I'm very fond of playing a certain class, which involves stalking, sneaking,
But I've noticed that some of the needed skills, for example, Stealth, are a stub in the wiki. A question - can I somehow contribute the material to a Storyteller for moderation and review as my character learns those skills, to contribute to this community in the aspect? Also, Stealth includes many tips and hints, and in the 'moving' part it closely tied to Acrobatics in certain situations, as well as Disguise - I'd love to have a talk with someone to clear this for me. I really don't quite understand why this skill hasn't been expanded.
Here I beforehand apologize for my illiteracy, I might have done my homework not attentively enough.
My character, in future, might want to study humanity disciplines, such as Law, History, Politics, other Languages, etc. (resourceful, as I've said before). However, she'd probably seek for a school of sorts to do so.
To make it short:
- do such cities/organisations exist?
- who (even which NPC) might she talk to to lean about that school/academy/etc., and from whom might she learn such things as, say, the price for learning (as such places are usually costly, need upkeeping and also filtering ones who can't afford the prestige unless these places are government-financed?)?
Will do more reading, but please, if I've missed out a city/organisation, point me out at it.
When introducing a new Skill (from the above mentioned and one more), could I adress someone to discuss, help edit it and make it fit the whole system before I post a 'draft' and 'finished writeup' versions?
Thank you.
P.S. Also, um, in which form and who do I best adress for a personal quest/training thread verification? Can I make my own small quests/events? Who could take a look at them?