Timestamp: 2nd of Summer; 514 AV "Alright! I can't usher you all into the new season considering the 1st of Summer is already behind us, but allow me to invite you all to participate in the first event of the Antiquities' Society of this season!!!" The scattered crowd started to unite under the booming voice of the Akalak standing on stage, many raising their drinks and responding to the statement with an equally loud voice, shouting their excitement to existence. Most of the attendees were either members of employees of the Society and dying to know what Maltar & Ruvan had in store for them. The ones who've been here for previous events knew it was always a blast and a rewarding 'class' all in itself, educationwise. "For this year's event, we decided to have a ratrace, having all of you running around...Without breaking anything!...In search of clues and answers as we set you on a Signs & Symbols Hunt! The flyers with the game's description and very first 'clue' to set you on your way, can be found at the building's gates! Have FUN!" He had barely been allowed to finish his speech, before the crowd buzzed about and scurried off towards the gates as one giant mass of colors and limbs. Prakash and Drath weren't above doing just that and they quickly snatched a flyer from amidst the crowd and broke free of the masses as they moved to the opposite side of the entrance to get some breathing room and analyze what exactly they were looking at. The flyer was colorful and had lots of text scribbled all over it, informing the reader of the rules of the 'race', Prakash quickly glanced over the text, but his attention kept being diverted to the small line at the bottom of the flyer, written in a special manner as to make sure it wasn't overlooked. "4 sections, 3 stages, 2 leaders and 1 beginning, it is there that the first key can be found!" A cryptic allegorical code, not exactly the young Akalak's forte; Cursing, Prakash and Drath started to attempt and decypher the phrase until they broke free of their trance and looked around, only to see a few people around him and several back in the courtyard, savouring the free drinks and appetizers. 'The others must have gone on luck and search for the next key with hapchance in mind!' 'Stop thinking about them and focus on this code! I'll be honest, I can't think of anything for the life of me...' |