Crypt Keepers [Kouri, Mirage]

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An undead citadel created before the cataclysm, Sahova is devoted to all kinds of magical research. The living may visit the island, if they are willing to obey its rules. [Lore]

Crypt Keepers [Kouri, Mirage]

Postby Mirage on May 26th, 2014, 4:29 am


"Wha-- oh, no wait no!" Mia cried, circling around to Fubuki's side but it was already too late. A loud crack resonated and then what sounded like rushing air was all quickly followed by the sliding of stone against stone as the slab gave way. Despite her strength, however, Fubuki could only shift the stone a little more than half way, but it was just enough to reveal what was inside.

There inside the coffin was the body of a woman, but there were no signs of decay. In fact the body looked perfectly preserved. It was a Vantha woman with straight black hair that was neatly combed and lay over one shoulder. She wore a gown as white as the snows in Avanthal, cut so that it fell loosely over her hips and chest, preserving her modesty. The garment was not intricately woven with patterns or designs. It was simple, and in its simplicity it was beautiful against the woman's pale skin. Her hands were clasped over her chest, gripping the hilt of a silver rapier with an intricately designed cross and designs like snowflakes. Her eyes were closed and she wore no makeup. With closer inspection it could be seen that there was a faint shimmer to her skin, a glint of blue which denoted the shielded which wrapped her entire body, keeping her preserved despite the ages.

Mia tentatively creeped closer, hands grasping the edge of the coffin as she peaked over the edge, "Wanda is gonna be soooo mad..."
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Crypt Keepers [Kouri, Mirage]

Postby Fubuki Kouri on May 26th, 2014, 3:07 pm

"Ha... ha... hick..." Kouri gasped and hitched her needless breath as her soulmist wracking with pain after exerting herself so much, rubbing her own sides for a couple of ticks then her curious eyes lingered on what lay beneath the heavy stone lid. "M.. mama?" For some absurd reason, Kouri initially expected the woman inside to be her dead mother, she sure look like her, long black hair, skin tone, and the white dress, she was like an adult version of the Vantha girl, truly.... or perhaps it was Kouri's mind playing tricks on her. Whatever, the case, after marveling at the woman's features, her crimson eyes would travel to the weapon that the woman held.

"..." Kouri hesitated, she had a trauma regarding large swords, she had been literally stabbed by it once after all, by a Knight of Sylir, 'defender' of peace, the ghost girl lowly growled at the memory, Anna's education and her experiences went hand-in-hand in building her hatred for the Knighthood. However, she shook her head, not all sword-wielders were like that Knight, the ghost girl inched closer, finding the slight shimmer on the woman's pale skin to be beautiful, she didn't know what it really was though.

Stricken by awe, Kouri didn't listen to Mia's statement at all, gulping, the ghost girl's hands reached out to slightly shake at the woman's shoulders, "Hey... hey, u-uhm... c-can you uh... bring my Mama back? Can you?" She asked in a blank tone, the memories coursing through her was too much to take, "P-please... wake up, w-wake up and bring Mama back, you can do that, can you? Please..." The ghost girl slumped down until her cheek rested on the coffin's edge, absently repeating the world 'please' in Vani over and over again.

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Fubuki Kouri
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Crypt Keepers [Kouri, Mirage]

Postby Mirage on May 27th, 2014, 3:42 pm

The body of course did not respond. It was merely a lifeless corpse, resting peacefully as if in a deep slumber. Mia slowly lifted herself up to get a better look at the body, tilting her head this way and that as she sung softly to herself, "Puncture the arteries pluck out the eyes, whip up the batter and bake them in pies. Thats what good little girls do. Cleave off the fingers, grind up the bones, make them all squirm and scream in matching tones. Thats what good little girls do." It had a steady beat and was sung like a nursery rhyme. Mia scooted her but up to sit on the edge of the coffin, looking over at Fubuki, "I don't think she's here. I've never seen her before now. Maybe she's just an old old friend who died and wanda just liked the way she looked." She kicked her feet and shrugged, "Can we go play now? I'm bored..." She whined in the tone that little girls often used.
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Crypt Keepers [Kouri, Mirage]

Postby Fubuki Kouri on May 27th, 2014, 4:26 pm

"..." Kouri simply knelt beside the coffin, laying her cheek on the edge, not moving even an inch, only the sway of her alabaster locks were the only visible movement from her form. Mia's creepy nursery rhymes went over her head as Kouri's mind was completely occupied by the Vantha before her. Not that she minded really, Kouri had sung similar creepy songs before... in the Bronze Woods, while in a rage over the lost of her former master, Cyrus.

