Full Name: Rayakoona, though “Yoona” is a friendly nickname that she’s come to use in reference to herself. Race: Chaktawe Gender: Female Age: 23 years Birthday: The 77th Day of Spring, 491 AV Birthplace: Eloab There can be no doubts that Yoona is, indeed, a lady. She’s got the feminine curves to prove it, with hips that seem to be of the perfect size, and she’s well-endowed in the chest region—put your eyes back in their sockets, gentlemen—a trait that she almost certainly inherited from her mother. Yoona is also quite tall, standing at 6’3”, and weighs a startling 187 pounds, though you couldn’t tell by looking at her and probably wouldn’t believe it if she told you. At the same time, there’s a lot of visible muscle in that build of hers, namely in her arms and legs; the limbs, slim and shaded in a tanned-bronze, are a testament to the woman’s physical strength. She has a small, somewhat oval-shaped face and almond-shaped eyes, the pupils and sclera alike the color of the darkest of nights. Her lips are thin but constantly curved in either a smirk or a frown. Her hair, a black much like her eyes, is short and goes no further than below her ears, where the ends are ragged and roughened; it was much longer at one point, but she’d cut it short later on with a flaying knife because it bothered her. Long hair is a burden in hot weather if you can't manage it. Yoona wears a large necklace of sorts that's adorned with layers of grey and black feathers, all of varying sizes, which line it and hang over her dark brown bodice. The wrap on her hips is a darker brown. Torn strips of a similar material are wrapped around both of her forearms, having an appearance similar to bandages. Like most other Chaktawe, Yoona never wears shoes. Yoona’s a tough cookie, with a tongue as sharp as the sand-laced desert winds. She’s incredibly unfiltered, comfortable with speaking her mind at all times and giving straightforward, blunt truths, save for the few times when she knows it might be better to stay quiet. The woman also has a short temper. Being friends with her is like constantly walking on paper-thin ice; you’re never sure what will set her off and what won’t, as her tolerance seems to shift with the seasons. On those much-too-occasional moments where she flies into a maddened rage, everything and everyone within a two-yard radius ends up being caught in the ensuing mayhem. Yoona is also wary of strangers, and distrustful towards most of the people that she meets. Perhaps going hand in hand with her temper is her strong sense of pride and self-worth. Yoona is wholly confident in her own abilities, and invites challenges, more than willing to defend her personal honor if the need arises. She enjoys obstacles and having her skills put to the test, almost as much as she enjoys learning new things. Yoona is exceptionally fascinated with languages, and becomes hellbent on learning one once she comes across a language that interests her. Common was her first self-taught language, and though she isn’t much more than an amateur at it, Yoona insists on speaking as much of it as possible. As a result, it’s with certain fervor that she pursues conversations, and even if she can’t fully understand what someone else is saying, she’ll try her best and mimic as well as she can. When one manages to get close to the woman—the hardships that come with that are plenty—one could see a slightly different side of her. On the outside, Yoona can be quite the stand-offish woman, but she’s still capable of compassion and friendliness. It just takes a lot of time, effort, and patience to reach her more reasonable core. Yoona is adept in Tawna, her native language. Because of her travels, she’s grown to be decent with Common as well, but only knows a handful of important phrases and words, so only uses the latter tongue when it’s absolutely necessary to speak to others. During those times, conversations can be a little choppy. |