Spring 11, 513
The moon was low in the sky to the west- it was near dawn now,and its soft pale glow peeked through the sparse foliage that was just starting to bloom as the world woke up from the long, and chill winter. There was swift scurrying in the otherwise calm and quiet night. The whole forest seemed silent except for this single flurry of noise, as if all the creatures knew that a hunt was in progress. A man, in worn, dark clothes, swiftly followed a path, a path that had been carved through the undergrowth by a deer. The soft reflection of a shiny liquid, seemed to glare on the trees, the man used his small powers of Aurisitcs to make the faint energy left in the blood to really make it stand out in the dim, and fading moonlight. It made tracking in the dark easier, but it made the man very tired. He cursed himself for having to use this power. He should have been able to bring down that deer, it was an easy shot.
He kept running over the thick brush, his constant training for nearly 16 years made this pace almost easy. He lost track of time, all his concentration on the chase, the thrill. He didn’t have time to notice how far he had run, or where he was, the only thing that mattered was the deer, that seemed to get further and further away, no matter how much he ran. No, he couldn’t afford to let his mind wander from the hunt.
Then he saw the deer, its soft, weak aura, a mere feet away. The hunt was over, there was his quarry, on the verge of death. The deer struggled to get up, struggled, and fought for life, the life that slowly slipped away, ironically the more it struggled, the sooner it would cause its own demise. Rodywyn would end it quickly, he owed the deer that much. He hated to see the pain it was in, even if he had caused it- people needed to eat. He quickly neared the deer, his pitted and tarnished, but noticeably sharp hunting knife at the ready.