Name: Helena Sawyer
Race: Human
DoB: Spring 73rd, 495 AV
PoB: Sunberth
Job: Doctor's Assistant at the Chambers and Valves
Skills: 15 Medicine, 20 Socialization, 15 Writing
Gnosis: None
Additional Info: Born on 73rd of Spring, 495 AV to a barmaid and an unidentified wealth of sailors, all whom denied being the father. She was a talkative woman, in fact few could actually shut up her and this only worsened as she got older, working in the taverns as a wench it was useful but she had more skills beyond her mouth and that was her ability with the written word. Few in Sunberth read and wrote as much as this women and it was this that caught Jory's eye when he put the word out he was looking for workers.
Her time in the taverns had left her with a little skill in dealing with cuts and bruises from the odd brawl and working under Jory had only increased that skill but her main job around the clinic is at the desk, coaxing the truth out of the patients before recording them in the book. She can only be found at the during the light of day.
Name: Bryce
Race: Human
DoB: Summer 52rd, 492 AV
PoB: Sunberth - Presumed
Job: Doctor's Assistant at the Chambers and Valves
Skills: Herbalism 15, Cooking 15, Cleaning 15, 5 Bodybuilding
Gnosis: None
Additional Info: Born on the Summer 52rd, 492 AV... That's all Jory has actually managed to find out about his mysterious assistant. Borderline mute and even when you could coax a sentance out of him it would rarely be longer than two or three words. Best at simply taking orders and being left at it he know finds himself in the position of feeding and caring for the longer term patients as well as mopping up the bloodstains that Jory leaving around the clinic. Bryce can be found in the clinic around dawn and dusk, catering to the needs of the patients and cleaning the clinic as best he can.
Name: Hanna Skinner
Race: Human
DoB: Autumn 23rd, 486 AV
PoB: Unknown
Job: Doctor's Assistant at the Chambers and Valves
Skills: Medicine 25, Herbalism 20, 5 Writing
Gnosis: None
Additional Info: Hanna was found on the outskirts of Sunberth and brought in by some hunters who happened upon her by chance. The young woman was heavily injured and unconscious. She would probably be dead had the hunters been less generous and left her to her fate. Hanna was brought into the hands of the best doctor, and the only doctor, in Sunberth which was Doctor Petricious . When she recovered she reached the conclusion she had no idea what had left her in such a state or what had happened to her family whom she remember clearly, with no options she instead simply remained in Sunberth, working as an assistant to the man who saved her life.
However, years down the line she no longer felt the same debt she had once owed so when the opportunity came to join a different clinic, one which planned to have a much cleaner reputation, she jumped ship first chance she got. Now she is Jory's most trusted employee, though the two are rarely seen working together as she will work opposite hours to him, ensuring that the most competent treatment is available at all times.
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