Location [Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Garland on August 25th, 2014, 10:54 pm

Garland grew up in these walls and he always found it so daunting. He was coming back from gathering firewood since winter was coming. He nodded to the knights and waited for the gates to be open. The small cart of firewood would be enough to last for a while, maybe he could even sell some of his surplus.

The gates swung open, he saw the archers above, looking down on him, their eyes always on the lookout for trouble. He had to admit that staying on the top of the wall would seem easy, but that's what he thought about when he went out to gather firewood.

He pulled his heavy cart into the city, making sure he went slow because of the old cart he borrowed.
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on August 31st, 2014, 6:03 pm

91 Summer 514

It had been a long journey, coming to Syliras. They'd faced adversity, troubles, and mile after mile of journeying. But eventually they'd made it. It was still early in the day, and by his count the last day of the season of summer. The caravan hadn't gone as quickly as he might have hoped, but it had gotten there all the same.

As they neared the gates, the head of the caravan went ahead to speak to the guards. He couldn't hear what was said, but after a few chimes he turned and waved for them to move forward. After that was a search, as the guards moved through the caravan, checking on the good throughout.

After what seemed like days, but was actually much closer to bells, the inspection was done, and they were allowed inside.

It was at this point his job as a guard for the caravan was done. On he passed, now once more unemployed, and searching for a new means of making his living day to day.

After so long with the repitition of the caravan, the same people, the same jobs, little deviation, it was odd to say goodbye. He hugged a few people he'd met over the course of the trip, smiled, and then said his farewells. The caravan headed one way, to the market, and he headed the other.
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Cantillion on September 21st, 2014, 3:44 am

4th of Fall, 514 AV

Cantillion rode in with a small, happy group. The caravan that had taken him this far, and given him a decent change of clothes, had decided to press on past Syliras once they heard news of increased inspections among the carriages coming into the city. Only one of their carriages stayed on course to Syliras, presumably carrying their legitimate goods. Despite their shady business choices, they had taken him this far, and assured him he would have nothing to fear from slavers once he was within those massive castle walls.

And what walls they were. He had never seen anything like them; the dilapidated ruins of Castle Xy couldn't hope to hold a candle to Stormhold Castle. As the carriage slowed to a halt, and the guards removed everyone from the carriage for an in-depth search of their inventory, Cantillion couldn't help but look over his shoulder. The object of his fear was nowhere to be found, though that didn't necessarily mean he wasn't being hunted. A quick search of the small pack he carried soon followed, but he wasn't phased. He had nothing to hide from these people.

At last, they were allowed to bring the carriage into the safety of Syliras' walls. He trusted his temporary comrades when they said they could find him a place to stay, if only for a short while. They encouraged him to reconsider their offer to stay on with the caravan, but Cantillion quickly shook his head. This city would provide the safe haven he required; a safety that life along the road could never bring. He would do whatever he had to do to stay here, safe and sound.

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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Avline Silverwood on September 21st, 2014, 5:55 am

The moon shone on the area of Sylaris brightly, soft black clouds drifting across it's white, brilliant face; Shadowing the land briefly with no light except for the stars scattered against the midnight blue, velvet sky. The peaceful cries of night creatures fill the still air along with farm animals that are having a midnight snack. The Large wooden doors of Sylaris stand tall and sterdy in the surrounding stone walls that hold the foreign city. The path leading to it light by the moon's light and the golden glow of torches.

The two guards that stand guard one ether side of the gate, seeming to be quite bored, listening to the creatures and taking turns keeping complete watch. Mean while two figures were walking along the path that goes through the Farms to the city gates. One tall and bulky, the other, quite small. The small one somewhat running to keep with the long stride of the tall one; their head down and their body hidden by a dark, forest green cloak that seem to be a bit too big for them.

The guards were alerted to the pair by the heavy foot steps of the tall one and they were some what startled. The tall one was quite a sight, especially the tall one with his thick arms folded, across his broad chest and the thick scar that runs across his right eye to the left side of his bottom lip. The guards acknowledge them and the green cloaked figure raised their head, bright green eyes now peering up at them. The guards eye the tall man, making sure he is not pleged with illness then moves on to the cloaked figure.

