Location Welcome Center and Employment Office

Looking for a steady income job? Apply here!

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Skylar Draykin on June 7th, 2014, 1:17 pm

Skylar finally woke up mid morning. She was still groggy and didn't want to get out of bed but she had told herself the night before that she had a job to do: to go out and FIND a job. She bhad passed the employment office the day she had arrived in town but wasn't sure if she'd be able to find it again so she needed enough time to at least attempt to find it She couldn't help but think about how back her part of Sunberth, people would be clamoring to hire her for their shop. Granted it was only because of her brothers great name in the trade. Even if they were struggling, no one could deny her brothers skill. But she wasn't in Sunberth. Her name held no meaning in Syliras. But that was good wasn't it? Isn't that why she left? Her mind began to drift towards the past. The days spend lying in hay bails with Klove. Nights spent cuddled together. Skylars chest began to hurt as she jumped out of bed. She would not allow herself to think about the past as long as she could help it. Skylar ripped off her pajamas and put on her raggidy old clothes. She slipped on her boots and laced them up then walked out the front door.

Skylar saw the building she had seen coming in and walked towards it. Upon entering, she noticed the people sitting and standing around the room. Skylar hated crowds. She approached the desk and grabbed a form. Turning, she held it against the wall Nd began to fill it out.

Name: Skylar Draykin
Race: Human
Age: 18
Relevant Skills: Smithing, hunting, and hand to hand combat
Preferred Occupation: Blacksmithing
Expected Stay In Syliras:Not sure

Finishing with it, she turned to the giant line. She REALLY hated crowds. She stood in line for what seemed like an eternity before finally apprpaching the lady behind a desk. Skylar handed her the form, a straight look on heer face. She always felt like if there wasn't a reason to smile, then she shouldn't have to and give others the impression she wanted to talk.
Apologies for the lomg wait everyone I am rping with! Going through a very rough patch. Will reply very soon though! PM if you have aby questions or concerns and I will get back to you as I'm planning on being on here at least once a day from now on
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Radiant on June 7th, 2014, 1:31 pm

The next applicant was a young woman, perhaps in her very late teen-years. Trega smiled at the young woman with short dark hair and sapphire blue eyes, she looked rather toned and shapely, not like a delicate dancer, Trega assumed - in her long experience - that this woman was going to apply for a job that involved physical work.

As Trega took the application then read it thoroughly, she was right, this wanted to be a blacksmith, well, Roz Vizerian, Isurian Master smith of the Ironworks, informed her that he needed a metalsmith, this woman looked fitting, "Well, Miss Skylar, you will be working as a metalsmith in the Ironworks," She stamped the application the rolled it up, "I will notify Sir Roz Vizerian regarding your application, you can begin working tomorrow. Good smithing, Miss." With a polite gesture, she dismissed Skylar then waved for the next applicant to come hither.

OOCSkylar is accepted to be a Metalsmith in Syliras with a base pay of 7 GM/day.

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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Billie on June 15th, 2014, 6:35 am

11th Day of Summer, 514AV

Billie wasn’t sure she was overly qualified for anything, but it would be better to get a job now that it was Summer and she still hadn’t found one. She walked into the employment office and sat down with a form, keeping the options wide. She really didn’t care what job she got at this point. She’d worked as a bartender here before, maybe she could do that again? Once she’d filled out the form, she waited in line quietly and, when it was her turn, she smiled at the Trega “Here you go” She said with a polite smile “Put me anywhere that needs me and I’ll learn quickly and adapt.” She promised, trying to sound eager as she handed the application over.

Name: Billie
Race: Human
Age: 24
Relevant Skills: Unarmed Combat, Cutlass, Stealth, horse-riding
Preferred Occupation: Anything, bar-tender, Groom, shop-assistant, maybe a job at a coffee shop, possibly something combat related?
Expected Stay In Syliras: At least for the Summer
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Radiant on June 15th, 2014, 1:59 pm

The next applicant who entered was... androgynous at best, for the few times in her old life, Trega was truly confused, this... person, was he or she a man or a woman? Short brown hair with bright blue eyes, at a glance, the person appeared to be a pretty man, but... if one looked closer, they could also be a very tomboyish woman.

"Welcome." Trega avoided to use any gender-based titles, until she heard the person's voice, which to the old wise woman, sounded feminine to her, Trega hoped to the Divines that she didn't make a fool of herself, "Welcome, Miss Billie." Even her name sounded masculine, well, an beautiful androgynous person like her would fit really well in the Herald Arms as one of the barmaids... truly, the patrons there loved exotic-looking staffs and Billie fit right in, Trega bet she could please both men and women with her looks.

