77th day of Spring, 514 AV
Things had been strange between Vien and Miro, but nothing that would hinder plans. There was a lot that was uncertain, but as of now, things had settled a bit. There were still unresolved issues and high tensions, but it hardly mattered. Such was the norm with relationships of this sort. An apprentice was trusted, but an asset had to be watched carefully. A good way was to have something over them. A bit of collateral, something to hold against them, other such brilliant solutions.
One of the best things for this was one that also presented a gain of power. The Familiar was a being linked to a wizard, and their lives were shared for it. By being able to hold possession of a Familiar, to keep it around as a threat, it was a good means of control. Not only were their lives shared, but their minds as well. With some work the bond could gain depth and power. The telepathic connection the two shared could allow some long range communication. The uses were indeed great.
The key was always to hide motive and push the benefits. No draw backs or negative consequences, just trickling allure in their eyes to blind them. And of course the secret ingredient, lots and lots of Hypnotism. Though that would come in time. Set up was almost as important as delivery. The plan was set, and the traps were plentiful. Now all there was to do was to wait. Vien was supposedly on his way. It was a miracle he was let wander about at all.
Ender was a key in this, the perfect example of what could be gained. By now the Irylid was every bit as strong as Miro. Sometimes the wizard feared even stronger. The radical thoughts the creature held, they were starting to inspire some amount of fear. But still, the Familiar was loyal, and the relationship between the two had never been better. There was not all that much to worry about. Nothing that could not be handled.