Character Name: Rhaegar Alterios Faesar
Character Occupation: He plays his harp for extra coin in the city.
Visitor or Resident: Will be staying for an undetermined amount of time, but not permanent.
Character Goals: Short term: To get a bit of coin. Long term: Establish himself in the city and among the merchants.
Threading Interests: I really enjoy developing my character in whatever way I can. Be it small talk in a bar, a long conversation of how to properly tune a harp or swing a sword, or a day-long event that involves all sorts of opportunities, Rhaegar's there.(:
Open for RP: Oh, most definitely.
Everything Else: I am not new to writing or RPing whatsoever, but I am new to Mizahar, so just bear with me sometimes. Don't fret, however, I am learning the history and lore of the site quite fast, though. (: