25th of Spring
514 AV
514 AV
PermissionRe: Institute of Higher Learning
Sent: May 9th, 2014, 6:03 am
by Abstract
You can simply write a solo. As for the NPCs... you have my permission
Sent: May 8th, 2014, 9:38 pm
by Elias Caldera
Shall I start a thread where my characters asks for acceptance into the school, or can I solo a thread in which he is accepted to study magecrafting, but the rules are laid out that he must pay for his tuition with the results of his craft.
I imagine I would need permission to use the NPC's related for that.
"My name is professor Lazarin." He had proclaimed when Elias first walked into class. There had been eight of them when it started and the young mage recalled how excited he had been at the beginning, walking into his very first lesson for the very first time. It reminded him so much of Zeltiva and the university there. Friends were easy to come by and knowledge flowed into you from every direction, sometimes even if you didn't know it. He had hoped for the same here. He searched out his correct room with an unusually superb sense of direction for a first time student, but if he had been asked just how he had found it so easily on his first day, he would have simply replied "I just followed the smell of magic, of course." Of course, no one had asked him, in fact, apart from the guards and their grim glares, no one had even bothered to look at him.
It had unsettled him at first, but he had decided he wouldn't let their obvious jealousy put him off. He would have fun with this, enjoy it as much as he could. That had been the plan anyway, right up until he met his teacher for the second time, and the facade of joy shattered like glass on stone. "My name is professor Lazarin." He had said, his harsh gaze scanning over all of them. Elias didn't enjoy the old man's angry, judgmental gaze as it lingered on him for a tick too long. "And I will be your instructor in the art of magecrafting until either you have learned enough, or I have had enough. Now- YOU!!!" That was how it had started. A gnarled, bony finger flying out from beneath the man's dark robes and stabbing out towards a pair of young men in the back. Everyone else turned around. "Yes, you. Do I amuse you? Do you find something I said funny?"
"I-" the tanned skinned boy began, but he never finished. Elias wasn't sure what he had been doing, but he watched in morbid curiosity even as his companion tried to slink away and back into his seat as subtly as a man with a dozen or so eyes on him could.
"'I' what? 'I... just couldn't care less about this class? I... just wanted to waste Professors. Lazarin's time? I. What. Boy?!"
"I'm... sorry?" He said, clearly confused as to whether or not he actually was. Lazarin's eyes burned with impatience and a barely contained fury that made Elias sink into his own seat for safety. "I think what you meant to say," he looked down at piece of paper on his desk. "Mr. Relens, is 'I'll see myself out, thank you.'
"Get out of my classroom!" Thadeus screamed. He knew the man was a Thadeus because he had graciously written on his chalkboard, just like he knew that poor bastard who was now running from his desk to the door would never be back, because not only was this man a part of the Ebonstryfe, he was a part of house Lazarin to boot. Any complaints that would stem from this would have likely fell on deaf ears, or worse, one's that reported back to Thadeus himself. For a brief moment Elias wondered if he should have joined the other novice on his escape. It was only for a brief moment, then the thought was gone completely. He wasn't going to be scared so easily. The worst was already over now that he was in, it was all smooth sailing from here...
By the end of class, there were only four students remaining, and Elias couldn't decide if he counted himself lucky or cursed to be still among them.