Location Welcome Center and Employment Office

Looking for a steady income job? Apply here!

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Kylina on May 26th, 2014, 9:03 pm

Kylina walked into the office nervously. She was a traveler, yes, but that also meant her jobs were normally small errands or such people wanted her to run. Those were only means to an end, however. Not real occupations like this hopefully would be. But, as she reminded herself, she only wanted to stay in Syliras for this season, then she would most likely be in another city, exploring and loving the traveling life.
Kylina took a small form from the desk. There wasn't much to fill out, but she knew it was all important. If she intended to explore this large city, a proper occupation would be needed. And what she learned from this job could provide her with skills able to be used often. Kylina scanned the page with her eyes and began to fill it out. It was relatively easy, and she handed the filled-out paperwork to the woman behind the desk with a small nod of courtesy.

Name: Kylina
Race: Inarta
Age: 19
Relevant Skills: Hunting
Preferred Occupation: Hunter
Expected Stay In Syliras: the rest of the season, maybe more, maybe less
Last edited by Kylina on May 28th, 2014, 7:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Radiant on May 27th, 2014, 3:34 am

The next applicant was a girl with flaming red hair, the trademark trait of the Inarta, "Hello, dear." Trega greeted with a motherly smile then took the parchment, well, she indeed confirmed she was an Inarta, "Well, Miss Kylina," Trega took out a stamp then marked the parchment, then rolled it up, "I will notify the other hunters and knights about you, hunt well, bring good game." The senior gave a wink then motioned for the other applicants to come hither.

OOCKylina is accepted to be a Hunter in Syliras with a base pay of 5 GM/day.

I will PM your SS thread soon.
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Ashe'nya on June 2nd, 2014, 1:10 am

Day 04, Season Summer, 514 AV
8th Bell

Ashe’nya pushed the door open to the Welcome Center as quietly as she could. Her father had pointed out the building the day before when they had entered the city—begrudgingly admitting that was where she would have to find a job. Honestly it didn’t bother her in the least—the city was fairly closed in. If she was lucky she could land a hunting job that would allow her to get fresh air daily. Her father could no longer hunt and that left her to be the one to take care of him now. Something that Ashe’nya knew was a bit of a sore subject with him.

He taught her as best he could, and now was a real chance to prove it. Ashe’nya made her way to the stack of papers, silently pleased her father had taught her how to read and write. It looked simple enough to fill out at least.

Name: Ashe’nya DeBourn
Race: Kelvic
Age: 2 years
Relevant Skills: Hunting, tracking, wilderness survival
Preferred Occupation: Hunter, or anything that allows for the outdoors
Expected Stay In Syliras: Permanent?

Cocking her head a little to the left, she inspected the paper closely. She wasn’t entirely sure her father would stay put in Syliras… but it seemed as good of answer as any. Shrugging to herself, she approached the desk, giving the secretary a shy smile as she held out the paper to her. "I think this looks correct."
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Radiant on June 2nd, 2014, 9:39 am

The next applicant was a young woman with very dark brown hair, slightly tanned skin with freckles, the woman looked rather down-to-earthly pretty. Trega smiled at the lithe woman then took the application, reading it thoroughly, "Well, Miss DeBourn," Trega spoke politely to the brown-eyed woman then stamped her application, "As you may already know, Kelvics are very competent hunters so I have no doubt you would do finely, I will notify the other hunters and knights about you." Trega nodded at the Kelvic then politely dismissed her, then she motioned for the next applicant to come hither.

OOCAshe'nya is accepted to be a Hunter in Syliras with a base pay of 5 GM/day.

I will PM your SS thread soon.
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Valien on June 3rd, 2014, 5:36 pm

1st Day of Summer, 514 AV

Well, the Recruitment Office had been a bust, so the next day, Valien found himself here, looking for honest employment. There weren't many jobs he could take on with his set of skills that were legal, but there were a handful that he felt he could do satisfactorily. Besides, he knew he couldn't put this off for too long. Not with an eight-year-old to feed.

The man filled out the form by the entrance, writing his answers clearly before making his way over to the desk. Valien put on his most charming smile, handing the form towards the woman who was seated behind it. "I hope everything's in order," he said, passing the piece of paper over.

Name: Valien Altare
Race: Human
Age: 29
Relevant Skills: Intelligence, Wilderness Survival
Preferred Occupation: Courier, Bartender, or whatever you prefer.
Expected Stay In Syliras: Permanent

While Valien's demeanor appeared calm, inwardly his mind was racing.He hoped he wasn't turned away from here too. If he was, then he supposed he had just enough money left to book passage on a ship, and from there, he and Serah would be off in search of greener pastures. If he was anywhere but Syliras, he supposed he could make a good enough living as a bounty hunter or mercenary.

