Location Welcome Center and Employment Office

Looking for a steady income job? Apply here!

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Ander Jibs on May 13th, 2014, 11:24 pm

Ander needed a job.

He wanted to simply sell eggs and earn money that way, but he didn't own too many chickens that would produce a lot of eggs. So he had to find a way to make money.

Since he really had no special skills for special jobs, he decided to just get something physically demanding. It would be easy for him, he believed, because he was strong and hardy.

Ander entered the employment office and immediately noticed sheets of paper. And when he approached it, he saw it as something to be filled out for one who seeked work. It was the perfect paper for him. So he grabbed one and filled it out...

Name: Ander Jibs
Race: Human
Age: 21
Relevant Skills: Bodybuilding
Preferred Occupation: Laborer
Expected Stay In Syliras: YEARS

As he finished filling it out, he approached the secretary and gave the sheet to her...

"Here. Anything would do. I can do heavy labor," Ander said.
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Radiant on May 14th, 2014, 5:13 am

The next applicant was a young man with a stocky build, clearly made for strength and brawn, Trega assumed he would apply for a physical-based work and it turned out her assumptions were correct, he applied to be a laborer, well he would be a very good laborer, Syliras always needs hard-working men to transport the goods due to is massive thread. "Well," Trega read the application thoroughly, "You certainly look the part, Sir Ander, very well then..." She stamped the application the rolled it up, "I assign you to work in the Mithryn Outpost as a laborer, I will notify the Knight quartermaster there, good luck and good work." With a polite wave of her hand, she mentioned for the next application come forward.

OOCAnder is accepted to work as a Laborer with a base pay of 2 GM/day, improved by his Bodybuilding skill.

I will PM your SS thread soon.
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Jaicym Snowsong on May 14th, 2014, 5:46 pm

Wandering into the building specified by the armored knights, Jai quickly made a note of his surroundings. Picking up his job application, he realized that he had no idea what he was going to do for a job. A scribe would be the obvious choice, as his love of words had gifted him with impeccable handwriting. However, he had hoped for something a bit less...strict. He wanted to share with this city his carefully collected tales from across the land. Perhaps he could find a job weaving his stories in a tavern, or other such social gathering area. It would most likely be a meager living, but Jai didn't need much. He had never been a big fan of money anyway. Leaving that up to the experts, Jaicym shrugged and began to fill out the application.

Name: Jaicym Snowsong
Race: Vantha
Age: 25
Relevant Skills: Storytelling, Persuasion, Writing
Preferred Occupation: Bard
Expected Stay In Syliras: A year, minimum
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Radiant on May 15th, 2014, 2:52 pm

The next applicant was a young man - compared to Trega obviously - in his mid-twenties with long dark hair and slender build, it was almost as if he could sneak past a Knight and went unnoticed, but if there was one thing Trega learned in her long life was that one could never judge someone by their looks alone. The senior secretary smiled at the man, that was when she saw the vibrant color of his eyes... ah, so he was a Vantha. "Welcome to the Employment Office, Sir," The woman then politely took the application, "Jaicym."

She then read it thoroughly, well his people were indeed famous for their literary and musical arts, him being a Snowsong certainly added to the reputation, "Hmmm, alright, you shall be a Bard then, you can work in the taverns and inns such as the Rearing Stallion, White Swan Inn, the Herald's Arms, or even, in the Syliras Theater," Trega stamped the application then rolled it up, "I will notify the Knights about you, happy entertaining." With a motherly smile, Trega excused him then waved for the next applicant to come forward.

OOCJaicym is accepted to be a Bard with a base pay of 4 GM/day, pay improved by his highest entertainment-related skill level.

I will PM your SS thread soon.
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Forgos Terras on May 21st, 2014, 7:07 am

18th of Spring, 514 AV

Forgos peered at the paper before him, scratching out the letters one by one. It felt odd not using the runes he'd grown up using- he could speak the common tongue easily enough, but he was still adapting writing with it. "...Blacksmith..." he mouthed as he slowly marked out each letter.

Coming to the last question, the Isur stopped to think. How long did he plan on staying, exactly? He'd been planning on staying a good while, certainly, enough at least to make a number of trinkets to peddle along the road. "Hrm." While he mulled the question over, Forgos ran a hand through his hair and took another look around the center. A quick glance told him that nobody was staring at him any longer, though he did catch a glimpse or two of people taking quick peeks at his arm.

Turning back to the paper, the Isur furrowed his brow and marked out: "Unknown, but a while." With that Forgos stood and made his way over to the secretary, paper outstretched in his marked arm. "Lend me a forge, and I can make whatever you need," he said in a tone that was three-quarters certainty and one quarter eagerness.

Secret :
Name: Forgos Terras
Race: Isur
Age: 57
Relevant Skills: Blacksmithing, armorsmithing
Preferred Occupation: Blacksmith or armorer
Expected Stay In Syliras: Unknown, but a while
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Radiant on May 21st, 2014, 7:17 am

Forgos, you have an issue in your CS. Resolve it first then I will respond.
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Royas the Chainer on May 22nd, 2014, 4:12 am

1st of Spring, 514 AV

Striding heavily into the Employment office, Royas wasted no time in picking up his employment form. This was stage one of his plan. Before he could start up his slavery empire, the giant would have to build up connections, save up cash, and learn more about the ins and outs of this new city. Getting a job as a legal slaver was just the ticket. In time, opportunities would arise. For the time being, Royas simply had to bide his time doing honest work. After all, with the looming threat of the Syliran Knights just over the horizon, one couldn't be too careful.

Having filled out the form, Royas laid it down on the counter, and calmly took a seat to await the results.

Name: Royas
Race: Human
Age: 33
Relevant Skills: Intimidation, Brawling
Preferred Occupation: Slaver
Expected Stay In Syliras: The rest of my life
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Radiant on May 22nd, 2014, 4:16 am

Do you know what time it is? Magical Goddess represent!

Hello! I'm Radiant, DS of Syliras, I have noticed you have some problems that needs fixing. Until you do so, you may not RP in the forums.

Royas, this post doesn't work, no nope. Please check out your CS for details.
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Gala C'tor on May 24th, 2014, 6:33 pm

Gala walked by the building he'd seen it before but never had any use for it. This time a thought passed his head he'd be here longer then normal.Reaching under his cloak he felt his money pouch it was light and only going to get lighter as time went on. Gala turned back to the building and walked in, taking up the paper work he'd need to fill out.

The paper work was light and he'd finished in no time. All that was left was his wait he began to walk back and forth the passing easing his nerves.

Name:Gala C'tor
Relevant Skills:voiding 30
Preferred Employment:Sanitation, perferably waste disposal
Expected Stay In Syliras:a few seasons maybe more
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Radiant on May 24th, 2014, 6:46 pm

As I don't want to clog up my outbox. If you decide to come back, here is the content of my PM.

CS Checkmarked.

And I will respond to your employment thread.

A heads up, you won't gain a magical based job in Syliras unless you are a Mage Knight or has some kind of trusted reputation. Gala is neither so he has to pick other jobs.

If you want to make things faster, please edit your post and tell me.
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