Her skills are all combat-related though, but... Trega eyed Billie up and down, it would really be a shame to tarnish her looks, well, her first priority was bartender so barmaid it is, the senior stamped the application then rolled it up, "You are employed to be a barmaid in the Herald's Arms, you can begin working tomorrow, I will notify them about you." The senior gave a motherly smile then politely dismissed Billie, then waved for the next applicant to come hither.

OOCBilly is accepted to work as a Barmaid in Syliras with a base pay of 2 GM/day.

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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Thauriel on June 24th, 2014, 10:39 pm

Slowly and cautiously, Thauriel entered the building, one arm around her stomach as her hand rest on her elbow. Thauriel felt absolutely sick at the idea of doing the only job she knew how to do.

Pressing her relatively sweaty hand on the door (she had desperately used some of her water to wash her hair and her face to seem at least somewhat presentable with her hair lying in slightly greasy waves down either side of her shoulders) Thauriel pushed it open she was instantly attacked by the odor of sweat and filth. Resisting barking a comment or making a comment, the young teen decided to breath in through her mouth and out through her mouth.

Thauriel sauntered up to the only occupied desk. Surrounding her was hunched over people who filled out their own forms and mumbled to themselves. Hissing to herself, regretting the decision of coming to this obviously over crowded place )well, over crowded for her; never was too found of being surrounded by this many people but she'd just have to squash that down like she did with everything else), Thauriel stopped in front of the desk that was a little big due to her small form.

"S'cuse me?" Thauriel's bland and blunt voice rang out, causing the person to look up. "I want a form." Ever the formalities, Thauriel.

Without a word, they passed her the slip of paper, giving her a polite and seemingly kind smile. Thauriel blinked at the action; she was not used to many people smiling her way, mainly just glaring or scowling.

Thauriel tried to twitch her lips up at the kind desk person but they wouldn't have it; she probably ended up in deepening her frown. With an inward sigh, Thauriel turned on her heel, leaving the kind person in her dust.

Sitting down in an unoccupied corner, Thauriel fell to her butt, crossing her knees in front of her as she stared at the writing of the page, deciding that she should just get it over and done with.

Name: Thauriel
Race: Human

Thauriel paused as she stared at the blank age slot and thought for a moment before she decided that maybe lying about her age wouldn't hurt anyone.

Age: 18
Relevant Skills: Can clean and tend to simple wounds, armed combat and sprinting
Preferred Occupation: Barmaid
Expected Stay In Syliras: a year, two at the longest

Thauriel glared at her writing; sloppy and child - like. She didn't have much education, much like the others in Sunberth she had known and grown up with. The girl could read only minimally and could write though it was unsteady and there was a few misspellings on the page that had been scribbled out and corrected.

Getting to her feet, Thauriel walked back to the kind and nice enough looking desk clerk - hoping they wouldn't smile because she was defiantly not equipped in that area of social conduct - and handed them the page, feeling awkward and, well, timid. Thauriel chastised herself for letting the tiny emotion show in front of another person.

Thauriel crossed her fingers at her side to stop them shaking slightly as she hoped and pleaded that she would have one sliver of luck and have finally gotten the break she much deserved.
Last edited by Thauriel on June 25th, 2014, 4:51 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Radiant on June 25th, 2014, 6:37 am

Trega looked up to see the next applicant, well, she was a pretty young woman and she was nervous, Trega had experienced a lot in her life and nervous young ladies applying for a job was a rather common sight for her. She smiled warmly and motherly as she took the application, "Welcome, Miss... Thauriel," Then she read the application.

Well... she wanted to be a barmaid, but her skills were related to medicine, martial arts, and running... that was odd, she should apply to be a doctor instead, but well, the girl wanted to be a barmaid then so be it.

"Alright, you are accepted to work in the Rearing Stallion as a barmaid, I will notify them about you." Trega didn't want to question Thauriel's decision, who knows, her medicinal skill would come in handy as first-aid personnel should a brawl broke out in the tavern.

With a polite wave, she dismissed the dark-haired young woman then motioned for the next applicant to come hither.

OOCThauriel is accepted to be a barmaid in Syliras with a base pay of 2 GM/day.