But the question was, did he want to?
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Vertigo Greene on June 3rd, 2014, 9:48 pm

Vertigo walked into the offices, nervous. Although he was only visiting, he needed a job to stay intact. He grabbed a form and sat down in a chair that hugged his skinny physique.

Name: Vertigo Greene
Race: Vantha
Age: 19
Relevant Skills: Storytelling, Reimancy
Preferred Occupation: Schoolteacher, Metalworker
Expected Stay: The Season
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Radiant on June 4th, 2014, 1:51 pm


The senior secretary looked up at the next applicant, he was a dark-haired and dark-eyed man, well, he was certanly quite the looker, if Trega was younger, she might consider asking him for a date or two, but alas, such days were passed her, but if there was a woman who could take his heart, she was a lucky one indeed, provided his personality was as good as his looks.

"Welcome, Sir..." Trega took the application then read it thoroughly, "Altare." She smiled politely then put a hand to her chin, "Hmmm... we always need a Courier, nobles love to deliver messages and packages around the city. Well then, Courier it is." She stamped the application the rolled it up, "I will notify the Knighthood and nobles about you, you can begin working tomorrow, look around in the bulletin board, they usually post their requests there or if you can find a private contractor, even better." With a polite gesture, Trega dismissed him then motioned for the other applicant to come hither.

OOCValien is accepted to be a Courier in Syliras with a base pay of 3 GM/day.

I have updated your SS thread. :)



You have issues in your CS. Resolve it with Crosspatch first, PM me, then I will respond. :)
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Moose on June 5th, 2014, 11:43 am

Arias neared the counter and received the form to fill out. He sat down in a chair and began to fill out the forms

He wrote..

Name: Arias Moose
Race: Human
Age: 27
Relevant Skills: Weapons (Longswords), Tactics
Preferred Occupation: Mercenary
Expected Stay: Permanent

He got up from the chair, and as he handed the form back he said with a rather friendly tone "Hope the papers are all in order." And gave a friendly smile.
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Lissa Maze on June 7th, 2014, 4:52 am

Lissa Maze

01 Summer, 514 AV
Lissa flounced in to the employment office, hopping on one foot as she pulled on a battered boot. “There was a stone in it,” she explained plaintively to any curious onlookers, and straightened up. Like most residents of her city, Lissa had been here before. Many times, in fact...rather more often than other teenagers. Lissa liked to think of herself as a renaissance girl—ever since she heard the term. It made trying out everything there was to try sound so very grand.
But…what she needed was a job. Again. The girl waved at the familiar faces in the office (she had been here enough times to know them) and sat down with a pencil, staring in grim concentration at the paper. She knew how to write her name—she’d been taught that…she didn’t remember when. Painstakingly the girl traced out the shapes onto the line. The next, though…
Swallowing pride, the teenager found another Zeltivan waiting and asked for help filling out the form. The result (or so she hoped) was the following:
Name: Lissa Maze
Race: Human
Age: 15, nearly 16
Relevant Skills: Horsemanship, Riding
Preferred Occupation: Groom
Expected Stay In Syliras: I live here! oocShe’ll actually be leaving with a newfound older brother during this season, but has lived in Syliras as long as she can remember and at the moment has no intention of leaving.

Lissa handed in the form and settled down to wait.

To all my threading partners: So many apologies for my major slowness, I'm being absolutely crushed by a college/health combo right now. I will be back as soon as possible and will try to keep up with any group threads. For one-on-one threads, I'll try to get back and catch up soon, but am not sure when exactly that will be.
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Radiant on June 7th, 2014, 5:07 am


I see your CS hasn't been completed yet. PM me when you have done so and I will respond. You also need to link your CS to your profile through the user control panel.



The next applicant was a dark-haired young woman, her facial features reminded Trega of the Vantha people, but... the senior secretary knew she was not a Vantha, because her eye color didn't change or had those vibrant hues that all Vantha seemed to have, nonetheless, that simple fact didn't detract the woman from her beauty. "Welcome, dear," Trega spoke motherly as she took the application then read it thoroughly, "Well, Miss Lissa," Trega stamped the application then rolled it up, "You're welcome to work as a Groom in the Windmount Stables, I will notify the ones in charge there. Take good care of our horses." With a wink, Trega politely dismissed Lissa away then waved for the next applicant to come hither.

OOCLissa is accepted to work as a Groom in Syliras with a base pay of 1 GM/day.

I will PM your SS thread soon.
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