly understand how necessary it is for survival that they work together. Holds manage to maintain peaceful and friendly relations between each other as long as each Hold does not step on the toes of the others. Coolwater fishermen would be quite upset if dogs from Frostfawn regularly got into their stock of frozen fish and would create a lot of animosity between those two Holds. Morwen and Icewatch keep a close eye on Hold relations and actively work to reduce any tensions that arise though some social conflict is inevitable. Any conflict that does occur between Holds tends to arise after the city has dealt with a serious crisis and citizens are looking for ways to express their negative emotions. Though monies are exchanged for worth in Avanthal, one can gather the basics of life by simply doing ones job to their hold. Every hold contributes and creates for every hold and has city-wide responsibilities. This is one of the primary reasons, beyond tradition, that moving between holds is frowned upon as it takes time for someone new to a hold to be trained to take up their obligations and skills and wastes the skills and efforts taught by their parents. OOC: One must show devotion to their hold to acquire these secrets. They may do these through flashbacks if they have left Avanthal but will have to go above and beyond to show their devotion to the city while in it. Any member that has refused to marry at the appropriate age or married someone their parents do not approve of cannot have these secrets. Those that are set to marry into other holds are not taught these secrets, those that are set to marry within their own hold may be taught these secrets. Those that are set to marry into another hold may learn the secret of the other hold after showing devotion to that hold. Only under extraordinary situations will a PC know the secrets of more than one hold as they are heavily guarded. Outsiders will not learn these secrets unless they are accepted into a hold and show devotion to it. Skyglow: This Hold produces and controls art and non-wood luxury crafts in Avanthal. They produce sculptures, paintings, pottery, and drawings. The skills they specialize in are drawing, sculpting, pottery, and painting. This hold is responsible for recording the important events of Avanthals history in its artwork so that none may forget. They are also responsible for creating the pottery used by every hold including; plates, bowls, cups, vases and any other item ordered by the head of every hold. They Skyglow hold recognizes the importance of history and information making them valuable repertoires of knowledge. This hold also houses Avanthals cartographers which are often assigned to boats of the coolwater hold for charting the sea, or assigned to hunting groups and scouting groups to track herd movements so that hunters can expect herd in specific locations at certain times. They also possess an Avanthalian secret, creating special paints from glowing creatures collected by the coolwater hold they use to paint rocks that are used by the Frostfawn to communicate dangerous areas and established animal migration pathways. These paints glow in the dark and can also be used in jewellery, furniture and artwork during times of plenty.
Snowsong This Hold produces and controls music and wood crafts in Avanthal. They supply the city with musicians as well as instruments, decorative carvings, and carved furniture. The skills they specialize in are singing, playing instruments, musical composition, carving, carpentry, and papermaking. In integral part of every celebration the Snowsong hold is also responsible for carving all beds and furniture for every hold as well as participating in the upkeep of buildings. They are bound tightly to the Skyglow hold; creating the paper they draw on and carving the designs that they often create. Because they spend so much time in all the other holds and in each building fixing and producing furniture for them they know Avanthal and its people better than most of the other holds. They also create the sleds and carriages used by the Frostfawn hold and helping with the boats of the Coolwater Hold. They possess many Avanthalian historical secrets.
Frostfawn This Hold produces and controls animals and animal products in Avanthal. They take care of the cities livestock as well as employing the cities hunters. The skills they specialize in are hunting, animal husbandry, leatherworking, trapping, weaving, and horsemanship. Hunting is typically done by spear Producing the milk and meat for Avanthal they are an important part of its agriculture. Because they know the wild far better than every other hold they are also important guards for taking out other members on important duties. They are often seen as the most valuable hold and act as such since however they also the hold that requires the most from every other hold including; food for their animals, carved weapons for hunting, fencing for animals, etc. Though the meat is important it isn't as large a part of the Vanthan diet as the fish the Cooolwater branch catch the furs are far more important. Supplying the main aspect of Vantha clothing, they are responsible for Avanthals warmth. They possess the important Avanthalian secret of Pure Kelvic breeding.
Iceglaze This Hold produces the cities buildings and controls the quarrying of icestone. They build all of the cities structures and supply the cities quarriers and architects. The skills they specialize in are construction, masonry, geology, and architecture. Primarily builders they rarely leave Avanthals confines. They work closely with the Snowsong and Coolwater hold. Due to the harsh weather and storms they are constantly fixing leaking walls and roofs. Due to the integral heavy lifting they are often some of the largest Vantha. The only time they spend outside Avanthal is in the quarries, an experience they rarely discuss as it doesn't incorporate the other holds and can be extremely dangerous in a way few others realize. They possess the Avanthalian secret of Icestone care and mining.
Whitevine This Hold produces the cities healers and controls its hospitals. They train all healers as well as running all medical institutions. The skills they specialize in are medicine, herbalism, massage, dentistry, and embalming. Dealing mainly with the effects of the cold they are almost always busy. Unlike the other holds they are less willing to work with other holds despite their need for them. They often are brought on Coolwater or Frostfawn voyages to collect supplies that can't be acquired in the city as well as to care for individuals on long journeys. With limited Flora they hold many Avanthalian secrets surrounding medicinal plants.
