1st of Summer, 514 AV
Wysar, God of integrity. I have known your ideals from youth, though 'twas not until I grew older, until my own compatriots expelled me, that I found you. Or rather, you found me. I have shown integrity unflinchingly in the face of turmoil and strife. An honest man is more often than not a dead man in this present age, but you have watched over me. I sought justice for the death of Andreas in Sunberth, and though I was persecuted for pursuing his murderers, I was not killed. I believe now that you watched over me and are still watching over me. The evidence lies in my current circumstances. I was foolish, and allowed my emotion to overcome my discipline. I was rightly struck down for that. But when I turned from that way, when I acted with integrity, I was spared the rod, and allowed a second chance. To whom should I attribute this good work? Not to the man who stayed his hand, though to him be thanks. Not to the one who struck me down in my foolishness and stopped my wickedness, though to him be thanks. Not to the man whose brand sealed my fate and denied my doom, though to him be thanks. No, this is first your work, and to you may there be praise.
Wysar, God of discipline. I have been a steadfast and faithful servant in these matters. I have acted with discipline in the years since my fall in Sunberth. I have not permitted myself to act in foolishness. Emotion is not my ruler. I do nothing from foolish thinking or naivety, but act in accordance with wisdom. For even in the days of my youth, in my time in Sunberth, did you not graciously show me the path of wisdom through discipline? Surely it was you who taught me that no man can call himself a leader yet act with foolishness. No man can champion a cause, unite a people, when emotion is the drive. No, you made sure I learned well my lesson. Vengeance is foolishness. Rage is foolishness. I am driven by one thing, and one thing only, and to that do I cling: The Truth. I am disciplined for truth. And so in my discipline I follow you. I also come to you a repentant soul, seeking your grace and forgiveness for my wayward wandering when I first arrived here in Kenash. I acted out of anger and only because I broke my discipline am I here now. My judgement is a just punishment. I accept it fully and beg you to overlook my folly, and to strengthen me against such things in the future.
Wysar, God of Conviction! And what conviction you have blessed me with. You showed me through Andreas the truth of humanity. The weak permeate this world, a blight upon all Mizahar, spreading their cowardice and deceit like a disease, destroying all in their path. Societies crumble, leaders are weak, and we are all divided. Many point the blame at the Valterrian, but I would contend these things came into play in the calamity itself. But no, the evil in the hearts of men is the cause of all the evil, all the bad. For it itself is the evil. And I have been granted, as a gift of which I am fully unworthy, the conviction needed to change this. I will seek every day to make myself worthy for the task ahead, to put to the sword every liar, every coward, every one of these criminals of the heart.
Wysar, I pray you grant me favor in your eyes as the watchtowers change their shades and the days grow long and hot. Bless me in my pursuits, that my mission may be carried out when the time has come.
May Integrity define me. May Discipline strengthen me. May Conviction Guide me. All my days.
NaJu Word Count: 653 |