by Bat on June 5th, 2014, 5:03 pm
Hey there, all! I've heard it said that creatures like Zith, Akvatari and flying Kelvics do not gain points in flying because flying is a natural skill to them. That got me wondering, because I know that flying is more than simply moving from one place to another in the air. I mean, isn't running a skill that comes naturally to creatures with good, functioning legs? And I know we award points for running, if only to judge who runs faster and longer. But if that's the case, then wouldn't it make sense to award flying points for the same thing, determining who flies faster, farther and longer? Or perhaps determining how skilled you are in the air, and how many complicated twists or loops you can do, and how precise you are? Yes, I know that flyers can fly without points, but runners can run without points too, can't they?