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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Carver Salt on June 28th, 2014, 8:51 pm

28th Day of Summer, 514AV

With what he assumed was a friendly smile, though one devoid of any sign of his notably sharp teeth, and a bounce in his step, Carver navigated the halls of his native city with all the energy and confidence of youth. Despite having been a resident of Syliras his entire life, Carver had never actually entered the Welcome Center, though he had seen it from a far as his mother ventured into the vital piece of infrastructure. So as he neared his destination, he stopped and ran his fingers through his tousled, black hair, pink tongue peeking out his lips and white, pointed teeth flashing in the light as he attempted to tame the unruly mess that sat atop his head.

Ignoring the curious glance his oddly gray-tinged complexion prompted from passersby, Carver strained against the light pull of his tan shirt as it grew taut around his back protrusions. After a minute or two, Carver conceded that his hair was going to look the way it was going to look and no amount of fussing was going to change it.

So with a shrug of resignation, Carver entered the Welcome Center with a polite ‘Good Morning’ and a nod of his head, aimed at the fellow whose eye he had caught as he entered. The fellow gave him a grunt back before gesturing for Carver to step around him and obtain one of the sheets upon the desk.

He was obviously some sort of road weary newcomer to the city.

Filling out the form with his usual, rather blocky and clumsy handwriting, Carver hummed a tuneless rhythm he had picked up a week before. It was upbeat and thus, appealed to him, but the exact and subtle fluctuations in notes escaped his memory.

Once he had finished with the form, Carver approached the smiling secretary at the desk with a prominent smile of his

Good Morning. I was hoping to get a job as some sort of Wilderness Guide.

The form read something along the lines of:
Name: Carver Salt
Race: Mixed-Breed (Half-Zith)
Age: 19
Relevant Skills: Wilderness Survival, Foraging, Hunting & Land Navigation
Preferred Occupation: Wilderness Guide
Expected Stay In Syliras: At least until the 65th of Summer
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Niello on July 3rd, 2014, 7:16 pm

Niello entered the employment center on silent feet, taking a form and filling it out slowly, in a sloppy, scrawling hand. He’d never been too interested in schooling, and his penmanship – and spelling – were proof of that. But finally he finished the form, and shyly slipped it to the kind looking secretary. He took a seat, waiting to see if there’d be any questions beyond what was on the paper. He had hopes to find a job making some coin as a fisherman – as he was naturally equipped to gather almost any and all types of aquatic life from the waters about the city, and further out into the Suvan. He had no other skills really, but he waited patiently to see what the center’s staff would say.

Name: Niello
Race: Kelvic (Harp Seal)
Age: 4 (looks 16 in human years)
Relevant Skills: hunting (for fish) - 25; ocean navigation - 30; natural swimming skill
Preferred Occupation: fisherman
Expected Stay In Syliras: he lives there
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Droth on July 8th, 2014, 10:54 pm

His research was reaching a dead end. Droth sighed heavily as he slumped his large frame over the much too small table in his apartment. Books and papers that he had borrowed were scattered about the room, making quite a mess. The large Jamouran rarely cleaned the place, deciding his time was better used gaining knowledge. That, however, was becoming a problem.

It was not easy to find research material for free, and Droth's supply of Mizas was running too low to invest in useful things. Droth heard a slight cracking noise coming from the table and he quickly scrambled to give it some relief, falling out of his stubby chair and onto the floor. Paper was scattered everywhere as his large, black body hit the ground. He scratched his red temple in thought, not seeming to notice the small pain that shot through him as he made contact with the floor.

He needed a way to fund his research. Regrettably, he searched his memory for something that could help him. He recalled all the buildings and people he had passed in the times he had gone outdoors during the day. Most of his time outside of his apartment was during the night, so he could study the stars. He only looked up then, not really noticing his surroundings. In order to find a solution, he would need to know the city.

His mental scrutiny turned up nothing and he decided to try looking in the here and now. Perhaps some fellow was out on the streets at this very moment, seeking some poor immigrant to which he could give a handy amount of Mizas. The only way to find out is to go out. Droth slowly rolled onto his feet, crouching as he stood so that his head did not hit the ceiling. Perhaps, should he gain some additional funding, he could afford a better research space as well. His enormous Jamouran frame did not do him any favors when trying to live in a human city.

Droth labored out the door of his apartment, slowly gaining speed as he made his way out of Stormhold Citadel and onto the streets. He blinked several times as his eyes adjusted to the sun light, bringing up a hand to shield them. With a quick grunt, he jogged off down the street, paying little heed to the people in his way. Unless, of course, they spoke. With each word he heard, his ears focused in to determine what was being said. His eyes searched the buildings around him, every storm front or residence, to see if there was any indicator of Mizas available.

