"Ah, you are a traveling merchant then?" Irthan inquired, his eyes genuinely curious this time, there was something interesting about traveling merchants for all he knew, traveling were dangerous and life-threatening, sure the reward might be great, but... was it worth it? In the end, he decided to prod, "Are you traveling from city to city? I recall it's dangerous." He gave a glance at his wife, he couldn't bear the thought of risking his life for riches then ended up dying, leaving his poor wife a widow.
"Dear, we should not keep him," Lisista giggled at her lovely husband, examining the beautiful silk scarf draping over her shoulders. Irthan nodded, then the young couple parted ways with the Merchant Prince.
Nothing of note happened as Ronan bought the fruit, then leaned on a pillar while eating it. He would see a distraught boy, no more than twelve years old, walking towards him... or rather, the pillar he was leaning, the boy leaned on it then his back slid down against it until he was sitting on the ground. The young boy looked rather dirty, his short black hair unkempt and he wore simple brown clothes, he didn't seem to notice Ronan's presence until he sighed, "What should I buy for Mommy?" He muttered under his breath, it was his mother's birthday and he had not enough money to even buy a simple trinket.
The boy then turned his head as a glint reflected on his eyes, it was from Ronan's silver necklace, the boy looked upon it as if it was the most precious thing in the world, then he slowly stammered, "H-... how much?"