Shalita Farlay
"I am a ghost of what I used to be..."
Theme Song :
General Information
Alias: Javeya
Race: Human - Ghost
Gender: Female
Age: 3
Age at Time of Death: 21 years old
Date of Death: Day 27, Spring, 511 AV
Birthday: Day 5, Winter, 489 AV
Birthplace: Zeltiva
Location: Kenash
Housing Location: Blacksugar Distillery
Character Concept
Shalita spends most of her time drifting through the streets of Kenash, seeking out things that make her curious, for although she is dead, she remains curious to pass away the time. A trait that seemed to have carried over from her human life. Occasionally, the ghost can be seen watching ships as they sail away from Kenash upon that wide open Suvan sea, with a longing looked deep with her blue eyes. She knows that although she could still probably sail the open waters, it would not be the same. She would never feel sea sick like the new sailors seem to experience, she would never get to feel the wind through her hair, or the heat of the sun as it would beat down upon her back as she attended to the rigging.
The young ghost is constantly fighting a darker side to being who she is, a side filled with pain and anger. Sometimes she would love to just lash out at someone as they point and call out that she was just simply un-natural. This conflicts very much so with her more natural temperament of being kind and helpful to those that need it. Some would consider her to be some what of a sweet heart. However, her behaviours very much reflect the emotions that she feels deep within herself and it can often lead to confliction. So she may say one thing, but regret it later or she might do something and think that maybe she should have done something completely different.
However, she holds a deep sadness within and wants only to be back in Zeltiva. A place that she has forbidden herself to return to, for she does not want her dear parents to see her in such a form. So she clings onto the memories that she does have of them and the other people that she cares so deeply for, for they are the only things that she has left. This causes a loneliness to fill her being as being a ghost, she doesn't exactly fit in with man kind any more and so, most tend to run from her or jump whenever they see her. Some even attempt to pretend to not have notice her. So she drifts, in order to distract herself in hopes that one day, something might catch her eyes and draw her attention.
Alias: Javeya
Race: Human - Ghost
Gender: Female
Age: 3
Age at Time of Death: 21 years old
Date of Death: Day 27, Spring, 511 AV
Birthday: Day 5, Winter, 489 AV
Birthplace: Zeltiva
Location: Kenash
Housing Location: Blacksugar Distillery

Ghost Appearance
She stands at a height of 5'8, her skin appearance pale, while her long hair takes on a white shade. The eyes take on the colour of ice blue and her figure is covered by a white gown, but the gown can be seen to have splashes of red staining the material. If she is in a room, the temperature will drop, accompanied with the scent of blood.
Human Appearance
In life, she had black hair and deep blue eyes. She had a tanned complexion and also stand at the height of 5'8, wearing a simple blue dress with bare feet.
Character Concept
Shalita spends most of her time drifting through the streets of Kenash, seeking out things that make her curious, for although she is dead, she remains curious to pass away the time. A trait that seemed to have carried over from her human life. Occasionally, the ghost can be seen watching ships as they sail away from Kenash upon that wide open Suvan sea, with a longing looked deep with her blue eyes. She knows that although she could still probably sail the open waters, it would not be the same. She would never feel sea sick like the new sailors seem to experience, she would never get to feel the wind through her hair, or the heat of the sun as it would beat down upon her back as she attended to the rigging.
The young ghost is constantly fighting a darker side to being who she is, a side filled with pain and anger. Sometimes she would love to just lash out at someone as they point and call out that she was just simply un-natural. This conflicts very much so with her more natural temperament of being kind and helpful to those that need it. Some would consider her to be some what of a sweet heart. However, her behaviours very much reflect the emotions that she feels deep within herself and it can often lead to confliction. So she may say one thing, but regret it later or she might do something and think that maybe she should have done something completely different.
However, she holds a deep sadness within and wants only to be back in Zeltiva. A place that she has forbidden herself to return to, for she does not want her dear parents to see her in such a form. So she clings onto the memories that she does have of them and the other people that she cares so deeply for, for they are the only things that she has left. This causes a loneliness to fill her being as being a ghost, she doesn't exactly fit in with man kind any more and so, most tend to run from her or jump whenever they see her. Some even attempt to pretend to not have notice her. So she drifts, in order to distract herself in hopes that one day, something might catch her eyes and draw her attention.