Most of the things he heard were not important; a passing comment about the brute running through the streets, idle gossip about an unfaithful man, shouted claims of dishonesty. So much was being said, in fact, that Droth soon became distracted and a bit overwhelmed. As it would happen, trying to pay attention to everything at once usually doesn't accomplish anything.

That is when luck intervened. Droth came to a stop to clear his head of all the things going on in this city; when he looked up, he saw a building. The Welcome Center. He immediately recalled hearing something someone said about it. This is a place where he could find a financial backer! Droth pushed the doors open with little heed to what may be beyond them. The swinging doors generated enough wind to send a stack of papers on a nearby table flitting every which way. Droth dropped to his hands and knees, picking up one of the papers and studying it. Some kind of application.

Droth glanced around, seeing a few other beings filling out these papers. As one finished they stood and walked over to a desk, handing it over to a receptionist. Clear enough. Droth stood, glancing about for some kind of quill. In his rush, it seemed, he had left his at the apartment. Fortunately, he noticed that they had several on the desk for borrowing. Smiling gleefully, Droth grabbed a quill in his clumsy hands and began to fill out the application.

Name: Droth
Race: Jamoura
Age: 153
Relevant Skills: Astrology (10), Wilderness Survival(25), Intelligence (10)
Preferred Occupation: Researcher
Expected Stay In Syliras: Long-term resident

Complete! That had been fairly simple. All he had to do now was wait. As he turned the paper in to the smiling secretary, he breathed a sigh of relief. Hopefully, he would now be able to pick up the pace of his research.
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Welcome Center and Employment Office

Postby Radiant on July 10th, 2014, 1:51 pm

Carver Salt

The next applicant was a short, yet intimidating, looking man with an odd grayish complexion on his skin. Trega, being an old woman with countless experiences, merely gave Carver a kind smile, all was to be treated equally unless they proved otherwise through their actions and deeds, "Welcome." The senior said warmly.

She accepted the application then read it thoroughly, ah so this man was a half-breed, with the other half being one of those bestial winged races, that should explain his various physical quirks, still, he looked civilized and polite so he shall be treated with cordiality in return, "Alright, Sir Carver, you seemed apt to be a Wilderness Guide," She stamped the application then rolled it up, "You can begin working as a Guide starting tomorrow, I will notify the Knights and hunters about you, safe travels, Sir Carver." With a polite wave, she dismissed Carver then motioned for the next applican to come forward.

OOCCarver is accepted to be a Wilderness Guide in Syliras with a base pay of 5 GM/day.

I will PM your SS thread soon.



The next applicant was a handsome man with curious white hair and deep dark eyes. Trega smiled at the silent man as he approached and accepted his form, "Welcome, Sir..." Trega read the form thoroughly, "Niello." For some reason, the Kelvic wrote in third-person, but Kelvics were rather animalistic and as such, Trega understood if they weren't that versed in the arts of literacy.

He was a Kelvic, an aquatic kelvic to be exact, "I see, I do think the job of an aquatic nature would be fitting for you, since you are a seal and all," Trega rolled up the application then stamped it, "You can begin working at the Docks tomorrow. Happy fishing." With a polite wave of her hand, she dismissed Niello then motioned for the next applicant to come hither.

OOCNiello is accepted to be a fisherman in Syliras with a base pay of 4 GM/day.

I will PM your SS thread soon



"My word..." Trega gasped in astonishment as a majestic creature entered the employment office, all eyes instantly turned to the approaching Jamoura. His dark furred-form marching to Trega's desk. The old woman merely stared in awe for a few ticks before she realized her own folly then cleared the throat, "Ahem! W-well, welcome to the Employment Office, Sir..." She took the application then read it thoroughly, "Droth."

Syliras rarely had one of Jamoura, with most of them living so far up north in the Spires, Taldera. However, their gentle and intelligent reputation spread far and wide, especially in this bastion of civilization, Trega respected the long-lived race, but to see them up close, it was a privilege. As expected of their ability, Droth wanted to be a researcher, of course, Sir Devandil Nightshade of the Dra-Kalinor Laboratory would love an apprentice... provided Droth managed to convince him.

"Of course we would love to have you as a researcher, you can go ahead to the Dra-Kalinor laboratory and talk to Sir Devandil, tell him I sent you. If you can convince Ser Devandil Nightshade that is," Trega gave a chuckle then winked at Droth, "I wish you luck, the magecrafter is a rather grumpy sort, but he's a good man inside."

Trega stamped then rolled up the application, after that, she politely dismissed Droth and motioned for the next applicant to come hither.

OOCDroth is accepted to be a Researcher in Syliras with a base pay of 3 GM/day.

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