Coolwater This Hold produces and controls the cities boats and fishing industry. They construct all the boats of Avanthal , do all the fishing, and arrange all sea transportation. The skills they specialize in are sailing, fishing, construction (ships), sea navigation, and cartography. Catching the largest percentage of Avanthals diet the Coolwater group is remarkably separate from the other holds. Though they contribute to every hold they spend so much time at sea they rarely see the benefit of working with the other holds. Thus when they return from sea they are cared for with relative willingness. The longer they remain on land the less they are cared for by the other holds when they are in the city. They hold the secret of travelling in the Northern Ocean, a special lacquer applied to the wood that keeps it from becoming brittle or freezing and hardening it against potential impact against icebergs. They also know where the glowing creatures used as paint in Avanthal reside and how to capture them.
Winterflame This Hold produces and controls crops in Avanthal. They supply the city with crops and train the best chefs. The skills they specialize in are farming, botany, cooking, and vinting.
~In Progress (Let me know what you thinks so far Traverse ;3) Outsiders:
by Ablation on May 9th, 2014, 7:48 pm
Cuisine Avanthal’s diet consists primarily of meat that comes from fish and sea mammals such as whales, seals, and walruses. These are the most reliable and plentiful food sources around Avanthal though the hunting of sea mammals is often dangerous and undertaken in large hunting parties. This is supplemented with some meat from land animals (Meat from game other than sea mammals is difficult to collect as these require well-planned travel to hunt). One major source of sustenance also comes from sea mammals and that is their milk. Generations of hunters and individuals skilled in caring for animals have found out how to acquire the milk from nursing seals. This is used to make yogurts, creams and cheese which are then added to round out the mostly carnivorous diet. The most prevalent plant-based food in the city surprisingly does not come from Winterflame at all. That food is seaweed, which is gathered by Coolwater sailors. Dishes are composed primarily of meat and expertly seasoned by Avanthal’s skilled cooks. The availability of particular vegetables is often changing due to supply and the difficulty of trade so Avanthal’s cooks are very adept at taking whatever happens to be available at the time and turning it in a rich and nourishing meal that is always tasty and warming. |
by Ablation on May 9th, 2014, 7:50 pm
Icewatch Icewatch is not a Hold but instead contains people of all Holds who want to serve to protect Avanthal. Icewatch is made up of Vantha and their Kelvic mounts. Joining Icewatch is very difficult and not to be taken lightly. Those who join Icewatch are expected to choose a Kelvic mount to bond and work with until the death of one separates them. These mounts are all Dire Polar bears due to that fact that Morwen knows the secret to choosing Kelvic species. Icewatch is used for protection, wilderness control, guest transport, and other needs around the city. They are Morwen's army and most of them have at least two of her marks after a few years in the service. Each person in Icewatch has a mount and the bondmates tend to get extremely close like family. The current Vantiguida of Icewatch is Jedara Whitevine. Icewatch is a very big responsibility and they play a very important role in Avanthal culture. You may not begin playing as an Icewatch guard and must join via roleplay. You must demonstrate some understanding of Avanthal's culture and be comfortable with playing in the city before a Storyteller will run your initiation thread. The only exception to this rule is Dire Polar Bear Kelvics who are allowed to immediately begin playing as Icewatch guards since this is the only occupation open to them. It also important to note that at some point you WILL be expected to bond to a Kelvic (or human if you are Kelvic). Once you have received ST approval to join Icewatch you will need to complete a moderated thread which requires your character has to survive for three days in the Northern Wastes. Upon completion of this thread you will be a member of Icewatch. Dire polar bear Kelvics are yet again exempt from this rule unless they choose go through the survival challenge. Those in Icewatch will have free housing and thus can deduct 50GM seasonally from their seasonal expenses and will be given a new set of leather clothing after a season spent in the Icewatch. One does not have to be bonded to be awarded these benefits, merely an apprentice is fine. Those starting as polar bear kelvics get the same benefits. Dire Polar Bear Kelvics: Dire Polar Bear Kelvics immediately become apprentice Icewatch members. These members cycle between each branch as long as they are apprentices. They are given a task at the beginning of each of their shifts and stay with that group until their task is completed. This is done to make sure that every apprentice cycles at a different rate and work with every apprentice, forming no solid group. It also encourages them to focus on the completion of tasks as the primary goal and allow every individual the time necessary to learn how to do the task. They begin doing these cycles around age 1. OOC note: These tasks will be given by the ST, but one can request a specific task they think their PC needs to learn that relates to that branch. Polar Bears will only bond to Apprentice IceWatch members and only once they have done at least one cycle through each branch (Must be done IC). When their partner dies they become an apprentice again until they bond however they are respected enough that despite resuming this pattern they stand separate from the other apprentices and there is no disrespect to becoming an apprentice again. They can become full members when they bond with an apprentice human and at that time