"Sorry, but we have to ask you to remove your cloak." One guard says to her in his gruff, tired voice. The Figure nodded and quietly slipped the knot on the cloak loose, and slips the hood down, slowly taking off the cloak with a thumping heart. Silver hair shone brightly in the moon light, white pale skin glowing in the soft light. The guards eye the girl, who was now shivering due to her cloak being removed. They see and looks at eachother; she did not seem to be sick or pleged with illness, but better safe than sorry. "Excuse us miss but are you ill of any sort?" The girl quickly shook her head.
"No, I just get cold easily is all." She says softly and kindly, her voice somewhat soothing. The guards look at eachother then nod, stepping aside.
"Very well, welcome to Sylaris." They said and the gates open slightly to let them pass. The girl bows her head to them, quickly putting her cloak back on as she steps thought the gate, the man following her after she says to them smiling softly. "Thank you, you are doing a good job."
Avline Silverwood

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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Parzival Druva on September 21st, 2014, 4:06 pm


2nd Autumn, 514
Syna had dawned, light pouring across the horizon like the golden strands of her hair. A kind rooster had stirred Parzival from his slumber early enough to witness it: the dawn on the anniversary of his fiftieth year of life; the day he returned home.

He had slipped from the barn in silence, not wishing to disturb the charitable farmer and his wife who had so graciously offered their hay loft as a safe place for him to spend the night. Such things were not uncommon when one travelled the roads of Syliria looking every inch the weary old monk that he was; and yet Parzival insisted upon himself that he never expect it, never ask for it, and never take it for granted. His years invested in the worship and study of Yahal had taught him to adopt many new philosophies: the sacrifice of his selfish desires, and abandonment of greed - material and otherwise - chief among them.

In truth, this last stage of his journey disobeyed those directives slightly. When he had arrived at the farm the previous day, Syna had still been smiling down on the world; another few hours of travel, and Parzival could have reached his destination before nightfall. To wait was a selfish sentiment, an unnecessary delay on his journey: but he hoped that Yahal would not judge him too harshly for this concession. Many thousands of days had passed since he had last been here, too many in fact, and a part of him had one simple, sentimental desire: that his first glimpse of Syliras in all those years would be under the soft, warm light of morning.

The sight did not disappoint. The city was as stunning as it had ever been, though not quite as he remembered. The fortifications always grew over time, new wings and spaces added as the need arose, and thirty years was quite some time; or perhaps age was simply getting the better of his memory.

"What business, traveller?" a guard called, as Parzival's slow march brought him closer to the walls.

Parzival offered a tired smile, leaning a little more heavily on his staff. "Just a weary old man," he explained simply, "Finally making his way back home."

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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Saede Lare on September 23rd, 2014, 12:09 am

Fall 514, Day 91.
Saede walked up to the gates, not really sure what to expect. The walls loomed over her, and the fall wind grazed her skin. She was used to this though, being from up north. She approached the gates, looked up. There were archers there. I wouldn't want to mess up here She thought. She walked up to a guard and greeted him. "Hey, can I just enter or..?" She started. "We'll do a quick check and then you can get through." He said. "Alright." Saede replied. As the guard checked through her sack, she asked if there were any warrior guilds in the area. "Hah! Maybe if you join the guard. Well, I'm sure you'll find something." Saede nodded in reassurance. Maybe the guard wasn't so hard to join. She does need a job, and being a guard could familiarize her with the town. The guard passed back her items, and said. "You're free to enter." "Thanks, I'm Saede by the way." She replied, as she took her first steps into Syliras.
"It doesn't matter who you were. I'm sure anyone here could change, if they wanted to."
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Help with the Fall Harvest OR Winter planting Complete!
Attend the Harvest festival Complete!
Help with repairs around the city
Swim in the suvan

Sass your superiors or play a harmless prank on the knights
Collect mushrooms/herbs in the forest
Help a stranger
Get caught in the rain/snow

Gamble at the Spinning Coin
Sing or play an instrument (Whistling or humming doesn't count)
Visit The Temple of All Gods and learn about a new God or Goddess Complete!
Eat/drink a speciality of a different city/region (i.e. Kelp beer from Zeltiva, Chocolate from Kenash, exotic fruits from Falyndar)

