36th of Summer, 514 AV 4th Bell The past day or so in Sahova proved to be a roller coaster ride she never thought she’d experience if you had asked her a decade ago when she was chained to a man who preferred an iron fist, nix the velvet, to handle her with. It didn’t take long for her to find the Common Labs after she settled down in the Quarters she was allowed to stay in as a current visitor, hopefully soon resident, of the island. She left Jasper back in her room not entirely sure if she was allowed to bring him into the labs and the last thing she wanted to was make waves before she passed her Judgment. After her Judgment, well that’s when she’d stop tip toeing around the others inhabiting the Citadel. She had no doubt she could create pieces of beautiful, yet novice, work but she wasn’t entirely sure the little she knew would be enough to sway the scale in her favor. The lab she chose to enter was one of the quieter ones though there were still quite a few others inhabiting it. Each step the Eypharian took with bare feet led her in a graceful sway towards the shelves and cabinets that housed the ingredients she would need to create something that would hopefully impress her abilities upon the arbitrators. She had no idea what she would want to make, there were so many options but she also had no idea what sat on these shelves and that could either limit or help her in her quest to become an apprentice. She wasted no time as her deep black eyes scanned the shelves of bones and animal remains trying to find the perfect one. Rats….mice….squirrels….rabbits….fish….bat…. Carcasses lined the shelves and her mind swirled with the possibilities of what something could become. Fingers of a hand traced over the delicate bones of a rabbit’s foot before moving on to the bat’s skull and slowly a smile crept across her lips, twisting at the corners. Ideas flooded her mind and before she knew it she was plucking both the rabbit’s skeleton and the bat’s from the shelf. Looking around she spotted a quiet corner where no one else would bother her so she moved over there to set down her findings. Now she just needed some tools to carve the delicately small bones she had chosen to work with. Moving from her station she searched for several moments for something to use on the bones in the process of her new creations. She found carving first but a frown crossed her lips, carving would not do the bones were to weak for such stress to be put on them. A few more moments of searching and she found a few paints and a tiny brush that should work nicely. Unfortunately the items she created would not last long as when the paint finally began to wear down they’d become useless. Paint was not her preferred medium when it came to items but it would do for the purpose of the judgment. She didn’t have the time she might have other wised put into the project with attempting carving. A deep breath through her nose she used it to calm her fluttering nerves knowing the next few days were going to be the longest in her life until she knew the outcome of her possible apprenticeship. The tall Eypharian moved back to her stool and slid into her seat getting comfortable for the next few hours. Leaning forward she let her lowest arms fall into her lap for now while the middle set were used as a support for her form against the table. It was time to get started. Slowly, carefully she started with the rabbit’s bones that were sitting in front of her. Moving them to the forefront of her attention she left them on the table for now deciding that handling them as little as possible until she was ready would be the best course of action. What did she want to create? Rabbits had so many properties to them that her mind spun with the ideas. It had to be something she could easily show to the judges so that they would see the properties at play. Her eyes scanned the bones slowly until finally they settled on the hind leg and then traveled along the length of the spine. Perfect. Reaching up she carefully grabbed the ever-long ebony locks and twisted them in a swirl so that the strands would stay out of her way for now, once she did that her hands came back down to the rabbit and she slowly started deconstructing the skeleton. One piece at a time she would separate the bones, though she left the foot complicated structure intact, and then laid them next to each other bit by bit so when they were laid out they made the same shape of the rabbit only disjointed now. Setting the pieces she didn’t want or need off to the side she took a deep breath and just sat there for a long moment imagining the process in her mind. She did not want to have to do this over again as her time before the Judgment was limited and she still had to make a second piece and test them both. |