choose a branch permanently. Apprentice Humans: To become an Apprentice one has to survive out in the wild for 10 days to prove they have the skills necessary to be independent and protect themselves or avoid predators. OOC note: This must be a moderated thread. These apprentice Icewatch will cycle between the branches and follow the same rules as the Kelvic Apprentices. They cannot become full members until they have made at least one full cycle though most go through 2-3 before being chosen since there are more Human apprentices than bears present. They can become full members when they bond with a Kelvic Polar Bear and at that time choose a branch permanently. “Skyglow Branch” – Guards in the Skyglow branch wear purple armbands. They patrol the buildings and area around the Skyglow Hold. The Skyglow Hold also guards Avanthal’s ice prison, Svanhildur. The Skyglow branch is particularly skilled in the art of interrogation and obtaining information from prisoners in Svanhildur. “Snowsong Branch” – Guards in the Snowsong branch wear green armbands. They patrol the buildings and area around the Snowsong Hold. The Snowsong Branch is also known as the hospitality branch, and most of their works revolves around visitors to the city. They help newcomers find housing and make themselves available to answer questions about the city and living in the harsh tundra environment. These guards also keep watch on visitors who are a distrusted race or seem suspicious, consequently these guards are highly skilled investigators. "Frostfawn Branch" - This branch reflects the ancestral state of the Icewatch from which the other branches have come from. Guards in the Frostfawn branch wear brown armbands. They patrol the buildings and area around the Frostfawn Hold. The Frostfawn branch also conducts short range patrols outside the walls of Avanthal though they never go so far as to lose sight of the city. When someone is missing in the Wastes or Reaches the Frostfawn branch is the first called on to patrol the area surrounding the city as well as deal with any aggressive wildlife that ventures too near. “Iceglaze Branch” – Guards in the Iceglaze branch wear yellow armbands. They patrol the buildings and areas around the Iceglaze Hold. The Iceglaze branch also patrols Morwen’s palace as well as oversees the Icewall Gates. The Iceglaze branch has to be especially observant as they oversee two of the most important landmarks in the city. They need to be aware if people who leave the city don’t come back at night as well as ensure that no one suspicious is skulking around Morwen’s palace. “Whitevine Branch” – Guards in the Whitevine branch wear white armbands. They patrol the buildings and area around the Whitevine Hold. These guards are skilled in the medicinal arts and provide healers for the rest of Icewatch. The Whitevine branch is the only Hold branch that is regularly split up and assigned to other branches’ patrols in order to have medics on hand whenever possible. Guards in this branch are often underestimated because of their peaceful purpose but make no mistake that they are just as skilled of fighters as any other branch in Icewatch. “Coolwater Branch” – Guards in the Coolwater branch wear blue armbands. They patrol the buildings and area around the Coolwater Hold. The Coolwater branch also patrols the port as well as conducts rescue missions for sailors who get lost at sea and hunters who fall through the sea ice. Guards in this branch usually learn to become proficient sailors and swimmers. Morwen often grants guards in this branch with multiple marks so that they are better able to manipulate ice on the sea. “Winterflame Branch” – Guards in the Winterflame branch wear orange armbands. They patrol the buildings and area around the Winterflame Hold as well as public spaces shared by all the Holds in the main part of the city. Because of the time spent around the Winterflame Hold most guards in this branch tend to be very knowledgeable about local flora and make sure poisonous plants are out of the reach of children. Sometimes these guards even collect plants for herbalists or other flora enthusiasts while patrolling. “Far Scouts” – Guards in the Far Scouts wear black armbands. The Far Scouts are the most elite branch in Icewatch and do not patrol anywhere in the city. These guards conduct long range scouting as well as the most dangerous missions assigned in Icewatch. The Far Scouts are made up of Icewatch guards from the other branches who have shown themselves to be exemplary guards and leaders. Unlike the other branches in Icewatch the Far Scouts are assigned permanently to a particular squad of six and the squad is expected to work as a cohesive team that shares leadership responsibilities. The Far Scouts is by far the smallest but most respected branch. Far Scouts are not allowed to discuss the details of the missions they undergo and some citizens darkly joke that the reason they wear black armbands is so that they are always ready for a funeral since few Far Scouts make it to old age. This branch of guards is rarely found in the city except to gather supplies and report. Despite being largely Vantha they are regarded with reverence and fear, as strangers. Those wanting to enter the Far Scouts are treated distantly as friends and family treat the entrance into this group as a form of death. Their lives are typically short and they have few friends outside their ranks but their lives are a perpetual adventure. Icewatch
Icewatch Polar Bear Kelvics
by Ablation on May 9th, 2014, 7:54 pm
Vani Terms Titles and Positions Pavintu Janta – Leader of a Hold Vantiguida - Leader of the Icewatch Sulnara - Commander of Icewatch Branch Sairal - Lead Icewatch squad pair Places and Locations Vintana – Hold Arvinta – Family living space within a Hold Swears/Curse Words Tikita – Insult saved for those who are not natives of Taldera, literally means “warmblood” Ice Maiden - |
by Ablation on May 9th, 2014, 7:55 pm
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