Alternate Characters: Isda Plorall
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Maia Stonesoul on September 23rd, 2014, 8:04 pm

Maia strolled up to the gates trying to look like he knew why he was there, or even where he was. When he saw the guards at the gates checking people's bags he slid the blade of his scythe under his coat and leaned on it like a cane.
He lifted his bag for the guard to check it, trying not to start any conversation or questioning.
The guard checked through the bag and gave Maia a nod of approval.
"Thank you sir, good day" Maia stated as a feeling of relief rushed over him.
"Now I just need to find out we're I bloody am" He mumbled to himself as he made his way through the gate, trying not to stare at the archer towers overhead.
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Sayana on September 25th, 2014, 11:37 pm

By the time Sayana reached the imposing gates she was exhausted and her six arms hung limply at her sides without her usual animated gestures. She had been pushing herself hard over the last couple days and was nearly out of rations. Despite her fatigue, her brown eyes were wide and bright, knowing that she had successfully reached her destination. She approached the gates on foot for she had lost her horse during her travels. But that’s a story for another day.

One of the Syliran Knights approached her with a mild look of curiosity, taking in the mountless Eypharian with worn clothes and a haggard look about her. “What is your name and business in Syliras?” He asked and eyed her trying to decide if her apparent exhaustion could correspond to illness.

“My name is Sayana and I seek refuge here,” she replied. “And I wish to make purchases at the markets of Syliras,” she added quickly as if to prove she was worthy to be let in and that she wasn’t going to be a drain on the city. It was mostly her pride that she was trying to preserve and she straightened her posture as she waited for the guard’s response.

The knight didn’t think she was that threatening and after another look over, he decided she wasn’t any more exhausted or sick looking than other travelers after a long voyage. “Here at Syliras we welcome travelers. You can find a place to stay in Traveler’s Row to the left as you enter the city. Or if you have coin to spare, there are taverns further in.” He paused, “And to the right are our famous markets in the Nettle District.”

As gate opened and Sayana walked through she felt relieved to finally be out of the wild. She headed towards the taverns hoping to find a hot meal and a place to sleep, not caring if it cost her.
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Varon on September 27th, 2014, 8:17 am

15th of Fall, 514AV

The sun was beginning to set by the time Varon saw the entrance to Syliras. He reached up to wipe away a few droplets of sweat that were threatening to fall into his eyes. It had been a long journey from his homeland of Sultros, and he was glad it was finally over. Not just for his own, but for his horse's sake as well. The chestnut colored stallion was re ady to collapse, and moving through sheer willpower alone.

It only took a few moments for the pair to reach the gate. As they approached the two guards, Varon dismounted his horse and led him the rest of the way. He didn't want to give the human guards the feeling that he thought less of them.

"Greetings Isur, what brings you to Syliras?" The first guard to speak up was a middle aged man, whose features gave him the look of a much older man.

"Just stopping here for a while," Varon explained to the guard. In truth he was unsure exactly how long he planned to stay, but he decided not to bore the men with such trivial details.

"Well that's fine, just be sure not to start any trouble.We welcome visitors here, but we won't tolerate you starting anything." This time it was the second guard who answered. It was a much younger man who looked like he had just attained knighthood. He was clearly nervous, and kept glancing at the axe strapped to Varon's back.

"Understood," Varon replied as he reached out to take his bag back from the older guard. Now that the guards seemed convinced he was not a threat to the city they waved him into the open gate. "Oh yeah," He said as he paused in the middle of the gate. "Know a place where I can get a drink?"

"Just head straight in you'll see a tavern or two on your left."
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Azure Darling on October 10th, 2014, 4:09 pm

Azure gasped as she walked carefully almost making sure where her feet meet the path every step was where she wanted it to be. Looking ahead making sure nothing was in the way to where she was heading. The look of lost and confused was over her as she took in a deep breath as the city walls came into her views.

"Home sweet home" she said quietly to herself as she moved her hair out of the way as she guard look her over looking into her bag finding food and with a bow and arrows strapped to her back she explained to as she was learning to the ways of the bows. Bowing her head softly to the guard as the papers shown she was a resident of this place and he let her in. Azure didn't really need a horse she could always change to her other half to help her get somewhere faster if she felt like it but taking in all the details was something Azure loved to do.

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