"Mia..." Finally, the ghost girl turned her eyes at the smaller ghost as Mia sat upon the edge, a flash of anger could be seen on Kouri's eyes, "Get. down." Her words were quite high-pitched, like a child, but the tone was that of an angry mother at her child's uncouth behavior. Mia was disrespecting her kin by doing that, Kouri didn't appreciate it. Whether the smaller ghost girl complied or not, Kouri would simply sigh, looking back at the still corpse of a Vantha, "You can... go play alone for now, Big Sis... big sis wants to stay here for a while..." She stopped before her expression turned to begging, "Please? I promise I will play with you later."

When Mia went away, Kouri would simply stared at the dead woman, crimson tears flowing freely from her eyes, she closed her eyes as her form changed, morphed, her hair turning dark, crimson turned to sapphire, and pure white skin turning ot a healthy tan, Kouri had returned to being the Vantha girl she was, at least in appearance. Climbing into the coffin, Kouri lay on her sides next to Ferena, closing her eyes to rest, "Please let me stay here, please..." She spoke to the woman, not caring whether she was there or not. If let be, the ghost girl would drift into a peaceful slumber, quite odd for a ghost, but her mind finally got a good rest after so long...

"common" | "vani" | thoughts

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Crypt Keepers [Kouri, Mirage]

Postby Mirage on May 27th, 2014, 4:51 pm


Mia would "humph!" and sigh as well as she slid down from the edge of the coffin. She would find the doll once more in her arms, hugging it close as she drifted around Fubuki, "Fine, Mia will go play by herself! Stay here in this boring old place as long as you want." She floated to the entrance, but turned back to stick out her tongue at Fubuki before drifting away.

Fubuki would remain undisturbed for the duration of her stay in the tomb. It was silent this far below ground, perhaps it was even warded to prevent anything unwelcome out such as loud noises and obnoxious ghosts. When finally Fubuki did decide to leave, leaving the tomb empty and quiet once more, a figure would step out from the wall. A ghostly apparition, flowing white gown and eyes shimmering different colors at random intervals. The woman stepped toward the coffin, looking down at the face that mirrored her own and sighed. With one hand she grasped the lid of the coffin and shifted it back into place once more, drifting back once this was done and fading away once more, leaving no trace that she was ever there.

OOCAlright I think this is the end of this thread i will have a grade posted for you momentarily.
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Crypt Keepers [Kouri, Mirage]

Postby Mirage on May 27th, 2014, 5:18 pm



Skill XP Earned
Investigation 4
Intimidation 2
Interrogation 2
Spiritism 4
Acting 2

Lore Earned
Daren Marlow: Knows of the secret notes
Ghosts can hear the Spirits
Trellaway Witsle: Researches Life and Death
Mia: Another Unhinged Ghost Girl
Mia: Lover of Murderous Games
Fubuki: Too Easily Swayed by Mia
The Spirits Hate an Unstable Mind
Lore of Self: Anna and Maelstrom, two of a kind
Darren: The Courtyard holds his Secret
The Spirits: Were Trapped by Wanda
The Spirits: Possess a man and drive him to madness
The Spirits: Feed on the joys and happiness in the hearts of men
The Spirits: Were Trapped by Wanda
The Spirits of Madness: Defend yourself with Spiritism

Rewards/Injuries :
+1 Spiritist Orb: Crafted by Wanda, when used it will expel any ghost or spirit from the wielder's body, but after its use the wielder will be more susceptible to possession for 5 bells.

Mental Scars: There is a hint of madness now in Annalisa, but for the time being it is only as big, or as small, as she allows it to become. It seems stable at the moment, but if pressed with too many instances of overgiving or further mental trauma she may slip all the sooner into full madness and lose herself and her ability to operate at a normal cognitive level.

Fragment Memory: From time to time Annalisa will forget small things about herself. Where her room is located, the name of someone she once knew long ago, and even at times how to perform basic spells in her magics. These effects are not drastic, and usually clear up within a chime. It may point toward more serious problems in the future.


Skill XP Earned
Possession 5

Lore Earned
Spirits of Madness: Ghosts can hear them
The Difference between Nuit's and Etherals
The Spirits: Eat Soulmist!
The Spirits: Were Trapped by Wanda
The Spirits: Possess a man and drive him to madness
The Spirits: Feed on the joys and happiness in the hearts of men
Wanda's Grave: She has the remains of a dead Vantha?

It's Not What You Think...

Alright there you go! I had to quickly skim through the whole thread as I graded this, so I may have missed something as far as skills and lores go. If you see anything that was not added in the grade please send me a PM and I will quickly add it :).

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your grade, please send me a PM and we can figure it out. :)

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